Palm Pre 2 (GSM)
Reviews 1
Jan 15, 2012, 2:06 AM
over in the "HP Updates webOS" discussion:
How is that source code coming along?
I havent been able to compile the press release ☹️
over in the "HP Updates webOS" discussion:
Woah, kudos HP.
I really didn't expect to see them continue to develop webOS.
2 replies
over in the "HP Confirms Talks to License webOS" discussion:
It is about time
Now this can be their most resilient move if carried out properly.
I really think HP has a better vision for WebOs than Palm did.
Now lets see if Blackberry lets WebOs just boom before they decide to follow suite or will they understand that this is the only way and get on it early for once.
1 reply
over in the "HP Would Consider Licensing webOS" discussion:
The only sound they'll hear is crickets chirping...
Really? Licensing webOS? For who? Why? The 6 people worldwide who use it? Does HTC or Samsung want like 3 of those 6 annual sales? Good Luck HP!
5 replies
Looks like DATA is US AT&T only
They should put in WCDMA, 1700 and 2100 on these phones so they are 3G word wide. I think that At&t has this done intentionally.
I wish the FTC would mandate that carriers who charge a ETF have to unlock the phones after 90 days free of charge and that if the carrier asks the manufacturer to produce a phone that locks out competitive bands that this be considered anti-trust.
We have enough phones in land fills already. If you subsidize a phone, add an ETF that is consistent with the subsidy. But locked phones should be outlawed unless they are subsidized Pre-paid units.
1 reply
Dec 1, 2010, 10:41 PM
T-Mobile Compatible?
Can this phone utilize T-mo's 3G network?
Also, where can i purchase this phone other than ebay?
2 replies
Mobile hotspot? How so?
I have the unlocked Pre 2 from HP. I haven't seen anything that states it can be a mobile hotspot. Please clarify.
1 reply
Dec 2, 2010, 2:19 PM
HSDPA 3.6, VGA video capture
C'mon HP, really?