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Should I get one? (Free Nexus S at Best Buy - Today Only)
Aug 3, 2011, 11:38 AM
I've been using an unlocked Nokia E71 on AT&T for over two years now. I was thinking of waiting until the next iPhone comes out, just to see what Apple has to offer. If I go the Android route, the Nexus S seems like a nice choice since it's running pure Gingerbread. The lack of 4G and a dual-core CPU doesn't seem like a huge deal for me.
Background: I am not a smartphone power user, in the sense that I don't view videos often and I don't use a smartphone to listen to music. (I'm kinda finicky when it comes to sound quality, so I use my Sony Walkman MP3 player for that purpose.) I'm not a major apps hog. All I need is Google Maps, a web browser, the ability to synch to an ActiveSync type enterprise calendar, and a decent camera with ...
Aug 3, 2011, 12:42 PM
One thing I'd like to say is that you wouldn't have to give up your texting plan.
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