Motorola RAZR2 V9m
Phone as modem and Sprint vs. AT&T
I am aware that the RAZR2 V9 and V9m can be used as a modem for a laptop. I believe this can be done via Bluetooth or USB, is that right?
Also, what plans are actually necessary to support this functionality? I currently have sprint, so I'm familiar with their Power Vision offerings. Is the Power Vision Ultimate sufficient? What is the AT&T equivalent?
Finally, any knowledgeable sources on the differences between the Sprint and AT&T versions are invited to share their thoughts. Realistically, I'm looking for the most, best functionality that this phone has to offer, for the lowest price.
Any guidance is helpful. Thanks.
It used to be that with Vision services, if you could figure out how to connect with your phone then you were OK and you could sign on, even anonymously. Not so anymore.
If you try to connect with any phone with Sprint and you DON'T have the PAM plan, it won't connect. I have discussed this with tech support, and the ability is disabled.