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Motorola RAZR2 V9m


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Razr v9m Down with the Slickness!!!


Mar 21, 2009 by bobby2284

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I had this phone on Verizon. At the time I got it cause I had a Razr MaxXx and this phone looked alot nice and I saw something on TV with Jay-Z and he had this phone, so I figured it was one baller style phone. It is!!! The screens are really nice and the touch keys on the outside are too. Very Good camera, video camera, web browsing etc. As far as a regular (nondata) phone this is my favorite phone I have ever had and I have had 100's of phones. Its very durable compared to any similar phones too. I threw this phone out of my camaro going 50+mph and found it the next day (had to buy a battery and battery cover since I couldnt find them) and the phone still functioned perfectly, screens were not broken just minor scratches on the metal edges which I sanded down later, lol. Also when I replaced the battery I got the extended life, since it comes with the battery cover it ends up being the same price. My biggest complaint about this phone is the battery life and its ALOT better with the extended life and it really doesnt stick too far out either compared to most extended life batteries. Anyway its a very nice phone great loud speaker quality, call quality in general is very good to and clear, which is more than I can say for alot of the phones these days which sound mechanical or digitized at best most of the time. It was pricey, but at the time it had about the best specs of any phone you could buy and was baller metallic espresso lookin slickness so you should have expected to pay 300 dollars for it, lol. Anyway it is a really good phone. Never had a problem with it...

Best Verizon Phone Yet


Sep 1, 2008 by cellphone11

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I have the v9m, v3m, and the Chocolate 3. I've had a lot of Verizon phones (too many to mention). This is without a doubt the best phone I have or have had. I thought the e815 wouldn't be beat but Motorola did it with this one! The reception and voice quality is the best. Without having an external antenna I couldn't imagine having better reception than the e815 but the v9m does. I did a side by side comparison with the Chocolate 3 and in an area I knew had very weak reception. I wasn't able to make a call on the Chocolate 3 and was able to have a crystal clear conversation with the v9m.

Pros: Audio quality and reception(THE BEST!, which is #1 priority for me). Solid construction and quality build(very durable).

Cons: Heavy, poor battery life, back cover comes off too easy(pops off if you drop it)

Pros far outweigh the cons. This is definitely a phone for its intended purpose(hearing, being heard, and reception everywhere) with the added bonus of a great media player and great aesthetics.

Thin, Sleek, but aexpensive


Apr 18, 2008 by rascaljordan

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I've had a Razr 2 for little over a month now. I like the phone it has good graphics and a good camera but it gets dirty(fingerprints) easily due to the polished metal.

-good 2 mp camera
-thin frame
-large touch sensitive external screen
-great sound quality
-large internal screen
-doesn't have the big chin like the Razr

-gets dirty easily
-really wide
-keys are far apart and a little hard to text with
-I've heard stories of the screen breaking because the owner put it in their back pocket and sat on it

All in all it's a great phone if you can afford it. I would recommend getting insurance because if you drop it or sit on it it will easily break.

Its thin and its In


Apr 13, 2008 by Chef Brd-Jason

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Today's society likes thin smart phones, unfortunatly its hard to mix a phone thats thin and computer-like technology. Any ways the phones that aren't smart phones are phones that are directed towards the youth, and this phone is one of them.
The razr2 v9m contains alot of great features such as;
-The ability to read your messages and view contacts without having to open the phone.
-A large external touch screen.
-a thin metal frame.
-2mp camera
-It no loger has that obnoxious arch at the bottom of the phone.
-The screen is nice and large
-nice flat solid metal keys
-great sound quality
-Easy to text with, has predictive text with t9.

unfortunatly there are some disadvantages to the phone such as;
-Expencive,Crickets price is $399( you could buy an iphone,voyager, sidekick lx, helio ocean or any other smart phone with that kind of money).Alltel, At&t,Verizon Wireless, and T-mobiles prices are $199, but still thats a large price to pay for a phone thats not considered a smart phone.
-The battery life, it tends to have a short battery life.
-the screens not very good for watching tv on.
-Even though it's thin its really wide.
-the keys come off as easy as the other phones with razr like keys.

Overall i believe its worth a 4.5, but i wouldn't recomend it as a business use phone, it is mostly a show off style type of phone and one for the youth, recomended ages 12 and up(because its rather expencive and if you break it you practically have to buy a new one).

Not too bad, But not the best


Jan 8, 2008 by GURU-SYR

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So I have many many of the newest phones out there. The RAZR2 really caught my eye. I was using the LG-VX10000 (Voyager) but thought the RAZR2 could "top" it. So here it is:

Huge inside and outside display
Awesome form factor (size & shape)
Very loud mp3 player
Good speaker phone

Sound quality is ok but not what it could be
***Text I.D.- I want to set a ringtone for a "personalized" text alert.My LG-VX8300 was the last one that could do it, Now thats a phone!! ;)

Overall its a very cool and functional phone. But if you know exactly what you want in a phone (Text I.D., Battery life, etc...)then it may not be the phone for you. But if you want the "BLING" factor, then this may be the devicde for you. Happy Shopping!

FYI- I went back to my VOYAGER but now back to my 8300. It's the BEST of BOTH worlds!!

Awesome Phone!!! (Sprint)


Oct 18, 2007 by DOC_Dude

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Finally Sprint got great Motorola! I have never been a Razr fan at all, but after trying out this Razr2 V9m I am in love! I have tried all the Sprint Motorola's, including the Nextel phones and have never had one for more then a week or two, but this one's a keeper! I'm not going to bore you with all the pro's and con's for this phone because enough people already have. What I will tell you is not only is this phone great looking, but it feels great in the hand. It's functions meet all the needs I have. Yeah there could be more, but if there were they would not have anything to build up to with the next phone. As I have read here, some people are never happy unless they have it all... their way.

For those of you who have never had a Razr, this is the best one on the market, and for those of you who are Razr fans, you are sure to love this phone. I highly recommend this phone to anyone on the Sprint network.

I did not give it a complete 5, because no phone is ever perfect, so I rated it as close to a 5 as I could.

I am impressed (Sprint Version)


Sep 6, 2007 by jholz

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Great feel in hand. Seemingly sturdy. Maybe because of its weight.
Speakers sound good (not as good as my A920 did, though)
iTap (T9) allows user generated dictionary.
Nice looking screens. Sprint TV and my own videos look respectable.
GPS navigation with vision pak
I can hear well on the ear piece.
Callers say I sound very clear while talking.
Allows Bluetooth file exchange with my PC (allowing me to put my own ringers on it)
Web browser seems more functional than my A920.
It has decent reception considering I live in a mostly rural area near an interstate.

Software bugs seem to be present. I did a phone update the first day I got it. Now it gives me an error when I try update again. I have had TeleNav crash upon reaching my destination on two occasions.
Battery life stinks. Especially when using Bluetooth and Navigation
The finish smudges up quite a bit (gotta look nice to all the people I show it to!)
Non standard data cable.

I am always wanting the latest and greatest phone. I almost got the Katana DLX instead. My wife has a Katana and it just feels kind of cheap. I read all the bad press about the previous Razr phones and decided that Motorola might get it right this time, so I took a chance. I am quite happy with my purchase, that is until the next greatest phone comes out!!

Not everyone is going to be happy with every single phone that is released. If it has the features you need/want then get it!



Sep 3, 2007 by Steve143

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Superb voice calls.
Superb signal streinght
Bluetooth works great. Phone has this cool lil blue light on the phone that flashes when bluetooth is active. You'll see
Data speeds are fast.
SD Card works fine to transfer music or pics. Pics can be used as wallpapers and music can be used with music player only.
Lots of phone options.
Nice display inside and out.
Nice workmanship. Feels and looks sharp.


Like I said lots of options but there hard to find. Some options are useless though.
Like I said nice display but not super crisp.
Camera & video lil better than average.
Speakerphone is ok (Not like Nextel from far)


Verizons GUI & Brew...Same ol crap
I last longer in bed than this battery :)
You cannot change the font size anywhere on this phone so if you're blind stay away.
Openwave crap.
No themes (Im still barking about this stupid menu)
Keypad light is this dull white color.
They give you horrible (not even basic) tones & wallpapers so you can Get it Now. Im going to be Hacking it Now if you know what I mean.
No phone holdster. Charger looks cheap. Verizon needs an overhaul on these peeps who make up these phones. Not just on the GUI.

I hated the original RAZR but this one is ok. I miss the original menu from moto like on the E815 but we all know why Verizon & Moto is doing this. If this phone had Nextels speakerphone, Sprints GUI, Alltells front screen touch menu like on there razr2 this phone would be a 10 but I have to give it a 7.6

WHy a 7.6?

Workmanship --- 9
Software --- 5
Data & Signal --- 9

Average --- 7.6

V9m "the Good the Bad and the Missing" US Cellular Version


Oct 8, 2007 by EvilFurby

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V9m "the Good the Bad and the Missing" US Cellular Version
by EvilFurby

After a good Week I feel "competent" to review the phone.

Thin and light: It goes in the pocket easily and for being bigger than the v3m it feels so right.
Big Screen: I can read it without reading glasses - even in bright light, the giant outside screen is awesome.
Keying in data: I started with a Q and traded up - The Q sucks.

- Amazing Reception
- Sounds like your in the same room talking to someone, awesome call quality.
- Takes excellent pictures, very clear. The zoom is good for a Cell Phone
- MP3 player pauses on incoming call.
- The phone looks amazing, very sleek and the outside screen rocks, If you have an animated background it will show up when phone is shut!

The Bad:
"Battery" I keep reading the battery sucks, if you would read the manual it says battery will get better after a few recharges.

"No audio connection" I keep reading it has no audio connection, I dont know why your company did not include one, but Us Cellular included a free set of earbud type ear peices for free in the box, with an attached microphone.

"Vibrate mode" Vibration is not strong, but the phones as thick as 4 credit cards, what do you expect.

After the 3rd recharge my battery is holding up nicely, although the first time I used the phone it drained almost instantly while testing the mp3 player, ect.

- dial on Sprint version", Lol, Us cellular has theirs.
- of calendar events", another Lol, US Cellular has this, you can set it up to a few hours before event notification.
-Accessibility: "Can't shortcut frequently used functions like turn on/off bluetooth", Another LOL, on mine I can access bluetooth if I set it as a shortcut.

Moral of the story, Dont get Verizon or Sprint, they will mess your Razr2 up and laugh at you. US Cellular does not cripple their phones, and if they do, I dont even notice it.

If you thought about buying the V9m, DO IT, you WILL NOT regret it! 5 *'s

Razr2 V9M


Oct 2, 2007 by squidsterman1

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I've had this phone for over a month now. There were some minor issues with the software from Sprint PCS but they quickly resolved it. I rate this phone very high on the 1-5 scale. Durability, durability, durability... Regardless of what the others say about fingerprints or smudges you must remember that this is a phone first. The reception is great in the Maryland region and the applications do take a little time. Sound quality is very good. Motorola Phone Tools update for this phone does not let you use the calendar transfers. I have already reported this to them. But you know something, the damn thing is fantastic! My previous phones don't compare to this one at all. I recommend this phone above all others at this writing. The only drawback that I've encountered is the charging port cover. Motorola should have just left the cover off the phone due to the hassle of pulling it to use the charger in the car or house. It's very tedious at times with larger fingers.

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