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Galaxy S2 owners...
Every time I set up the "buddies now" widget with contacts, they are removed within a day. The widget stays on my home screen, but the contact I assigned to it is removed. So the next day I have all these buddies now widgets that don't have any contacts assigned. I was curious to know if anybody else is having this issue, and if anybody knows what I can do to fix it. Thanks.
Oct 28, 2011, 12:29 PM
I only use the widget for two buddies (one to just instantly call my mom, the other for my best friend) and it hasn't acted up for me. Instead of using it for a whole bunch, try just one or two and see if the same thing happens.
So far it's worked. It would be nice to have more than two though.
Nov 3, 2011, 9:24 AM
I'm not sure why it would be a problem with more than two. Try adding one every day or two and then see how high you can get before it starts getting buggy. This might be something Samsung wants to address...
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