LG G2 (Sprint)
Reviews 6
compatible with straighttalk or other carriers?
need info please asap 🙂
is phone locked?
is there codes to unlock?
Will not connect to 4G/LTE at all.
What is the deal with this phone!! It will not connect to 4g no matter what I try. I live in the middle of a 4g area and I work in the strong end of a 4g area but this phone will not connect to it .... at all. Been 3G since I activated it.
Side by side with my Moto X which has nearly full bars of 4G this G2 is stuck in 3G...
I've read this complaint from many users but the phone has been out for nearly 2 months and there isn't a fix yet?
So frustrated!
Anyone had this issue and found a reasonable solution?
1 reply
Nov 8, 2013, 2:51 PM
Is it GSM ?
7 replies
over in the "Sprint Details First Tri-Band LTE Phones with 'Spark'" discussion:
Sprint CEO is a Moron!
Let's see here....
Sprint's service does not exist in New York City....literally everyday I'm forced to look at blank white web pages that cannot load or indication that the service is unavailable; despite Sprint reps claiming for years that their service will be updated, it NEVER has happened.
Now, we're given the chance to ACTUALLY receive service that we've been paying for, but for an even more of an elevated price? Well, at this point Sprint has ZERO credibility, and honestly should not even be in business on the East Coast; is this the new tactic by the CEO....let's continue to rip off our customers in high hopes that they'll believe we're something more than we've already failed at for years?
Here's a word of advice....how ab...
over in the "Sprint Details First Tri-Band LTE Phones with 'Spark'" discussion:
Sounds like
A battery killer for me.
over in the "Sprint Details First Tri-Band LTE Phones with 'Spark'" discussion:
but not the Note 3
And yet the flagship Samsung Galaxy Note 3 can't take advantage of Spark since it's not tri-band. Shame on Samsung and Sprint.. 😡
1 reply
over in the "Sprint Details First Tri-Band LTE Phones with 'Spark'" discussion:
Oh please lmao...
These idiots can't even deploy LTE to a majority of the county and have the audacity to announce this??? Sprint always has good ideas but poorly executes them. T-Mobile will probably have LTE running over 600MHz before this project ever gets finished due to Sprint notorious backhaul issues.
over in the "Sprint Details First Tri-Band LTE Phones with 'Spark'" discussion:
and nexus 5
They just didnt want to give it away yet 😎
over in the "First Sprint Tri-Band LTE Phone Clears FCC" discussion:
phone is coming to a network with tdd-lte active in some markets now.
Sprint already has tdd-lte active in some markets now. 3 devices were released on the 19th and enjoying band 41 lte of Sprint currently.