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Motorola SLVR L7e / L7i / L71


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4 yrs not out


Jun 7, 2011 by dhatri

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I am using this phone for more than 4 years, it is still working well. This is my first cell phone... I loved this piece... I want to continue this piece until the last day of its life... Hope this works for another year!!! My pride phone

DEAD Phone


Apr 2, 2010 by Sheannona

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I got this phone used from a friend so I didn't expect a whole lot.

Good signal
Nice style
Easy to use

Battery stopped holding a proper charger.
Background light up keys do not work right.
Must buy a case because scratches easily.
Can't hear phone when it's on vibrate.
People always complain they can't hear me.

Over all I can't say it was too bad of a phone. It was free so in my eyes it's a good deal no matter what.

Amazing phone.


Sep 29, 2009 by ATnT Cellular

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Pros: great battery life, rock solid housing, durable, great keypad, great voice quality, brilliant color screen, mp3 ringer capable, bar-form, camera is great.

Cons: none that I can think of.

I love this phone. I bought it unlocked for use with AT&T Cellular. Weird thing, though, it says Cingular on my phone instead of AT&T, but no big deal. The phone works beautifully.

Great Fone L7i


Jan 29, 2008 by Harsha

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Hai im harsha from india i have purchased this phone 7 months ago i love this fone alot 1.3 mp cam is very good internet also faster but this fone doesnt have F.M radio all features are good thanx

well worth it


Nov 29, 2007 by kresk27

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all around a solid phone...great reception...clear listening quality..sturdy construction..descent camera..easy to use menu options..bright screen...very slim so its fits in the pocket nicely.for the price you cant beat it...if your looking to spend a little more check out the slvr l2..its upgraded to a 2mg camera and a radio.. just a good phone you wont regret it..

Like it


Nov 21, 2007 by undeadbob

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In Southwest Virginia with US Cellular this phone rocks, it's never cut off and gets much better signal than my LG 355 or my 323i. The phone lock saves me much trouble and overall I like it. The only thing I don't like is that it's so small I have to frequently use my bluetooth, which I should probably be using in the car anyway.

It was nice for a while


Jul 3, 2007 by Bustabeatz

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When i got this phone about a year ago, i loved it. I love the expandable micro sd slot(mp3 and photos). This phone looks nice and has nice features but it lacks signal. I have been everywhere in los angeles and arizona with this phone and i usualy never get full bars. The speakerphone is loud but cuts of frequently(like the headset).

I i only recommend this phone to someone who is looking for a nice looking and small phone. If your a buissness person, dont get this phone or you will be fired in a week. Hope you found this information useful.

Why Me?


Jun 14, 2007 by DARCGRRL

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I bought this phone after having only Nokias, the 6230 and such.. I unfortunatly lost the 6230 (the best phone I ever had) in a blizzard and needed to get a phone in a pinch so I bought this one. BIG Mistake. It looks cool and has a lot of stuff mostly confusing compared to the other nokias i have had. The worst thing I experienced is the sound, I can very rarely hear people with out pushing it to my head, I have tried ear pieces and even thought the phone to be defective and returned it for a new one. Not the problem. The sound is poor the pictures are poor the text messaging is hard with the multiple word selection I am not talking about the T-9 the alarm clock is even awful. For simplicity I give it a -00, not to mention the loss of reception, If I am traveling and the signal drops to 1-2 bars i will lose all reception and then only regain all bars when I hit the end key. Whats up with that???

any ways I hope I am just motorolla challenged and you all have better luck with this phone.

"it's a good phone if you don't want to talk on it"

L7 is my least favorite phone EVER


May 6, 2007 by mannrb

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This device is NOT as it was marketed to be. The onboard OS locks up and requires a reboot, frequently. I haven't modded this phone, so these problems are completely OEM. My recommendation is to stay away from the less expensive Motorola products all together.

The L stands for lacking


Mar 30, 2007 by zon hon

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Please do not buy this hunk of junk. This phone is a poor excuse of a communicational device. The durability is sorry. The mp3 player is staticy. Overall it is a hunk of junk.

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