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UTStarcom Coupe 8630


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Coupe 8630


Sep 8, 2007 by Mark_S

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Tried this phone out at the Verizon store. The inside keypad layout is phenomenal. The ICE 3 button emergency contact on the top inside and the emergency 911 button is an excellent add-on. Extremely intuitive layout and keypad size. Displays are large and very readable. Sound quality very good. The rest is left to time telling the story.

This phone is AMAZING ^^


Oct 21, 2008 by JazmineJade

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I absolutly love this phone
Its not a "fun" phone, but its nice for if you really like simple phones. Very easy to use and to text. Very Durable...I have it for about 5 months and have virtually no scratches. It broke because it got wet D:
The only con i can think of is the speech recognition button on the side is sensitive. If i had it in school, and the button was accidentally pushed, it would make a noise and i would have to take it out and open in and push the "end" button.
That problem was easily solved. all you have to do, is lock your phone and the button wont do anything. overall, its the best phone i ever had

Sound is not loud enough


Jun 12, 2008 by WA665

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big buttons
big number font on LCD screen

sounds not loud
ringer could be louder
voice sound could be louder
speaker is not loud
no camara

who ever wants a good phone that has big numbers on verizon, should check the samsung u540. it also has a loud speaker and ringer.
also has a camara and video. the LG 8350 is also a good one. If your look for a good motorola check the W755.

Decent phone, could be better.


Jan 12, 2008 by SgtFlaman

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The phone as a whole is alright. Large screen, large buttons, etc...
But I would have to say that the cons slightly outweigh the pros.
The Coupe has a built-in antenna that is extremely sensitive it seems, as I can pick up service with ease even with ZERO bars of service. But if I hold the phone in just the wrong way as to block the antenna, the party on the other end is constantly saying "Hello" Are you there?" The call is not being dropped, just interrupted. I've called the carrier and they assure me the towers are fine (go figure).
In this day and age, more and more camera phones are being released and along with that, all the newest and greatest features. As I choose not to own a camera phone as I don't need one, I feel left in the dust. Why should entry-level phones be made without Get-It-Now capabilities or even Bluetooth?

All in all, decent phone. But could be better.

Easy To Use, Sleek & Simple. I call it the Volksphone


Nov 17, 2007 by lpnalda

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Have had this phone for a week now and am very pleased. I am visually impaired and definitely feel the this phone was targeted at folks like myself, but alas missing a few things With that here are the pros/cons.
Ease of Use (see cons)
Large Text when Editing or viewing text messages or contact fields.
Talking menu readout & keypad digits (even when entering letters).
Large fonts in most applications
Good set of applications (Calculator, Calendar, Alarms, Notepad, and Tip Calculator.
Good Audio Quality

No multimedia, save for selectable ringtones and 9 wallpapers. No picture messaging either to add your own wallpaper (this all works in it's favor giving for smaller menus to navigate).
Screen is not fully transflective allowing for direct sunlight viewing (nokia is the one of the few that offer this).
Calculator font still a bit small)
No address fields in Contacts (although you could store that in the notepad for crucial addresses).
Voice Command/dialing a bit hard to work with.
No Voice memo app.

I've sort of given the reasons I like this phone in the Forum. I'm happy with this phone, I find the audio quality good, both on speakerphone and earpiece. I was a bit disappointed to find no voice memo (a feature that comes in handy for taking down quick bits of information ).

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