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Nokia 2135


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Jul 16, 2009 by sierradgl

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cute and tiny on the outside.
absolutly over priced
this phone is borring
and extreamly disapointing
it was made with a manafactures glitch.
many of these phones freeze every third incoming call.meaning it will lett you decline the call but it wont let you answer it. crapy charging outlit.after 4 monts this phone started to shut off of you did not reset the time after the phone was droped.
you cant download crap. your limmited to like 2 tones and walpapers. METRO PCS IS REALLY RIPPING PEOPLE OFF WITH PHONES.
this phone was simply shitty C:

Piece of Crap Phone


Aug 17, 2008 by Damron

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This Nokia cell phone, should have NEVER been put on the market-PERIOD. This battery wont even hold a charge as it states that it does-this would be false. My husband and I bought this phone for two reasons, to make calls and for the kids to get ahold of us. No one else held the phone number. We would let the battery go completely dead and charge it like you are supposed to. After charging it all night and then going out the door the next day, hours later it would shut off and be dead. As far as clarity, I give it a 3, 10 being high/great, and as far as dropped calls (where the phone shuts OFF) I give it a 5, and the buttons are micro scopic. I personally think this phone is a piece of crap. I took it back to Metro PCS they said "we can give you the same phone for free" but as we were walking out the lady tells us $10.00 and I am like "Why?" she stated "well we are sending it back in for you so we are handling the shipping of the phone so you dont have to." I am like saying in my head "Lady you aint shipping this pc of crap phone back no where who you fooling?" They wont even do a even exchange and not that I think that I would want that. I inquired about bumping up to the next best phone, $90.00 for the next cheap generic phone. Forgetaboutit! This phone Model 2135 has had such terrible reviews I think they should be able to even exchange it with the next BEST WORKING model. Good Luck!

If your stuck with Metro.....


Jan 28, 2008 by wotansvolk1

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This is a cheap phone that is meant to do one thing, make phone calls. The reception and sound quality are on par with a low end phone, and are
within the realm of "acceptable". Battery life is decent as I recharge every other day with around 2 hours of talking and light texting.

I have had the call timer problem mentioned by other reviews but have not had any lock ups; although have had a dropped call. I believe Metro is having issues with the network in the Orlando area.

If you can spend another 60 bucks, get the Moto W385. If you have good credit and don't need unlimited minutes, forget MetroPCS.Metro needs to step up to the plate and fix whatever is wrong with a fully 3G CDMA network.

Sprint and Verizon use this same technology and both have good/excellent reception and clarity. And getting a MetroPCS customer service rep to answer the phone would be nice as well.

Nokia 2135 (Metro PCS)


Jan 24, 2008 by bladefilms

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If your simply looking for a basic cell phone. This is it. It's made by Nokia the world leader in the mobile phone industry. Here are the PROs and CONs which will help you better decide.


- 3.5 hours of talk time
- Weight is 2.75 oz (light weight)
- Phone Book is entries 400
- easy to use user interface
- Large easy to read keys


- None.

Pass on this one.


Jan 3, 2008 by Rayswife06

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Sleek, thin and attractive. Beyond cosmetics, however, this phone leaves a lot to be desired. This is my second phone and the replacement phone (same model) is worse than the first. Screen freezes and does not let you answer or disconnect calls at the most inappropriate times. My first phone indicated that I had spent 159,000 minutes of talk time after 24 hours. Vibrate feature is available, but works only when you are not expecting it to. Speaker phone is quite the joke, unless you are interested is 'not' being heard or understood. This phone is full of issues including, but not limited to, a battery indicator which reads 'recharge' within minutes of indicating 'battery full'. If that weren't enough, customer service at Metro is well... Metro, you know. Nokia customer service and repair do not even recognize the phone's serial numbers as valid, regardless of the numbers given (esn, medi hex, etc.) I would like an appropriate resolution to this issue since I've had 2 phones in 1 month, but I'm not holding out much hope. Final word: run, don't walk in the opposite direction of this phone and anyone promoting it. You have been warned.

reveiw for metro pcs


Dec 21, 2007 by angelmq

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well lets me start of by saying this is a very sleek tiny phone . nokia is known for makeing good solid phones . the sound quality is great its on 95 bucks cheap and reliable . i only bought this phone as b/c my w385 had broken its only a temp phone . nice screen size small fits anywhere it has a nice chrome finish . NOW FOR THE CONS THE PHONE FREEZES CONSTANTLY WHAT IS NOKIA THINKING SENDING THESE CRAPPY PHONES TO THE PUBLIC . IT FREEZES WHEN YOUR ON A CALL YOU TRY TO HANG UP AND IT WONT LET U IT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN IT HANGS UP WHEN IT FELLS LIKE IT U HAVE TO TAKE OUT THE BATTERY AND TURN IT BACK ON THE REPS AT METRO TOLD ME THEY HAD THAT PROBLEM BUT THE RETARTS WONT FIX THE PROBLEM BUYER BE WARE DONT BUY IT ITS CRAP IT JUST LOOKS NICE

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