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General UTStarcom discussions:
Oct 18, 2011, 10:02 PM
I'm rocking the new uPhone by UTStarcom
it's pretty cool... so yeah. I have not seen a phone by them... ever.
This room has been abandoned for over a year
I think I know where to post my depressive stuff now 😁
Rich or Erics???
Why arent the new UTS's for cricket on the site yet??
2 replies
Coke v. Coke zero
coke sucks monkey testicles.
16 replies
When will we have page 2
Does no love UTStarcom.
Verizon Boulder won't learn words to use in T9 mode ??
I have a Verizon Wireless Casio C711 Boulder that I'm having difficulty teaching new words to as I text. All my previous phones (and I've had quite a few 😉 ) just seemed to add the words into the handset dictionary automatically once I went to the "abc" mode and typed it in. This new Boulder isn't learning from me. I am constantly having to go from "T9" back to "abc" to type in the very same word that I typed in hours ago. 😕 Does anyone know how I can change this? Thanks in advance!! 🙂
2 replies
I wonder if Verizon is going to have an exlusive on this phone, or if it will only be an exclusive for a certain amount of time like the razrs. This phone could make me a ton of money. I hope it's a good phone!
5 replies
UT Starcom is now called PDC
Ut Starcom is now called PDC which stands for persona device C (something)
2 replies
New CDMA starcom smartphone
Anybody know of a new smartphone to arrive at US Cellular with windows mobile 6.0 on it. I heard a rumor
...or "audiovox"
You decide.
2 replies
Verizon XV6800
Does anyone else have this phone yet besides myself? I've had it for 2 days and the e-mail sync has worked a grand total of 1.2 hours out of the last 48. And I've been waiting for tech assistance to get back to me for 15 hours. So far I've done 3 hard resets and 1 soft reset because no one knows why this phone sucks so bad yet. The phone LOOKS cool and SEEMS to have awesome options but unfortunately I haven't even been able to look at how "cool" the phone is since it hasn't worked and I've been with Tech on the phone 3 times already for 5 hours. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
i claim this forum in the name of the Don!
11 replies
syncing the ppc 6700 with windows vista operating system
I purchased a Toshiba laptop with the Windows Vista Home Prem op system. When I try to sync my 6700 phone contacts with the laptop all it wants to sync is the photos and music and I have no photos or music on this phone. Does anyone know how to do this - sync the contacts? I am trying to get the contacts from my phone to the new laptop. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
1 reply