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BlackBerry 8703e


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Another PPC6700 convert


Feb 20, 2007 by salterct

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What a device. My first experience with a "smart phone" was a PPC-6700 and I thought everyone dealt with the quirky behavior and numerous required resets and obnoxiously short battery life. I finally had enough and picked up an 8703e and couldn't be happier.


Call clarity is fantastic

Screen is visable even outside

The push email is fantastic and is what I needed from the beginning.

Menu is easy to navigate. Any problems I had were due to my familiartiy with WM 5.0. Can't say I'll miss it though.


Bluetooth requires a few buttons to activate and is not automatic. Still not much of a problem since I only use it around the office.

Great phone - worth every cent.

Verizon 8703e


Feb 15, 2007 by saa001

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I am a blackberry addict (self admitted). I love the blackberry line, can't live without them. I have used many (MANY) different types of phones and I always came back to the blackberry.

I just recently switched from the 8700c (unlocked GSM) to the 8703e. Now this might not seem like an upgrade but I am getting better reception on Verizon than I did on my GSM network (although it was good).

-Email, email, email. If you need your email now, this is the phone you need to get, there is nothing that compares to this phone (the whole 8700 series). I even set up my regualr email to automatically forward to my blackberry so I get all my email very quickly (I think the longest I had to wait was about 30 seconds).
-Reception is strong and does not occasionally cut out like my GMS version did. It held a phone call for almost an hour without any interference or hiccups.
-Bright and clear screen.
-Text keyboard (mandatory for any lengthy emails)
-Speakerphone, fantastic sound quality and loud enough for any situation.
-Shortcuts are intuitive and easy to use.
-Screen fonts. If you are getting to the age where you start needing reading glasses, you now what I mean when I say it is a blessing to be able to increase the font size to the point where I can read the screen without my reading glasses.
SMS limited to 160 characters. On my 8700c I had over 900 characters I could use and it would automatically split them into the appropriated sized messages. Verizon should do the same.
-No multimedia.
-No camera
-The camera is a very minor point. I can get by without it but on a few occasions would have liked to have it. I do get some emails with some video sometimes that I wish I could play on the phone.

This is without a doubt the best blackberry there is (the 8800 that Cingular just released is a very close second and when it gets to Verizon, I am sure that it will be number one).

**I would recommend this phone to anyone thinking about getting a blackberry.

Excellent Phone


Jan 6, 2007 by JUMcQ

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After looking at PDA phones the past two years I finally found one that I like. I looked at the many versions of the Treo, the Q and the other Blackberry phones and just didn't like the products. When the 8703 came out for Verizon, I really liked the new size and weight. I've bee using it for two weeks and can't believe how much I like it.


Combining work emails and personal emails into one source. Great for on the road or when bored at a meeting.

Easy to access information for calendar, messages and so forth

Great sound quality using handset, or speakerphone. Much better than the RAZR!

Keyboard is backlit and easy to manipulate

Size of the phone is small enough to put in your front pocket of your shirt or pants. I used to have a RAZR and was worried about that aspect

Logical OS. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to change things and make them happen


Converting from Palm to Outlook then to Blackberry is quite a test in patience. You either need to do it manually, or buy a software program to convert the data

No voice activation for dialing

Bluetooth needs to be enabled before you start driving. Unlike the RAZR, the phone doesn't automatically connect to Bluetooth when your headset it on

Probably easier to wear on a belt versus putting into a pocket, so you become on of "those guys."

Try it, you will like it.

Love It


Dec 11, 2006 by imo knowles

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I have had this phone for about a month now and all i can say is WOW, this phone is really great. I'm a first time BB user and it was very easy to set up. I had the Q before this and i really like that phone also, did have some drop calls and it would freeze on me some times, but not the BB it gets perfect reception. The only con i can think of is that it does not have voice dialing. Go and get this phone you will be very happy with it.

Awesome Tool


Dec 6, 2006 by broncok

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This is my first BlackBerry and I must say that it's the best phone I have ever used.

Signal and sound quality is excellent, I haven't dropped a call and everyone says that I sound fine.

The rings are fantastic, they are simple, professional and can get LOUD.

Just to clear up a couple of things I read that said (a) that it didn't have a flight mode, but it does, just turn off the wireless and (b) that it's too difficult to lock the key pad, however it takes one click of the wheel.

The phone does take some getting used to if you are coming from a regular clamshell and does have a bit of a learning curve... I am still adjusting to some of the features.

1) E-mail obviously
2) Extremely light weight and can easily fit in any pocket.
3) Light Sensitive screen.
4) Excellent, simple and easy to use menus and lists.
5) Excellent third part apps

1) The key pad is a bit cramped, I especially struggle with the left side of it, but it could be me.
2) No voice dialing
3) The menus and lists are not pretty but I and most people who are using one of these don't really care about that.
4) Verizon won't ever have full GPS so you have to use a Bluetooth GPS adapter to utilize TeleNav or any other mapping software.

Awesome BlackBerry!


Nov 25, 2006 by kiwietnies

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I'm a first time blackberry user and I love it already!!! The interface is super fast and everything just works without having to do very much of everything!

Keyboard is super nice comparing to a Treo or most any other keypad I've use on a smartphone.
I love not being forced to use a stylus.
Awesome screen!!
Speakerphone is clear and so is the earpiece.

I really didn't do this phone justice with everything it can do, but its a 5 in my book with the only thing missing being the media stuffs, but I really don't care about them.



Nov 22, 2006 by ezyemail

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I just switched from the NEXTEL 7520 Blackberry to the Sprint 8703 Blackberry because I was having service and connection issues with NEXTEL. Dropped calls, no service,GPS never worked,etc. All occurred after hurricane Wilma which knocked out towers that were not replaced.

I am very happy so far with the 8703 and would recommend it.

To start, the screen and colors are amazing and not bleak and colorless like the 7520. Also the phone voice quality seems to be better and clearer. The keypad is a little smaller and takes getting used too, but not a big deal. I like the Red and Green separate phone connect options unlike using the trackwheel to make calls on the 7520, I used to hang up on calls in error all the time on the 7520. That problem is now gone.

Standard Battery life is far longer than the extended battery I had with the 7520. This phone is much smaller and lighter than the 7520. You almost don't need the clip, this phone fits in your back pocket. The vibrate function is pretty weak, so you may miss calls if you rely on it.

I wish there was a camera on this unit, It would make this the perfect phone. A live video feature would also be nice, but I can live w/o it for now.

The ringtones are 100 times better and louder - the 7520 was worthless and you could never hear it ring even on the loudest volume. Wallpapers are also good.

Speaker-phone is loud and people can actually hear me now.

The reason I switched is the GPS TeleNav feature. Its $10 a month ,but way worth it. It has real time Tom-Tom like 3D graphics, It shows lakes, canals, upcoming streets,etc. It very user friendly and seems to work all the time. With my line of work it gets me to locations fast without having to use a map at all. It also finds closet restaurants, and businesses, you have the option to call it or drive to it with 1 click of the track wheel.

I gave this phone a 4.0 because it had no camera. Add a camera and it will have a 5.0.

Sprint PCS 8703e


Nov 22, 2006 by DJ PLAY

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So far this phone has been the greatest one that i have purchased, i like it better than the TREO 700. No complains what so ever on this phone.


Ed. note: removed commercial info

Great Phone/PDA Device!!! Must Have!!!


Nov 21, 2006 by scogreer

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I have to admit that I was skeptical about this phone and was holding out to get a "Q", but last week I was speaking to a Treo "guy" who didn't say good things about the "Q" and just went out on a limb and bought this phone.

All I can say is WOW!!!

I am an "On the Go" Contractor and I get a lot of referrals via email. I have found the best results if I respond within minutes of receiving and email. Thus, I had to go with some emailing solution and I have spoken to many people and scoured over this entire website trying to figure out what I wanted to do.

After a few days of use, I don't know where this device has been my whole life!


The email sync feature - Incredible, easy, and intuitive (Didn't require an exchange server)

GPS Navigation through TeleNav - Incredible, love the extra features ie. Gas Price Locator

Phone reception - Incredible (Sprint)

Bluetooth - Flawless and works farther than any other Bluetooth device I have used.

Calendar Sync - Awesome Feature

Battery Life - Excellent (Today I did a "Power user day" and spoke more than usual on my phone, used the GPS Nav System 3 Times and still had battery life when I got home! My Sanyo MM-7500 would have a hard time doing that. (Previous Phone)

The Speaker Phone is great and clear

Incredible Screen - Maybe Beautiful is a better word

Internet speed is exceptional - Might be provider, but makes the BB very nice to use

Comfortable size and grip. I have held other BB's and they don't have the nice indentation on the side which gives this one a nice feel.

Tons of speed dial buttons


Setup was a little difficult, but once it was done, everything has been great.

Nav System voice is a little quiet. I wish it would work in my Bluetooth Headset.

I don't know if it does voice activated dialing, I haven't figured that out yet.

I have been walking around all day with a smile on my face because of how much I LOVE this phone! If you are on the fence, don't be. This is a great purchase!

Great Blackberry


Nov 16, 2006 by Muadib395

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Have had this blackberry for a month now in Chattanooga TN (NO EVDO YET!!!)

Pay close attention as people have compared this device with other type phones. This is flawed because you are comparing apples and oranges.

Great battery life. My home is in an area where there is spotty coverage for cingular, verizon, and t-mobile (only three I have been able to check)
Even with this problem, the battery stays useful for days with 20+ serious emails a day (besides deleting the junk) It works fantastic everywhere else but home.

When in an evdo area switches fine without any problems.

The blackberry consistently gets better signal than even an external antenna phone. Always get my messages and calls through where my LG 9800 has just enough signal for caller id to show who it is.

Typing is great. Thank god for a full keyboard. Due to work terms, predictive next was a bust on older phones

Speakerphone is good and clear. Regular calls are good and clear (for a cell phone)

Decent amount of ringtones on phone compared to older models

Stable as a mountain. Has not frozen or crashed once

Fantastic screen (once the auto bright level is turned off) crystal clear and nice and bright

Tethered modem function has worked flawlessly.


Wish it could play wav files attached as emails. My Voip voicemail emails me with the last voicemail left

Wish the vibrate was a little stronger. This unit seems to have a softer vibrate than my dad's older 7250

Wish the bluetooth was not stripped (however this is verizon's fault not the blackberry)

Glad that this pda is finally here. So much better than the Q. If you need email and some basic internet surfing, this is the device. If you need more fancy internet, then tether the device to a laptop.

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