LG Shine CU720
Reviews 100+
I'm disgusted.
To see the LG Shine with a AT&T logo makes me sick. 👿
23 replies
May 3, 2009, 10:17 PM
how to remove the phone number from the handset information
I just bought the 720 shine for my daughter. Does anyone know how to remove the phone number from the handset information screen? I do not want anyone getting this info.
what games does this phone have?
LG Shine Bluetooth to PC
Do I need a dongle of some kind to send pictures via Bluetooth to my Dell laptop w/Vista? I have an Insignia Bluetooth headset that I use with both the PC and the Shine. That has a USB dongle for use with the PC which allows the PC and the Shine to recognize each other but not download pictures. Can anyone help?
Nov 27, 2007, 1:37 AM
Ringtones bigger than 300kb?
Is there anyway i can do that?
Right now if the rign tone is bigger than 300kb it can't be used and theres nothing worse than hearign someones crappy compressed ringtone. So please get back to me
5 replies
Block calls
Is there a way to block calls? I used to have the razor and from the security menu you could allow incoming call only if they were already in your phone book. Thanks for any help!! 🙂
1 reply
Alarm setting
I am beginning to like my new red shine, but there are a few things that are bothersome, the first being, when you want to use a smiley face of some sort, and you go to pick one, all that there are is symbols, and no actual smiley faces, unless one knows all the symbols for the faces, it is impossible to know what is what....
The second complaint that I have is that when I went to set my alarm to get up in the morning, apparently, the only way that it works is if you leave the ringer on, it won't work with the ringer off, I don't want to be answering phone calls after 10pm, so if anyone knows of a way to make the alarm work with the ringer OFF, I would appreciate knowing that...
Other than those 2 issues, I am enjoying the red shine, m...
Nov 7, 2008, 12:17 PM
red shine problems
Hello all,
I am on my second Red shine in less than a year. I had the first on replace on warranty due to the phone doing stuff like shutting down and accessing features (including dialing) all by itself. The second phone is now starting to do the same thing. I have noticed that the numbers on the right side of the key pad do not want to work and now it is going into messaging and music sync on its own. Last night it started music sync and I had to shut the phone down to get it to stop. I could not end the application or do anything. It also has sent one message three times. I was told that this was a known problem when I got this replacement phone. BTW, there is no damage to the phone at all. Not even a scratch. Now my husband has a silv...
1 reply
Visual Voicemail
does this phone have the ability to get the visual voicemail app?
Send Multiple Pictures by Bluetooth
I can connect my Shine to my laptop using bluetooth - no problem. However, I can only send pictures from my phone to my laptop one at a time. If I have taken a lot of pictures, that's a real pain!
Any suggestions?
Mike Wilkinson
Nov 4, 2008, 2:45 PM
Changing mobile email links in menu
Anyone changed to something other than the aol, earthlink,yahoo BS.??? I haven't been able to access Godaddy Mobile email yet. Thanks, I'm open to suggestions.
usb data cable - install problem
hey guys, i just bought the data cable off ebay. it didn't come with any drivers or install software. here's the problem:
i've tried bitpim- doesn't work- doesn't support this phone
i've tried mobile action - doesn't work, cannot detect the cord when it asks me to plug it in, and i've ran every driver install in the folder i can find
i've searched everywhere for a driver, something, anything to make it work.
1 reply
lg shine unlock for suncom sim card
How do you unlock a at&t lg shine for a sumcom sim card?
Sep 17, 2008, 4:55 PM
Video length ?
In medium resolution, it only gets 42 seconds; lower resolution gets 1:01. If I add a microSD card, will I be able to get longer video clips?
LG Shine Scratch
Hi everyone,
I have a LG Shine CU720 which I keep in a case but have no screen protector (mistake). I took it out of the case and noticed a very small scratch on the middle of the screen. Does anyone have any good ways to fix it or know any good scratch removers? Thanks so much!
1 reply
Battery Life?
For people who use this phone frequently on a daily basis (one hour + talking time, text messaging, etc), how good is the battery life? Also, how often do you find yourself charging the phone?
6 replies
Using music downloaded from computer as a ring tone???
I just bought this phone and I was wondering if you could use the music you download from your computer as a ring tone.
2 replies
Any way to use T-Zones for T-Mobile on an unlocked Shine?
I bought an unlocked Shine and I plan to use it for my T Mobile service. Is there any way that I will be able to set the phone up so that I can use T-zones still?? Thank you!
2 replies
Is it worth it?
I've been thinking about getting a new phone for awhile and the LG has got my attention even though I've read many reviews I'm still not sure if I should get one.
The bottom line is if I get it, will I find myself worrying too much about scratches and battery problems? I really need to know since I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with it for the next 2 years (contract).
Has anyone heard about a specific date where Suncom will change its name to T Mobile. I've been trying to find something but its been impossible, not even Suncom says anything about it.
Thanks in advance