Motorola SLVR L7
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motorola pebl and slvr
will cingular ever get the pebl or slvr l7 or should i just keep my v600 until they come out.
The cingular store here dont have the slvr maybe i should call cingular myself. how did he get it.
This doesn't really prove anything. He just has his phone and headset on a Cingular mousepad. Also, the thread still says Pre-Release, so maybe he got his from overseas.
I have this phone, it's from London. It was purchased from Orange Carrier which is like Cingular in the States, uses the same Network. Then again he is not displaying a screen only a pad, I could get a Nextel Pad, doesn't mean it's a Nextel phone.
I am surprised your V600 still works, esp a Cingular model. My ATT V600 died after 2 months and I believe Cingular actually pulled their version off the market because of so many problems. I pretty much swore off Motos after all of that nonsense.
Ive had my 600 for 3 yrs now. and i love it all the new phones out there are ugly. but the pebl i love cuz it reminds me of the 600 but tmobile has it. i like the new rokr and slvr but i hope and pray cingular get them. i also like the nokia 8801 cuz it reminds me of my old 7160 and i hope cingular gets that one. do you know if cingular will?
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