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Motorola ic602 Buzz+


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All Around A Good Solid Phone


Jan 27, 2008 by RHenry26

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I've had the Motorola ic602 for 4 days now, and I like it. I read the reviews for all the Sprint/Nextel hybrids and seen a conflicting reports. But I don't find really any of the issue others had. The phones software runs smooth, and faster than the Razr V3r, and is similar to the Razr in general. Even the camera is the same as a Razr.

Sprint/Nextel powersource coverage in my area(southeast Michigan) is very good. Thats the first thing I checked into before considering this phone. Even Sprint and Nextel coverage alone is good in my area. Calls are clear, way clearer than on any GSM phone/network I've used. That includes 3 Samsung flip phones, a Nokia 6030, and a V3r Razr.

The only thing that seems to be the last thing any affordable Motorola iden phone gets is Bluetooth, except the i335 More affordable Nextel phones need this. There is so much use for bluetooth, providing the carrier does not lock it down for only headset use, like some Verizon phones.

Other than no bluetooth, the battery life is similar to that of the Razr. Mine goes 3 days, with turning the phone off at night, before needing a charge. No big deal for me, the phone is not my life, and does not kill me or tosses me out of a social circle b/c it's on the charger a little more often than other phones. The phone only took about 2 hours charging while on. Not bad since the battery was nearly drained.

2 Thumbs up to Motorola and Sprint/Nextel for a good solid phone.

-Rugged, I don't have to worry if I accidentally drop it.
-Ease of use
-Camera image quality is sufficient
-Loaded with a good offering of tools, calculator, calendar, alarm clock, etc.
-Worth the money for a lot of features, compared to the ic902
-Direct connect(iDEN) works flawlessly
-Clear CDMA calls

-No Bluetooth
-Battery life (So get a car charger, they are cheap)

So people remember, if considering the powersource network, check on Sprints website if the coverage is there in your neighborhood, home, work, etc.

Worth it


Dec 9, 2007 by duker665

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If you need Nextel direct connect and the IDEN network is not good for cell phone calls, this is the best product. ic902 is too overpriced.

Step in the right direction


Oct 24, 2007 by Orangephone10

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The new IC602 is a good choice for people that want a phone with a camera but don't want to pay the price that the current IC902 goes for which is about 300 with new 2yr.

Ok Pros first

-The phone comes with a extended battery to helps since the phone uses Sprint phone service and Nextel direct connect service, because the phone is always looking for towers

-The camera quality is ok it is just a 1.3 megapixl and pictures get grainy depending on the lighting.

The service is the same as with any other Powersource phone that is currently out.


The phone needs bluetooth the idea in my mind would be that since the majority of phones out have bluetooth , you would think they would be going in that direction. If you look at the I580 it supports bluetooth and has the rugged design in mind with a camera.

In short the Ic602 is a good rugged phone for people wanting to try the Powersource service but don't want all the bells and whistles of the Ic902 and at a 150 with new 2yr it is not bad

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