BlackBerry Z10 (CDMA)
great update
Awesome update
And this is just the 1st build of BB10. Waiting to see what's down the road.
Group contact
Z10 turning itself off and then back on
Have one!
When you turn this thing on it at least teaches you a couple of basic gestures to use before you get too far with it so you aren't going WTH?
Everything feels different. The only obvious similarity between OS 10 and anything before it is when you get into the settings. A little bit of familiarity there.
Email was simple to set up. It somehow figured out that I filter company email through googles servers with just address and passwords only. Thought I was going to have fun setting that up correctly.
Lots of apps to look through. almost too many for me at the moment. Last I heard there were 100,000 plus. Maybe the app counters among us will wait u...
Pre-orders for the Blackberry z10 is on!!!!
Here we go :)
BlackBerry Boasts Record Z10 Sales
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/blackberry-boasts-reco ... »
So, as this phone is being launched in different world markets its at least not being laughed at 🤣
Yes, people from the UK and Canada always did love their blackberries, but articles like this are encouraging
BB Swan Song
Oh yes, this is Palm's WebOS with the Pre and Pixie all over again. Of course you will have the BB diehards that will rush out and snap up the 1st wave giving the project a false sense of success and yes I am speaking to the American market only as Im fully aware of BB's market presence OUTSIDE of the US market.
History is repeating itself. This OS and hardware needed to come out TWO years ago when the Playbook was under a hard push.
RIM/BB did it to themselves by failing to act quicker. Too little too late just like Palm in 2009.
Batteries always seem to increase in performance after a few cylces, which seems to be the case in one of the threads here below... also my GS1, Inspire, and GS2 did this, but my GS3 didn't seem to...
...or is it just that newer batteries do not require this anymore?? (I don't think battery tech has changed recently)
Buddy just got one
He said he was having similar battery problems, however, he stated that the battery life has been increasing substantially every day. First day he got 6 horus out of it, second it lasted for 10, and he said that the last few days, it has gotten him all the way through the day.
Device also looks and feels great. The top and bottom edges are slightly tapered so it slides into your pocket. The otterbox design is horrible - it leaves bezzle (sp?) exposed at the bottom of the screen.
The hub is great, however, and the way the device multi-tasks is excellent. When you are typing a message, the "predicted words" appear very small hovering above certain ...
I Just Can't Get Excited About This One.
Android is highly versatile and there is enough variety in hardware and manufactures that a buyer doesn't feel pigron holed. If you do choose to go this way your variety of hardware is reduced to 2 choices. Yes, I am aware that Apple only has one choice other than color, memory and generation but to be fair, Apple is different, PLUS they offer an entire eco system that the iSheep cuddle up with at night like a child's security blanket that BB doesnt offer.
I wis...
What a lose :(
With Microsoft Window's 8, BlackBerry's BB 10, and Canonical Ubuntu phone are trying to innovate (in UI, price, design, security, apps etc) in someway to make them stand out in the crowd and grab the 3rd spot crown (hopefully they are shooting for the top but we have to be realistic here).
If we only have iOS/Mac OS X and Android/Chromium they OS will become scary similar and the differences will slowly erode away.
With the BlackBerry stopping sales in Japan, it is lessening competition for the Japanese people, which is never a good thing. Hopefully this move is only temporary until they build there shares up a bit more.
Hopefully the smartph...
So its a 3G phone? Not LTE?
"The Z10 unit we have on hand is not optimized for use on any of the U.S. networks, but it is compatible with AT&T's 3G network and T-Mobile's 2G network. "
I always wanted a good reason to go to Blackberry.
Wonder what's up.