GSM can refer to 2 things
1. Global System for Mobile Communications - a specific communcation standard
2. Any standard adoped by the GSM foundation as the "global standard for mobile communications" including GSM, GRPS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, HUSPA, HUSPA+ , LTE and LTE Advanced
CDMA can refer to 3 things
1. Code Division Multiple Access - a channel access method imployed in many different broadcast technologies, including GSM standards UMTS, HSPA, HUSPA and HUSPA+
2. IS-95 or CDMAone a specific communication standard developed by Qualcom, commonly refered to as "CDMA" because it was the first standard to use the CDMA chanel access method
3. Any version of the Qualcom standard and it's revisio...
I think some people just stick to their companies forum and don't venture into others.
I did totally anticipate more responses in the verizon forum though.