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LG VX-9400


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Best Phone EVER


Jun 2, 2008 by LeeLirpa

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I love this phone!!! LG has the best phones.

big, clear screen
sound quality
durability ( I have dropped my phone A LOT and it has NOT broken)
I have service everywhere
Good Camera
Flash for the camera
Bluetooth capable
holds up to a 4G card
music player
TURN by TURN directions are great


Can't stop lovin' it


Feb 14, 2008 by skyking14u

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I work in the cellular industry, so I see a lot of cell phones. I got a LG-VX9400 for myself about a month ago, and love almost everything about it. My only "wish-it-was-different" is with the camera feature, the focal length is very wide angle, but I rarely use that feature, so no big deal. But the phone itself and the VCast TV/Video feature--WOW!! I like to eat my lunch away from work, and I either watch TV programs or VCast Video Clips of the news, sports, financials, or whatever, while I'm eating my lunch. I'm kept current on what I need to know. Other people around me are jealous that I have that capability on my cell phone--even people with a PDA phone. And everything else on this phone is how I want it to be--good call quality, good reception, smooth functions, easy menu, nice big high definition quality screen. I would say this phone is a really good investment.

The T phone is aight


Jan 26, 2008 by phonefreak24

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Love the music, mobile TV, sounds pretty loud, call quality is crystal clear, swiveling action is smooth, music downloads super quick, and i like the navigation pad.

Pros:-Camera 1.3mp
-call qulaity

Cons:-phone does not sound good during a phone call when in t-shape!!

Amazing Phone


Jan 8, 2008 by gatorgirl

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I just bought this phone and it is amazing! I have had many and I mean many phones from Verizon since 2004, and this is by far the best phone. The features are amazing and the swivel display is simply fantastic. The sound on the phone is crystal clear and the ring volume is so loud. I haven't used the TV feature on it yet so I can't comment on that but from what I hear it is clear and sounds like you are watching a real tv. Thanks LG and Verizon for coming up with a great phone for a great price. I recommend this phone to anyone.

LOVE this phone!


Jan 1, 2008 by finesse1

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I've used many cell phones, but LG has always been my favorite. And THIS phone is THE best - by far!

I had tried a different one& didn't like it so I returned it before the 30 days. I couldn't make up my mind which to try next, so I waited a few weeks. I'm so glad I did! The 9400 wasn't even out yet when I 1st went. I really lucked out because it didn't cost me a thing. I had a credit for renewing my contract, did the purchase online to avoid laying out any money & got the rebate immediately.

It took a few weeks to get used to accessing the numbers & to text by swiveling, but that was easy to adjust to. I plan on doing a very long drive soon, so the GPS was one of the selling features for me. (My son has the GPS feature on another phone & swears by it. He does a lot of traveling & loves it.) The TV - of course! I'll be moving south & what a perfect thing to have while at the beach!


Light weight
Easy to use
Great, clear display
Landscape after swiveling gives more pic & text at once
Double lock capability (something I haven't seen anyone else mention)
Back of the phone is scratch resistant since it's a better material
My expensive old headset is compatible

CON'S: (barely worth mentioning)

The ringtones are only numbered instead of named like they used to be
Cost of V-Cast kit (haven't purchased it yet)
Text messages are erased automatically when you reach a certain point (before 30). But I've learned to lock messages quickly that I don't want to disappear!

I highly recommend the 9400. The only reason I didn't rate it a 5 is really because of the cost of the V-Cast kit. $50 is steep. But I will end up getting it soon. If anyone knows a truly reliable site that has it for a better price, please let me know! Otherwise I'll just get it from Verizon. It may be a few dollars cheaper on line from them. I'll start shopping for the kit very soon.

Buy this phone! You won't need to upgrade again for a long time!

This Thing has it all!


Dec 20, 2007 by WashCaps

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I have had this phone for about a week and truly no flaws.

The screen clarity is fantastic!

The menu is very intuitive as well as the design. I was a bit reluctant with the swivel opening but was used to it after 1 day.

The voice clarity is great along with the speaker phone clarity.

Regular Get it Now games, business and Navigator are available and used!

I truly like this phone and as of 1 week in, I can not find any cons.

The mobile TV (if you want it) is great! I had know idea that the landscape viewing would make that much of a difference.

Good work LG and VZW!



Nov 27, 2007 by kcarter2515

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I used to have an ancient LG 3200, then i went to a razr (which is an absolute piece of crap) and now I have this phone. When i got this phone, there was a promotion, and i took my dad's 100 dollar upgrade. I ended up getting this phone for free with a 2 GB memory card and headphones, also for free. The phone is very solid physically and wirelessly. Also, nobody seems to have this phone, so i get compliments on it all of the time. Mobile TV is available in my area, and it is pretty amazing what comes through the screen! its almost high definition! Lets get to the pros and cons:

-Awesome Screen
-Good Camera
-Great Signal
-Mobile TV is awesome

-Keypad is scratched a bit from the screen swiveling
-ugly antenna (only needed for Mobile TV)
-front screen scratches easily.

OVERALL, i would recommend this phone over the new upcomming LG Venus, and LG Voyager, because i was debating whether to get one or not, and i like the 9400 much better!


A Great phone...


Nov 10, 2007 by Beuclair

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This phone has great battery life,good screen,T.V.good look,and all that good stuff.

0 battery life
0 beutiful screen
0 mp3 supports different files
0 cool swivel action
0 video and picture
0 loud speaker

0 again with the camera

Thats all,I highly reccomend this phone.

Solid Phone


Nov 6, 2007 by sdrawkcabnipyt

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The 9400 is without a doubt, the best phone i have used to this day. I work in the wireless industry as well and i must say this is one phone I do not get complaints about. I have tested a wide variety of phones such as The LG Chocolate VX-8500 and VX-8550, VX-8600, VX-8700 and also the Krzr in the last 5months and all those phones didn't even compare to the VX-9400's superiority in battery life, reception, and downloading speeds.

The 9400 was the first phone i could take up into the Santa Cruz mountains, Ca, and still have service. Also the phones durability still surprises me to this day. Not only do I drop my phone regularly (I seem to forget when its sitting in my lap =P) but also I have accidentally left this phone overnight in sprinklers, and it still is working perfectly.

Unfortunately in my area we do not have the Mobile TV towers so i haven't been able to truly test the TV but the VCAST videos flow seamlessly across my screen, and i wouldn't expect any less from the TV.

Using the music feature with my 2GB micro SD card is one of the most pleasing features about this phone, Not only is it easy to use but its loud. People are always surprised, but unlike other phones I have tested such as the 8550, the phone does not allow you to play music while using other features on the phone or even while searching separate Artists. But it will allow you to search through whatever criteria you select.

as far as pro's and con's

-Great Battery Life
-Unique Style
-Loud Speaker (Music Player)
-Fast Downloading and Uploading speeds
-Great Reception
-Very easy to use (Minus the first day getting used to the flipped numbers and directional pad keys)

-Speaker phone always turns on in my pocket
-Annoying for calls where you must key in numbers (Such as voice mail)
-I don't like the incredibly long Antenna used for TV (but thats just an aesthetic thing)
-Music player cannot be minimized and used while using other features on the phone.

best phone i've EVER had.


Oct 19, 2007 by the.pretender

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i just got this phone, and i am DEFINITELY more than happy with it. first of all, it was on sale for only FIFTY bucks at best buy, [at the verizon store, it was $200], the screen is beautiful, the camera is one of the best i've ever had on a cell phone, the swivel is very sturdy & doesn't feel like it's going to come apart, the display changes from vertical to horizontal very quickly & smoothly. there's NO lagging when swiveling up or down, my signal/reception is THE BEST I'VE EVER HAD [i live in orlando, fl] i get FULL service in places where ALL other phones i've had don't even get one bar, the battery life is great [i went the entire day texting like crazy, and by the end of the day, i had only lost ONE bar of battery], and texting is SOOOO smooth & easy on this phone [i can text faster on this than i can on a sidekick or the lg enV]

these are my ONLY cons [if you can even call them that]: the display theme can be changed from the usual verizon theme or it can be the lg theme. i personally think the lg theme is more appealing, but it seems to lag when scrolling through menus. but the fix to that is to just use the verizon theme instead. no big deal. the send & end buttons are in a bit of an awkward place, but after the first few hours of the first day i got the phone, i was totally used to it. and my only other "con" is i kinda wish there wasn't a dedicated tv button, because i personally will probably never use the tv. i wish you could set the tv button to be a shortcut to another feature [maybe you can and i just haven't figured out how yet] but it's still no big deal.

overall, this phone is DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY worth it. it's stylish, smooth, and sleek. i can't believe i only paid $50 for it. the swivel is VERY cool & eye-catching, it reminds me of the sidekick. i would absolutely recommend this phone to anyone thinking of getting it. you'll definitely be pleased and get your money's worth out of it!!

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