considering switching to lg camera phone but am concerned about it being only dual band ... have always been SOLD on the idea tri-mode IS the way to go ... aside from gsm(?) .. WILL I NOTICE A DIFFERENCE WITH DUAL MODE PHONE? ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
Nov 24, 2003, 7:30 PM
dual mode just eliminates analog feature, which is not that useful anyways, usually if you go into analog it has a lot of static, drains battery quicker and drops calls. Dual for the 6000 camera phone supports 800mhz and 1900mhz digital, so I think personaly getting rid of the analog feature is cool since all analog service will be eliminated eventually and will be all digital anyways. 😉
Just so there's no confusion.... you wouldn't be switching to a dual-mode phone. You would be switching to a dual-band phone. A dual-band phone picks up both CDMA 800Mhz and PCS 1900Mhz digital signals. The truth of the matters is that if you are in an area that still switches to analog mode every now and then, you may notice a difference. You would simply not have service in analog areas because a digital only phone has no analog chipset. If you've never notice you phone switching to analog, you wont notice a difference. To tell you the truth, in 5 years there wont be any analog anymore. 😁
But five years is a long time...
I use a dual mode a530, On Long Island several of my friends have LG tri-modes. their phones switch to analog all the time, even as my Samsung is receiving 3 of 5 bars right next to them. Not really sure why but it seems to me tri-modes experience switching problems.
Then VZW better do something about digital signal quality. Some areas have to depend on analog availabilty, because digital is not reliable.
This is why VZ may be going from a Digial/PCS phone to a digital/Analog Phone.
Analog is going bye-bye, no matter which area you're in. The FCC has a mandate that all cellular service MUST be digital in less than a decade (this point might have already been stated, I'm not sure). If you think digital cell service is unreliable, try replacing the entire digital network across the us with an analog one. You'll notice:
Constant busy signals. God forbid you ever try to talk while moving, because the handoff from one tower to the next would probably drop you completely, since the tower it was trying to transfer you to is in all likelihood full.
No wireless net, no high-speed digital transfers, no TXT, nothing.
People have such fond memories of their analog phones...but when analog phones were out there were muc...
Analog is going away, but if you happen to be in a remote area that has yet to switch to Digital, I don't think you want to sit and wait up to a decade for them to build digital towers if you can get through today via an analog (agreeably inferior quality) signal.
I believe in belt and suspenders. Until we are 100% digital, if you can, get the insurance of the tri-mode.
All the supposed problems you cite for analog, already exist on digital. Neither is reliable enough to stand alone, at this point.