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Samsung MM-A900 / SPH-A900 / Ace


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Feb 8, 2008 by SherriNichole

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I had this phone for over 2 years and I NEVER had a problem with it! When I want a phone, I get it right then and there. This was one I was totally happy with the fact that I did. Reminds me of the razor WITHOUT all the issues it comes with. I dropped it so many times and it continues to work to this day. It is my 'backup' phone if anything happens to my Centro. It was pretty pricey when I got it, because I didn't use my upgrade, but it was worth it compared to the POS I had before it!

GREAT speaker phone
AWESOME camera
The camera swivels so you can use it closed or open, very easily
Small, lightweight and THIN
AWESOME color and easy to read
Always had reception even when my friends and family didn't

No external memory
Internet was a little slow, but it's an older phone, that's expected

My brother always asked me to give it up for him when I got a new phone, never happened! I loved this phone and I still do, but it was time for an upgrade!

samsungs most stylish phone but lacking a lot of features


Feb 6, 2007 by racheybee

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over all i was pretty pleased with this phone..i had it for about 10 months before the m software came out...this is definitely samsungs most stylish phone but it lacks some features that i find important


cool looking, slim design

I love the camera on this phone!! It takes GREAT pics!

good voice recognition for bluetooth no training required


battery life! you will have to recharge every night especially if you talk alot and use things like the browser etc.

this phone was a little buggy whenever i uploaoded pics from it, it gives the date uploaded and then the date taken...about 10 years earlier LOL but it may be fixed with the new m software

no removeable memory

no bulk upload feature for picture mail

sorry RAZR


Nov 20, 2006 by jeremy4315

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This is a sweet phone. It puts the RAZR to shame and the price isn't much higher. It's a solid, full-functioned phone. Internal antenna has no detrimental affect, but makes the phone smooth and sleek.

1.3 mega-pixel camera
huge internal screen
nice analog clock external screen theme
good stereo speakers
obvious other stuff... check out feature list in phone description.

battery life really isn't great

Incredible, Amazing, Wonderful, Perfect...


Aug 28, 2006 by chicky_babe

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Ok, first off, I have to say: I adore this phone! It's screen quality is absolutely amazing, better than my dad's and he has an ericsson... Here's my basic opinion:


Has amazing sound quality
Screen quality is awesome
Range of things you can do (aka the frames etc for the pics, music, bluetooth)
Size is a BIG bonus, it's so thin and lightweight, it's unbelievable
Buttons are straighforward, no complicated shortcuts that scramble your brain
Basically, it's an incredible phone


Now, I know most people would say battery life, but here's the deal, this is obviously a better phone than one from, let's say, 3 years ago, so it can do much more, but back then, batteries and the phones themselves were big and chunky, and the phone wouldn't do much except what it was meant to do: call people. This phone goes way beyond anyone's expectations in what it can do, and its overall quality and worth. The battery isn't going to last too long due to all these features, but don't complain about it unless the features are a negative thing (which im sure they're not), there is power save mode, which does a great job of saving the battery. Actually, I once lasted 2 days on 2 bars, and I call people A LOT.

Basically, there's nothing negative about this phone. It has everything anyone would ever really need in a phone, and everything anyone would ever WANT in a phone. There should be no complaining about this phone in my opinion.

La...la...la...LOVE it BABY!!!!


May 8, 2006 by awesome girl7

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This Phone is AWESOME!!!!!...I had a phone before every time it would ring I would say HELLO and my signal would fade I swear!!!But this phone...ahhh...I love it.It is totally worth it!!...I am a teenager and I use the phone all the time every time yeah buddy and I have NOT lost service or faded signal!!!...yay!!!

sleek and sexy
great screen nice and bright
awesome signal
good camera for a phone
love the little details

battery life

Not too shabby...


Apr 26, 2006 by Jennyboo

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Working in a place where this phone is sold I have to say that we haven't had too many problems with this little fad phone yet.

There are a couple known issues that I'm going to address if you do have this phone.

Battery life-The one thing that almost everybody complains about. Yes it is a known issue with this particular phone, as is with the Razr as well. The only things to really do is either purchase an extended life battery (which does make the back stick out a little bit) or simply turn off the Location and make sure power-save mode is turned on. But even with the latter the battery life is still less than most other phones. (I guess that's the price to pay for wanting a fad phone)

Phone freezing and having to take the battery off-This is also an issue, and there is a software update that most repair centers should have by now. Software on the phone takes about 30-45 min and should fix freezing issues.

Other than the above issues, I have heard nothing but tremendous things about this phone and having played around with it enough, it seems like everything you could possibly want in a phone (with a lot that most people don't even know they want)



Jan 25, 2006 by Skibumm

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This is an amazing phone, I am so glad got this Samsung A900...By far the best phone I have ever had!

Yes, of course nothing is perfect in this world, but I can deal with...

-Small, Light weight
-Fast interface
-GPS on the phone actually works for once for your benefit!! I can find out where I am at if I am lost and then get a detailed map of where I need to go
- Fast internet, with EV-DO technology, it is very fast!
-Clear and large screen
-When a # is calling, and you don't know who it is, it will tell you what state its from!
-camera, great picture quality
-speaker phone is amazing

(of course any phone has problems)
-low battery life, charge every day or more
-system froze on me twice, you can do to many things at once
-T9 Doesn't remember frequent inputs
-Small memory chip (50 MB)
-I wish the phone book could be hooked up to your outlook

All in all, its still the best thing out there if you want something small, not bulky like a PDA phone...I would definitely recommend this to anyone! I am sure in the coming months they will come out with software updates to fix some of the problems!
Have fun!!!

Sweet Phone, Battery is Better Than You Think


Jan 17, 2006 by troydeezie

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First of all, I would normally have given this phone a 4.5, but so many people are foolish and give the phone a 0.0 when it is obviously not THAT terrible. To those people I say: You're not doing anyone any favors by your ridiculous "reviews." The current 3.6 that the phone has is too low. That said...

-Sleekest phone you'll ever see. Thin, but very sturdy.
-The little things: when you type in a number, it writes it with a feather or post-it notes; you can have a video playing whenever you open your phone; etc...
-Video is unlimited; the phone has 48 MB of built-in memory. No 15-second video clip limit on this thing.
-Camera is nice; flash kinda stinks, but the pictures turn out nicely otherwise.
-Power Vision; for those who have not experienced Power Vision, get on the train. Sprint's Ultimate Pack includes 50 TV channels, some live and some recorded. Sirius Radio is included and Sprint's Music Store is unbelievable. They include 5 free full-length songs with service; basically iTunes on your phone. No one has mentioned this, but it also supports some HTML-browsing. I check my MySpace account every day from my phone, and I don't have to have a PDA like a TREO. Crazy.

-NOT battery life; Please listen to me, as so many people made judgments on the battery after one use or recharge. My first two times of use with the phone, it barely lasted me 24 hours even without a ton of Vision stuff. HOWEVER, ever since, I get almost two days on it with little Vision use and 1.5 days with more Vision use. I recently went 52 hours between charges. It's NOT bad. It's a phone.
-The texting isn't amazing; it has T9, which is good, but the T9 doesn't learn words OR let you change them once entered.
Just takes getting used to, basically.
-No expandable memory; get an pod or PSP.

This phone is unbelievable. As of now, you can't really ask for anything else from a phone. People who don't like this phone are waiting for a phone to do their laundry.

No Problem


Apr 11, 2006 by rainpinkfrogs

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I LOVE this phone! I've had it for almost 2 months now and have had NO problems with it. Before I bought this phone I did some research on it, I read user reviews and any other info I could find on it. I was concerned at first to get this phone because everyone was talking about how horrible the battery life was. I am a high school student and I'm always using my phone. I can get at least a full day out of it. I charge it at night when I go to bed and it's good to go when I get up. I really LOVE this phone. It has Sirius radio on it for free, and it actually has good songs on it. The internet is awesome, I'm always looking something up. The mp3 player is cool. Another thing I like is I can buy music from my phone or I can upload t from the computer and its SO easy. I was reading more user reviews tonight and I was surprised to see all of the negative things said about this phone when I've never once had a problem with it. My friends have the razor and they had to get insurance on it because they kept breaking it. They say it doesn't get good service and the pictures suck. I don't really know though because I don't have a razor. I encourage anyone to buy this phone. Like I said, its the best you can buy.

Excellent phone, minor flaws


May 12, 2006 by ImaginaryPlaces

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-Excellent list of features, has every single feature that I want in a phone, and more that I didn't know about until I got it.
-Size and design great

-Battery life terribly short, it doesn't die in a day, but it gets down to two bars left on the battery about 3/4's through the day or by the end of the day, I put my past phones on the charger every night anyways, but its always nice to know if u forget your charger somewhere that it will last a few days without needing to be charged, plan on putting this phone on the charger every night if you want it to last more than a day and a half about. I've been pondering whether or not I should get the extended battery, its kind of bulky :-/
-No memory card slot, I don't need to use this phone for a music player, I've already got an ipod for that, but still, the feature should be there, the demand for memory expansion or large amount of memory is there.

All in all, theres gonna be ups and downs to every phone, its all everyones opinion and what problems or missing features that the user is willing to put up with, but overall I am very satisfied with this phone, I can put up with the minor flaws, since I can't find a phone that doesn't have minor or major flaws, phone technology still has a long way to go.

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