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HTC S710 (Vox)


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Great PDA, Great Phone


Feb 7, 2008 by Chillin

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I Buy and sell a Lot of phones, some of my recent phones are:

BB Pearl
SE W810
HTC S621 Excalibur (Dash)
Nokia 6126
Nokia E62
HTC Universal
Apple iPhone
etc, etc, etc

And out of all of them this phone is the best all in one device.

All the phones I use seem to be missing something, the regular phones are a pain to use for scheduling, Email and text and the PDA phones are usually too big or are a pain to dial numbers on...

The Vox is the best possible form factor, I love that it has a numeric keypad and standard bar phone form factor And a very usable full QWERTY keyboard.

Everyone that I show it to oohs and ahs when they see the full keyboard slide out (most people don't notice it even when they are holding the phone)

+Great Form factor
+Very good battery life
+Great reception
+Stereo Bluetooth
+WM 6.0
+Good camera

-...hhmm, I guess the half second lag rotating the screen when you slide out the keypad could be quicker.

Very useful phone


Apr 8, 2009 by zippy753

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-Cheap compared to other unbranded smartphones on the market as of early 2009
-Since it’s not subsidized, it doesn’t require ridiculous web services or other carrier add-ons that are completely useless on a phone
-Has wi-fi in the few cases where you’re in an unsecured hot-spot and can access the web. You still need to install an app to keep it from using carrier’s data service when moving just out of wi-fi range, however. This is the most annoying aspect of the cell phones market – they make it almost impossible to use phones without accessing their expensive services…even the ones you buy from the manufacturer like this one. Thankfully, there’s an app called “no data” that’s free and easy to install to keep the phone from accessing the carrier’s GPRS service. I wanted a phone that has this feature but refuse to pay the cell phone company for anything except making phone calls.
-AD2P so I can listen to music with my wireless headphones while riding my bike
-Free or small fee applications to turn Bluetooth/profile/alarms on and off as scheduled and other useful applications
-Slide out QUERTY keypad for making notes, entering appointments, tasks, or texting once in a while. Also, it has a number pad in front as well. There are actually few phones with a slide out keypad AND a number pad in front. The number pad is, of course, handy to dial phone numbers – but also to find a contact by entering the corresponding letters to numbers to get the name you’re looking for. Simply pushing down on the d-pad is tedious and inaccurate to find contacts.
-Micro SD card capable of 8GB (as far as I know) for music storage
-Nice screen
-Voice recorder works well and playback is decent with speaker – also good when in speakerphone mode
-The included audio manager works well and no need to use a third party app
-Camera works well, but isn’t the best

-Backlight issue
-Lags when sliding into landscape mode



Jun 28, 2007 by msd18

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I've had this phone for around 2 weeks and I am very happy with it so far. When I first received the phone I was a bit confused with the new Windows mobile 6, compared to the old windows and Palm OS. It can be kind of slow at times. The phone itself is BEAUTIFUL. Shiny Chrome on the front and rubberized on the back and sides. VERY solid build quality and good materials. The screen resolution is standard 240 x 320, not as good as the palm or the new iphone, but it still looks great if you have a wallpaper. Here is a list of some pros and cons

-GREAT battery life
-2.0mp camera is nice
-WiFi works 100% great
-Easy to setup internet and MMS for cingular
-Very solid build quality
-Super Sleek design
-fully QWERTY keypad
-cool MP3 player
-bluetooth works great
-microSD card slot
-loud speakerphone
-internet is very fast(even without 3G)
-Large LCD screen
-GREAT reception(with cingular)
-Good voice quality
-Standard charge port
-MP3's as ringtones
-Easy to control communication manager
-Multiple home screen layouts to choose from
-windows media player

-no flash/light
-WM 6 can use some work(first phone with it)
-slight lag

This phone is growing on me fast. When I first got it I was a little scared I wouldn't be able to customize it enough, but after some time this phone has all the settings and options that I want and need.

got it 1st day released major frothing going on


Jun 20, 2007 by idgypsy

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wifi seemless hookup everywhere
unlimited ingtones with pc connection just use any mp3
can edit any mp3 on phone
has music player, not that i use it
awesome mobile 6 usage
installed slingplayer and worked 1st time
am the envy of everyone who checks it out

the "p" key sticks
need a better holster so i dont hang up when pulling out phone

Was gonna dump t mobile and did trash the sidekick 3 but kept the service because of the phone
Have used nokia 9300i (sucked) way to conveluted side 3 razor and too many more to mention
will dump all for this phone that does everything.
Self proclaimed phone HO

This handset is the best of both worlds; Data and Phone


Jun 20, 2007 by Mobile Fan

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Pros - Best of both worlds. Solid data device and good phone experience
Cons - Small keys on QWERTY keyboard

HTC continues to set the standard in Smartphone/data devices. I had a chance to test the new device a few weeks ago and was very impressed. My only wish is that U.S. CDMA and GSM operators would launch this type of look and feel.



Aug 5, 2007 by fonegeek1177

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this phone is amazing. I absolutely love it

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