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Samsung SCH-R300


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Jun 15, 2011 by superk734

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this is a great phone, have used it for two years. I have literally abused this phone, gotten battery wet a few times, dropped it, etc. The phone doesn't even have the back on it, but the battery manages to stay on. I can recharge the phone completely in less than a hour, and I can also continue to talk while I charge. It will let me talk for about 2-1/2 hours. I paid 79.00 and I don't regret it. I can text although it's not the best I can convey my point across just fine. The Cons are there is no camera, but even the internet works. It has a lot of great little features. My reception here in Ohio is great and I have a Revol plan.

Best basic phone I've bought


Apr 27, 2008 by ExDee

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I bought this phone a couple of months ago for $108 at Metro, I think this is the best basic phone I've used.
I've abused the *Bleep* out of it, and it still works, I've dropped it, thrown it, and I can talk on it for more than 4 hours and still have battery life.

Easy Navigation
Ability to read texts on front display

No camera
No Blue tooth
Difficult to open at first

Dont Bother


Feb 8, 2008 by ya_boi

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I just bought this phone a few mins ago. I must say its the worst phone I ever bought. The clarity was horrible and I drop calls. Maybe its Metro in Orlando or the phone either way I thinks its not worth your money!

easy navigation display

any and everything you can think of!

Good Phone


Feb 8, 2008 by CFCC

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I've own this phone for about two months now and i think its good i am completely satisfied, it has very good battery life, and even though it is a basic phone you can use almost all the features that metro offers with their plans.
-Battery life.
-Solid phone
-User friendly
-Very loud ringer(actually the only thing that can wake me up in the morning)
-Reception could be a bit better.
-Microphone sometimes does not pick up very clear.
overall very good.

Nice, Small....BUT


Feb 1, 2008 by fyic

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This phone is very well made and nice and small....BUT there a lot of Cons for me

Pros: small, well made, battery was good.

Cons: crappie reception, awful signal strength only 1 or 2 bars all the time. If you don't have a signal the phone keeps beeping at you and can't turn that off, vibrate modes suck, no games, when you have it in your pocket it's very easy to turn the phone's ring to off or on...so if you are in a meeting and accidentally hit one of those buttons your phone might just ring when you don't want it too

Metro or the phone?


Jan 28, 2008 by wotansvolk1

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I had this phone for less than a week and experienced dropped calls & lots of my conversations cut out.

I exchanged the phone for another and had the exact same problems. I know there are some issues in the metro west area of
Orlando lately concerning Metro's network because I used to get excellent reception with my old Moto, and my g/f's Razr on ATT gets full bars here. Now even my Nokia 2135 struggles to hold onto a signal, and goes from 4 or 5 bars to 2 if I walk into the bathroom and go to almost no signal occasionally just sitting by the window.

Make sure you use this phone less than 1 hour and check it out thouroughly everywhere you plan to use it (per Metro return policy). I really liked the form and feel of this phone and the construction was great. But all the problems led me to the Nokia 2135.

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