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Do you know of any new LG phones or other phones coming out soon? I need a new one but not sure about the current selections? Any news on the VX4500??
If by "news" you mean "do I know a release date?" , I have no news. I wont know about the release date until about a week before it hits the public. I can tell you I'm looking forward to seeing how the 4500 and 4600's fair in the publics' eye. They are sweet phones, but not very attractive. What phone do you have right now? btw.
I have the Kyocera 2235 right now. Works good but I want a color flip phone. The camera deal doesn't really excite me but I would like a speakerphone.
Its surprising you have held onto the 2235 this long. Its got a long history of problems with the screen and such. My advice to you is that if the Kyocera is working out for you right now, hold off on getting a new phone until the 4500 comes out. It will be well worth the wait, especially coming from a 2235. lol. 😁
Cool. I think I will do that. Does the 4500 have a speakerphone and will I miss the analog coverage?
where do you live? which state and city? From everyhing i've heard, the 4500 does have a speaker phone, yes.
Odds are that your phone never really switches to analog in the first place. Analog is only really a concern for those living on the western half of the US. Almost the whole east coast is all digital. I really dont think you'll miss analog one bit.
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