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Test Mode????
How do you get into test mode on a Motorola v60s??????
I ccould help you. what do you want to do with the testmode?......
their is a whole bunch of neat programming options in the programming.. It has to be done all in within 10 sec. with no long pause.
I believe you can get to testmode here!
Press [7][4][6][6][3] + [#] + Menu[Center Key]
+ Menu[Center Key
The other might be this.
Press Menu[Center Softkey] + [0][7][3][8][8][7] + [*]
That's not working. I want to just check out the phone. Maybe set it to digital only. I know on my Samsung you hit pound 000000 and it let's you in.
I know for a fact that the to get into the programming of the phone it is either
p h o n e # menu menu
Menu 7 3 8 8 7 *
No it is 74663 menu menu. Then you will have to figure out the service code! 🤣 🤣
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