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Verizon doesn't charge an upgrade fee through any of their outlets, be it indirect or corporate, correct?
They do, I believe online is the only way without a fee. Most stores are $20, but having said that some indirects are different. We only charge $10, and charge nothing if it's a line with a NE2 credit.
Feb 12, 2012, 11:01 PM
Corporate stores out in the west don't charge anything extra to upgrade. I've heard that eastern stores still do.
I work for an indirect and we don't charge the upgrade fee.
There is only an upgrade fee on annual upgrades. Which are being phased out anyway. Regular upgrades are the contract price on the phone. NE2 credits are taken off the contract price in store.
I work at an east coast indirect and am only speaking for my company. I know every place is different, but I have never had anyone come in and say "The other store charged me a $__ upgrade fee!"
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