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Samsung SCH-U420 Nimbus


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Apr 8, 2008 by yepiamborednow

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Ive had this phone for over 15 months now and ive had no problems with it.

i LOVE it. i love it i love it i love it.

Nice phone


Sep 9, 2006 by Robkhb

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I have owned about every cool phone Alltel has sold, the 710, the razor, the 6255i, the 6235i (most recent) and now the Samsung u420.

I have been waiting for a cool new small phone to come out, though I like the Nokia 6235 I have not been crazy about the service I get with it and I really wanted something that was bluetooth again. I looked at the strobe and the darn thing seems too much like a toy to me and it's to big..

So I went down to the store today and bought the new Samsung slider...

So far I am loving it, its small and light but not so light to where you feel like you are going to break the damn thing just by putting it in your pocket. The earpiece is plenty loud as is the ringer. The speakerphone is pretty quiet so if you are someone who uses speakerphone a lot you might want to try this out before you by it. The phone looks awesome, its super small and slides comfortably into your pocket. The screen is large and bright and crisp. So far I have not figured out how to transfer anything to the phone, it says it comes with 30 meg of memory but I can't figure out a way to use that memory without paying for stuff via axxess. I connected it via bluetooth to my pc and it does not seem to support obex (which the razr does quite well). The bluetooth headset however, works like a charm. I think the phone would be able to play mp3s if I could just figure out how to transfer one to it, I might just have to buy a usb data cable.

Very small and sleek looking
great screen
loud earpiece and ringer
voice recognition you dont have to train
very clear sound quality

Lousy 640x480 camera (I say lousy as in resolution, I haven't actually seen the quality of pictures it takes)
Speakerphone is too quiet
Doesn't support bluetooth file transfer (or I haven't figured out how if it does)
No standard headset jack for those days your bluetooth headset has a dead battery

I have only owned the phone for about 7 hours but I really dig it so far..

Works pretty well


Oct 12, 2006 by ThomasWolf

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After trying it out for two weeks, it is definitely a keeper. I don't live near a rural area, so I don't know how good it is in fringe areas, but reception was terrific where I went from day to day.
You can actually use a usb data cable with this phone. Get the USB data cable that is compatible with the T809. Then you just use Bitpim, and use the Bitpim FAQ to get the necessary drivers. I was able to get my photos off it, have yet to try anything else.
As for the usability, I got use to the form factor of this Samsung slider after a few days. I can't say it is perfect, but it certainly isn't annoying.
Large screen
Fast charging (~1 hour from empty to full)

Power port rubber covering seems like it could fall off easily
No vibrate with ring for lower volumes

Well, my grandmother likes it.


Feb 19, 2008 by kelseylou

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We got this as a buy one, get one, special. Need I say more? Didn't think so.

We went from this phone from an old Nokia 6255i. And I must say, this one is a nightmare.

It's too small. That's hard for me to say, considering I have the smallest hands and 21 year old should be allowed to have. But when the phone is bought for you, you really can't argue. (Can anyone say free? I accept charity!)

Moving on. Signal quality has been semi-decent, so it's not all bad. Even with one bar of signal, you can still call out.

Battery life was fine, I guess. I didn't do much texting back when I had it, and I didn't have to charge it that often. Though I assume if I'd used it more I could tell you better. Battery was a-okay if you just use it as a phone, and I guess that's all that matters in the end.

It feels very cheap in your hand. The slide goes up fast if you're not careful and it feels like it's going to fly away and completely detach from your phone. (Movie: Attack of the Samsung Slider.)

Picture quality is decent. At least it has a camera.

As far as basic phones get, it's only okay.

With mine, I had it replaced 3 times. I was in the car with a friend, sending a message to someone, and it cut off. I thought maybe I'd accidentally hit the power button... but no. I went to turn it back on, and it had been possessed by the mutant phone bug.

Okay, seriously. It acted like it was going to turn on, but then shut off. Before I could react, it turned on. Then off before even powering up. And it continued until I took the battery out. Even after putting the battery back in, it still did it. We even tried using my grandmother's battery in mine, and still, the same problem.

After having 3 of the exact same phone mess up under the same circumstances... and I'm not even hard on phones!

Definitely time to seek another brand.

I gave it half a point because... well, at least you could call on it. Grandma likes it! Go figure.

Returned After 2 Days


Sep 12, 2006 by Maximu

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After owning the RAZR and more recently the E815, I decided to get away from Motorola for a while and give this new Samsung a try. I really enjoyed the E815 but thought it was a little bulky and heavy in my pocket, so the u420 looked like the perfect size.

Two days later I have returned the phone and reactivated my E815 because the u420 was an ergonomic nightmare for me. The keypad is way too compact and when the slide is extended it creates a counter-weight problem wherein you feel a need to support the phone at the top while you dial. The navigation button is very small and I experienced two days selecting the wrong icons etc. The speaker phone is barely audible when there is the slightest of background noise and the earpieces volume is pretty weak even on high setting. The reception was weak for me as well. In rural areas around town where my other phones stayed in digital mode, this one would go analog.

I did like the look of the phone when the slide was down as well as the weight. But functionality wins out for me every time.

NICE & SLEEK an eye Opener


Sep 10, 2006 by celldawgg

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I have tried Alltel's two new LG's and the other Samsung along with E815 & Nokia 6255i and the Razor! I have had the new Samsung for about 4 days! I LOVE IT. Nice battery, great screen, Graphics are super. I love the size and it is soooo neat. The camera is awesome. We stood in the Alltel store and i could see the cars going down the highway with the camera function on. Quality of pics were NICE. Speakerphone worked well for me. Love the fact that u can leave phone closed and use speaker. Text messaging is easy. call quality has been clear, signal strength thus far- NICE! Please give this phone a try, i think you will be suprised by how neat it is. Who needs Chocolate??? haha
Easy to Use
Speakerphone while it is closed

No earpiece jack

p.s. I havent used bluetooth YET!

Samsung SCH-U420


Oct 24, 2006 by UNLHobie

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I purchased this phone a day after it came out and have no major complaints with it at all. I have fairly large hands and dont have trouble with the number keys but maybe its because i had the not well designed kyocera se44 slider for a couple years.
A friend of mine purchased this phone after using mine quite a bit and he has been happy with it. It is a surprisingly durable little phone. Ive dropped mine twice. once on concrete once on a wood floor and it has a small nick on it but the phone didnt even shut off. The friend of mine left his phone outside, fully opened, in the rain, soaking in a puddle for all of six hours. He took the back and battery off and set it under a fan for a day. It works fine, didnt even bother the camera.

Had this phone for 2 years


Aug 21, 2008 by rleess

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Like the phone overall, just a few things I don't like:
1. You can't tell if the person is still on the line sometimes. I have to ask if "are you still there" if they quit talking for a few seconds. However, I guess that attests to how well it deals with background noise.
2. I DO NOT like the square navigation key that logs you onto the web before you even know what happened. If I get in a hurry and hit the navigation key downward. Why I don't like this is that it charges time against my anytime minutes when I log on to the web accidentally.
3. The keys are too slick. My fingernails slip off when I am trying to text.

I have had this phone for 2 years and the contract is up for renewal, so I could get another phone, just not sure I see anything else I like right now.

Long time user


Aug 3, 2008 by d4wn26

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I have actually had this phone for close to 2 years now and I can honestly say I haven't had any problems with this phone. I recently upgraded to a smartphone so am no longer using this phone. I actually had dropped mine in water let it dry out for a couple of days and still didn't have any issues with the phone. It holds the charge great I usually only have to charge mine about once a week or so.



Feb 29, 2008 by ihatediscrapz

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