Firefly Mobile Firefly
I consider this phone to be very homophobic.....
Thank God!
Just give parents control over minutes, texts, and internet and I think everyone will be happy.
Junior Ketai are a hit in Japan!
Check it out:
http://www.au.kddi.com/english/product/lineup/a5525s ... »
It seems like those phones are there to stay compared to the "fad" that they once were here.
just following in sprints footsteps
T-Mob wins again!
Even kids...
They don't want crappy kid phones...they want what they see their brothers and sisters with.
Wonder if good ol' TMO will get it...
mmk how about spoiling our kids
Smart Move from Cingular
Kinda like me growing up. I used to see my mom and dad use their StarTacs... lol Now, as an adult male when I think of cell phones, the first thing that comes to mind is Moto. Hmmmm...
How much of an impact will it have
This isn't a new phone
http://www.edgewireless.com/products/index.cfm?type= ... »
VZW has one on the way as well...