Oct 24, 2003, 7:02 AM
Where are all of the folks from the old Verizon thread (Veldhouse, Yuk Fu, Larry, etc.)? Is there another forum that I'm missing? The Verizon forum was very, very active prior to the new format.
Just wondering.....
Oct 24, 2003, 9:26 AM
Yes... Very Boaring Now...
No interesting posts... No debates...
Oct 24, 2003, 9:27 AM
What do you think happened? Do people not know about the revised forum?
That was and still is a public USENET group. This is not.
Oct 24, 2003, 11:39 AM
Hopefully they will start using this forum... The heated discussions were pretty good...
Yeah, I sort of miss all the name calling and etc. It's gone from too many posts to read to the other extream, hopefully, it will pick up. It has, to some extent.
Maybe we can just make some sort of insult to those who are here, we can get something started. hum?
This group is moderated so any name calling will get you banned. However there is a lounge area where you can make off topic posts.
What are you 2 this is a informational MSG board for people with legitimate problems, People asking questions, And general knowledge of Verizon Wireless.
If you want name calling and immaturity you could go somewhere else. I actually like the moderation. It filters out the Pigs and the no good People that need to not be here.
Oct 28, 2003, 4:50 PM
Lighten up Francis - my guess is that he made that comment in jest. A little too much caffeine perhaps?
Oct 29, 2003, 3:52 PM
Well, I have legitimate problems and I am a people asking questions... Not a pig.. Well, I am actually a fat pig, but I will abide by your wisdome of sticking to verizon questions and answers...
I am happy that the name callers are gone... Although I did learn some new 4 letter words..
But, I miss the heated discussions between the Verizon wannabe's and the Verizon Suits...
As far as this board goes... It has gone lame... Little to know discussion or information..
Thank god CCCCC1CCCCCC or whowever that was is gone though...
Where's larry though... Would always get a good laugh from him... 🤣
He asked a ?, and I answered it. I don't see anything wrong w/his ? or my answer.
Neither one of us said that we wanted name calling, and immaturity. You should read his message again, and you will see your response is not warranted. I think you were assuming something that was incorrect.
I also prefer the moderation. 😉
So have a Coke and smile and be like Fonzi be cool.
Nov 4, 2003, 3:10 PM
Someone mentioned that the former group that posted regularly on this forum are still active elsewhere. I agree some of them were children, but I was able to gain valuable knowledge from them, and they don't appear to be coming here anytime soon. Anyone know where that group link might be?
They are still there at alt.cellular.verizon - it's this forum that is no longer pointing to that Usenet group.
The operator of the site had been providing a web-based gateway to that and other Usenet groups as a service to his readers. He has chosen to drop that service and implement in-house forums instead.