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vx6000 reception
I recently purchased two vx6000 phones to replace my 2235 kyocera phones. I am very surprised with my the reception. With the kyocera I had no problem with calls even with 1 bar of signal. Now even with 2-4 bars I notice my calls sound garbled like I'm underwater on both phones. Is it because it is not tri-mode like the kyocera? HELP I only have 7 more days for my return. Will the new Samsung be tri-mode with or without a camera???
It is dual mode and it holds more phone numbers.. I don't know about the RF... But I do know that you might not see the phone in time b/c it is suppose to come out in Austin at leaset what I heard on the 18th. Mabey I also heard the 12th. Who knows..
how do you think the new audiovox 8900 will compare? is it tri-mode? i am thinking about settling for the vx4400 or the a-530 your input please?
Yes it is tri-mode. Other than that the other question I can't answer..
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