Firefly Mobile Firefly
Reviews 17
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Smart Move from Cingular
Cingular is now putting a cell phone in the hands of kids. Nice move. Cingy is thinking ahead when these kids will grow up... The first think that'll come to mind [when thinking about cell phones] will be Cingular.
Kinda like me growing up. I used to see my mom and dad use their StarTacs... lol Now, as an adult male when I think of cell phones, the first thing that comes to mind is Moto. Hmmmm...
this phone sucks if i was a kid, i will throw it to the trash can 🤣
Nov 14, 2005, 6:52 PM
No doubt many kids will, prompting many a replacement and/or upgrade. I suspect the phone will generate lots of buzz, and indeed, it's a smart business move. Who cares if it doesn't function as well as even the simplest phones, it's still going to sell & be used.
Personally, I think it's a dumb idea - most kids with expensive toys lose them rather quickly when not monitored by parents. The only kids that are going to be getting that phone are the ones most likely to lose it. Oh well, either way, it's a great option for parents to have, regardless of how useful it will actually be.
A smart move would big for them to shrink this down into a decent watch for kids.
That's what I'd buy. Something w/ auto answering and a speakerphone. So I'd call and it would come on without them having to answer.
I could just yell, get you a** home.
Not really my kid is only 15mths old.
spmedi said:
Not really my kid is only 15mths old.
Start em' early!
This is a deccent phone, with calling features that will keep parents from wanting to kill their kids when they recieve an outrageous cell phone bill. They can program up to 20 numbers and have the designated mom and dad buttons with only Cingular phones on them so that they would never use even a single min. because of free mobile to mobile. It is lacking a GPRS navigational system to locate missing or kidnapped children. My son is only 2 1/2 and answers my phone all the time as well as takes pictures with my Nokia 6682. One time he carried a toy car around with him for 2 weeks and never lost it and it was the only toy he wanted to play with. Losing the phone is not that big of an issue if you consider the safety associated with them h...
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