Palm OS
Which is better a Palm 650 or a Blackberry 7250??
For work I need to get a phone that will allow me to access the internet web browser, check email, receive pages/text messages.
I want something with a bright colour screen, that is easy to use and is good i've narrowed my search down to the Palm650 or the Blackberry 7250....what is better & why!!!!!!?
Thanks soooooo much!
I recently moved away from a 650 (after 3 replacements in 6 months) as the call reception and cell functionality left a number of gaps. I loved the functionality, but as a cell not.
The BB is great but it readily turns you into an email addict! Wife takes mine away now on weekends, grin! As a cell it is marginal.
1. No speaker phone (none of models do)
2. No camera (none of the models have them)
3. The ringer as well as the voice are kind of low when driving its hard to hear
I couldn't be happier with my TREO650:
It has 18 applications and I could care less if there are any apps out there for palm.
Advice: Keep it factory setting with max memory open for contacts, email, etc. Most people who are experiencing probs are the ones installing 3rd party apps which don't close properly when finished.
List of apps I use that came with my TREO: World phone, Contacts, calendar,tasks,memos, MP3 player, MPG1 video player, camera, camcorder,native excel, native word,...