Samsung MM-A900 / SPH-A900 / Ace
Reviews 100+
Multimedia and a bluetooth headset.
I just got my a900 and I can not get the audio to play through my bluetooth headset.
It works just fine for calls but it doesn't seem to work for the media player.
Any suggestions?
Ringtones (only applicable to samsung users)
i was just wondering, for those of you who currently own this phone, AND have owned samsung phones in the past, does this phone have newer and/or different programmed ringtones. I am not one for downloading ringtones, and i thing the ones that play songs sound like ****e, so does this phone have upgraded pre-programmed ringtones on it.
mini SD card and card reader+headphones
Hey ya'll...I have an a900 on the way -- just got off the horn with 2 hrs of sprint and my smart contact said both the a940 and the a900 have mini sd cards or slots and that you can get a mini sd card reader to save pics without having to have vision, does it come with a card and does it have a slot - can anyone help?
Also, does the 900 come with headphones like the 940 does?
2 replies
mp3 without power vision?
I was wondering if anybody knew if you can play with the music player amd play mp3 if you dont have the vision services.
Car Charger for the A900
Go to radio shack and get the IGO car charger. It is the one that you can change out the tips to different phones. Get A03 it will fit the Samsung A900. Got mine on Sunday. So now I can talk and charge at the same time now. Hope this helps.
I'm having issues when you press the Menu button, there's a 5 or 6 second delay until the menu actually pulls up. Then when you scroll to select an actual item within the menu, there's another delay, sometimes lasting up to 10 or 15 seconds.
I'm just wondering if this is a common problem possibly with the first pressing of the phone, or if its just a random defective problem in my handset.
6 replies
Speakerphone questionable and I am testing out sprints service!
I am a VZW user and just got the RAZR.. At the same time I decided that I need to give SPrint a chance and try out their network and the Blade.
So I got the 900 last night..
The screen and keys are freakign awesome. This truly makes the Razr feel like crap..
BUT - The speakerphone and voice quality is not great. The two little tiny speakers in the top piece are i guess so small they can make alot of noise. At full volume you really can't hear people well. Definintely not in the car while driving..
The voice quality is also not even close to the Razr on VZW..
I would call my friend from both phones and he presses send to hear me from both phones. Back and forth.. Is it sprints network ? or just the 900 ? Has anyone e...
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Dec 17, 2005, 12:01 AM
I am very picky with my phones and this is the last thing i was wondering about before i decide if i should buy this phone..thanks
1 reply
does nebody know how to transfer the mp3 files from the pc to the device?
9 replies
a900 - how to make MP3 Ringers??
does anyone know how to make mp3's into ringers? what directory do you have to store them in if you are putting them on the phone from the computer? also, do they ahve to be in any certain format/time/length/size?
Snarf > Flandzers
Its True 🙂
To S5678
Dude come on now, I have had the phone since the day it was released 15 or 16 days ago best damn phone I have ever had. Better than the 5500 much better I had that phone too by the way. The only downside to this phone is the battery life and mine lasts me all day so no problem there. As far as it only being dual band come do your homework all EVDO phones are dual band only, or can't you read? As far as you saying all the reviews are from people who just played with the phone well again do your homework. You can always tell a bozo who just played with the phone because they never have much to say except battery liffe sucks man! This phone works perfect again except for the battery life and if you really had the phone long enough you wou...
Upside Down Photos?
Went to use my camera today... opened the phone, rotated the camera to the subject and well it was upside down!?! WTF? Grrrrrr... rotated the camera back to me (keypad side) and I was right side up...
Well this is after day 1... wonder if its a software problem...
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Question about Video Ringers
Can listen have video ringers?
Also is if it accepts video ringers do they play on outside display or just inside display.
can someone let me know
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can this phone be unlocked so it can be used on the verizon network? they have nothing as nice as this in their phone selection. Thanks
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samsung a900 or a920
hey ya'll....I have an a900 on the way and now am debating on whether the 920 would be better. Does anyone have an opinion as to which you like better. The expandable memory is nice but still...trying to decide???
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Can you improve battery life?
By turning off EV-DO and bluetooth (or anything else)?
Less than a day as some have quoted, would be a deal breaker for me, but I don't expect to use either except for maybe occaisional file transfers.
6 replies
Question about Ringers and Caller ID
I was curious if anyone know iof this phone was able to have video ringers and also does it have picture caller id. More than likely it has both but just wanted to make sure.
Can someone let me know
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ok here is what erks me almost all information on the internet list this phone as having 64mb internal memory and 128 flash but someone on here said only has 41 what gives this would be the dumbest move if you ask me releasing it for sprint music service but only holding a few songs or anything most samsung phones use transflash maybe its hiding somewhere and people dont see it.
5 replies
Dec 7, 2005, 7:49 AM
Is the keypad lighted??
phone looks great, but is the keypad lighted like the RAZR is??
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