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Nokia 3590


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My first Wireless Phone


Jan 22, 2004 by PodLizard

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I didn't know what to expect when I got the 3590 and wasn't quite sure what GSM was, I wasn’t looking for anything fancy and believe me, this is not in the least bit fancy. However bells and whistles don't impress me and functionality does. This phone does everything it is supposed to do and doe it all well.
My coverage in the OKC metro has been all but flawless (ATTWS) unless you count the one time their hold GSM network was down in the wee hours of the morning (I work nights.) I have had only 1 dropped call since March.
It is very easy to find a number online with the phone then call it. Once I was in whataburger, found the number and called the store while in it to say how great the food was, they freaked out. Full menu access while on a call if you put the caller on hold and all network services like call forwarding and sending caller ID can be modified through the settings menu, way better than *codes of old
Compared to the 3595 my wife has, the volume is lower and it is black and white display, but I would rather have a display I can read at anytime, (my phone is my watch also) since I keep the analog clock as my screen saver.
The only other drawbacks are the limited amount of memory compared to more recent Nokias and the low volume of the ringer. Yes’s “Roundabout” ring tone is barely audible. I
also wish you could delete unwanted ring tones because of low memory. I did have the bug on first phone but the store replaced it on the spot so this review is for the phone, as it should work.

About The Nokia 3590


May 17, 2004 by Mr.Frost

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Well I have had this equipment for about a year now and I can honestly say that it has never let me down in regards to reception. I can't say that it is the best looking phone, but if you care less about looks and more about service then I would recomend this phone.

great addition


Mar 15, 2003 by starscream

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Great addition to the nokia line-up. good familiar nokia menu options and interface, with a few new bells and whistles (polyphonic ringtones). The larger display allows for more detail on reception and battery life status. GPRS works great. the only complaints are mostly petty:
i dont care for the rubber/plastic keypad.
its a bit larger than say the 339x
no color display

otherwise its great! One small feature that intrigued me was the backlight fades out instead of just turning off.

Good, but very Fragile


Jul 7, 2006 by mikes63737

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*Nice keypad
*Small (for the time we bought it)
*Cool ringtones (for the time we bought it)
*Easy to use
*Good battery life
*Good reception

*Ugly green backlight (but, hey - it's what they had back then ;) )
*Ringer stopped working after being dropped from 2 feet in the air - it was the first known time that it was dropped.

My first phone ever...


Oct 1, 2005 by ShadowScorpion

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This phone could be called my 'First Love'. I've used it for a long time and I still own it. I guess you never forget your first love...

-Very good reception
-Sound quality is good
-Abundance of faceplates
-Battery life is very, very good
-Good web browser
-Polyphonic ringtones sounds pretty nice

-Vibration is a bit weak
-No analog capability

A good, simple, reliable phone.

A Good Phone


Feb 22, 2005 by vanisle

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This is a great basic phone. I own a digital camera and an mp3 player and don't need one in my phone. I do play the addictive games that came with the phone on occasion.

-The reception rocks (probably my carrier-Roger's Wireless Canada - GSM)
-A great size (see specs on this site)
-I like the basic ring tones (I use the low or ring ring or nokia tone (but feel free to personalize your phone with downloadable ringtones)
-rubberized keys (anti slip)
-vibrate option works alone or with ring simultaneously (or ring only)
-silent mode
-two customizable profiles
-antennae is built in so you don't have to worry about snapping it off (no annoying little nubby- did i mention the reception rocks

-okay its not the sexiest phone (you can get cases from nokia to add colour) (my phone came with a blue case and a free silver one)
-screen is monochrome (no colour)
-awkward shutoff switch (but you can't accidentally turn it off)

If you are looking for a phone-this is all you need. If you want a clamshell style or speaker phone you're out of luck. You can get a headset (ear piece).

The only problems one time where I had to take the sim card out and put it back due to an error message (SIM CARD NOT FOUND). That happened over the course of one afternoon and hasn't happened since. I'm not the nicest to my phone either. I don't use a case and toss it into my pocket or napsack or brief case.

Old Reliable.


Feb 11, 2005 by Phone Lizard

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So, this was my first new phone since I got my third Startac and killed it dead.
It was great sounding, quick, and reliable. I got it less than a week after they came out, and just replaced it a month ago... but it's still there as a backup.
I have tried several phones in the interim..... the 3595, the Samsung e-315, the treo 600... lg 4015... all weak in one way or another, at least in comparison, and bang for the buck.
I kept saying "naw, I'll keep the 3590".
Loud calls? yes!
Ringtones- not an orchestra, but good.
Decent size, decent weight.. it's a good phone, not a showpiece, not a fancy item.
Has a decent calendar, ok accessories, some great downloadable games.
The only real trouble I had was that it just wouldn't keep my voicemail number stored, except as a phonebook entry, but whatever, small price to pay for clear calls, great reliablility, and some fun faceplates.
I won't discuss signal or carrier, since they are different region to region, country to country, and the carrier has NOTHING to do with the actual phone, for the most part.
I am with Rogers in western Canada, and I love the service.
The 3590 was ridiculously reliable, still holds a 4 day charge after over 1000 hours of calls, and over 2.5 years of use.
It's always going to have a soft spot in my heart.
I have tried probably 3 dozen phones during the 3590's reign in my pocket....... and only the v600 and all it's toys could lure me away.
It's still gonna be my number one go to phone as a backup, and I have 7 in the drawer, including a t720, a v300, a second 3590, a v220, and others.

Great fone for the money!


Sep 1, 2004 by scipio7

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If you're not a person who is looking for a wireless office, or to pay ridiculous amounts to use your fone overseas or to impress people with a flimsily contrived piece of plastic this may be the fone for you!

I've owned this fone for almost a year and have never dropped a call with it (Roger's Network, Vancouver Island Canada). Even with the enhanced audio codec (*3370#) activated the audio leaves a bit to desire but then look at the price. The fone was purchased second hand and has never frozen up on me. While I wouldn't describe this fone as "rugged" it is certainly more so than many more costly Motorola's.

Reception is good for an internal antennae fone and the menu and GPRS access are very intuitive as with most Nokia's. The fone has a nice lay-out, not too large or too small. I would reccomend this fone to anyone looking for a reliable basic voice/text fone.

On a side note, when consumers start demanding quality instead of colour screens, crappy one megapixel cameras and games we might get quality built aluminum housed fones!! Ring-tones are for lamers with too much time and money!



Aug 19, 2004 by Devilit1287

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The 0.5 I gave this phone is strictly because of the ok ringtones. The browser won't work, the phone shuts off on me even if during a phone call. I sometimes don't get phone calls period and they go straight to my voicemail. Sometimes I get no service at all in the middle of Times Square. I don't know if it's Cingular that is bad like this but I can't wait to get rid of this phone next month. Advisory to new phone users: DO NOT GET THIS PHONE.

Simple, yet Sufficient


Oct 4, 2003 by Cry River

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Cute phone, serves all necessary purposes. Has main features such as 2-way text messaging, calculator, calender and polyphonic ring tones. Cute graphics in the menu, funny screen savers. Overall it's a good phone at a good price. I would recommend it for someone just starting out with wireless phones because it's simple and
user friendly. Lacks only one item: 4 way navigation keys!

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