Thinking of ditching Sprint for AT&T
Also, I can give you $100 off a new phone, I'll post that promo when i'm at my computer.
There are a lot of reasons to consider a particular carrier, but don't buy into AT&T being more advanced than Sprint or Verizon.
Mark this post. AT&T will not have your market live in 2012.
acdc1a said:
And how often will you be talking and surfing the net?
Mark this post. AT&T will not have your market live in 2012.
Anytime I am driving and using GPS for guidance...
FM Radio and dumb phone data plan. UL for $10...`
XDa Developers is the place to go for custom ROMS and Kernels and really make the device yours without any ATT or Samsung bloat.
Tarheel4life said:
I'm thinking of ditching Sprint for AT&T. Considering the Galaxy SII. Anyone know when or if AT&T will have LTE in Greenville, SC? Any feedback on the phone would also be appreciated....
DO IT.... But get your upgrade and sell it and use the money to buy an international SGS II i9100 and sign up for ATT's $10 dumb phone MediaNET plan for unlimited data. I gave them the actual IMEI of both mine and my wifes i9100 and they offered the MediaNet plan.
We won't be getting LTE in Myrtle Beach until 2013 and they have never been on time. 3G is spotty here so I would never pay them $30 a month for data. I use WIFi 80% of the time.
I have not used a Carrier branded locked phone sinc...