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11 days and counting til the OFFICIAL unveiling of the Galaxy SIII!!!!!!
Can't wait!!! Thursday May 3rd, 11am pacific time!!!
All the rumors will be put to rest! I hope Samsung is prepared to *IMPRESS*
http://m.androidcentral.com/samsung-unveil-ga laxy-s-iii-london-may-3
well let's hope that VZW gets a hold of these devices. I wanted a Galaxy sII or the note but i refuse to change carriers for a device so i got the Rezound. Im crossing my fingers that the Android selection from VZW becomes just as vast as ATT and even Sprint's
I was going to upgrade early to the current Galaxy that's out before the upgrade fee kicks in..I guess I am that damn cheap that i want to save $35 or whatever the fee is. Thoughts?
Do it!!! Besides the Galaxy Nexus will receive the next update, Jelly Bean. Do it! I emailed you that link that Verizon lowered the Nexus to $199, but be sure to compare prices with Radio Shack & Best Buy.
Yeah I got the Droid X on Amazon so I am gonna start there and look around different places.
If you are seriously considering the Journal then wait because there is no phone which compares to that behemoth.
Well that phone is huge. Is the nexus a big phone? I have big hands myself and was having a hard time texting with it
Yes. The Nexus IS a big phone, but it is a baby compared to the Note (Journal).
Maybe the reason they didn't puck up the S2 is because they got the Galaxy Nexus.
makes perfect sense....
I certainly hope Vzn gets the S3 when Samsung gets around to the U.S.!!! Samsung seems to care more about the U.K. & Europe than the U.S. as sad as it is.
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