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LG Decoy VX-8610


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This one is decent.


Jun 22, 2008 by EsOne

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The built-in bluetooth is nice if you are looking to avoid the extra price of one, but kind of pointless if you already have one. The bluetooth set can seem to "Get in the way" of using the phone normally, and feels awkward without having the set in there.
Overall phone use is easy. Easy menus with a great navigation stick.

Bluetooth printing is a plus for easy photo printing.
Camera is solid.
Decent battery life, but it is an LG, can't expect less.
Nice slider
Easy to push keys.

Bluetooth makes the phone feel awkward.
Kind of laggy at times.

Overall, happy with the phone. Would recommend if you like the look, which, honestly is UGLY to me, but to each his own.

Great Phone


Jul 12, 2008 by tcarter77

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I have had alot of lg phones and samsung and this one is the best so far the sound quality is great the screen size easy to read the phone slides easy and they now have a holster for this phone that you can open the phone with out having to take it out of the holster which is a big plus for me, I dont use the bluetooth I took it out and put in the cover that comes with the phone it does come with a separate charger for the bluetooth so if you dont want in on the phone that is a option the battery life is great on this phone I went from the samsung u 620 which battery life was very bad and this one is great I have nothing bad to say about this phone. you can customize this phone to your liking. I think this is the best phone next to the 8300 that lg has put out for a slider phone it rocks.

crappy phone


Dec 18, 2009 by narn3049

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I had this phone for a short time before I had owned the alias. It was *decent* but it would've almost met the 4.0 rating if the send button had worked. The send button worked weirdly because I would go to send a text message and the phone wouldn't send. I tried to send it with the ok, and it wouldn't let me, I had to take out the battery and power it back on. The battery was honestly crap to tell you the truth and it has never held a charge right. You literally have to have it on charge for 3 days to get a decent charge.

I was still in my 30 day choosing time and told Verizon I would want to get a different phone I had been looking at.

Anything better then this unreliable thing.

As the style and camera rating goes this phone was great, but if you plan on texting it is junk for that.

Lg Decoy


Aug 14, 2009 by garbli

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This is my daughters phone and she dislikes this phone to be honest she is on her 6th one and they keep freezing and shutting off they also get stuck on the verizon wireless logo.

1-Nice key pad
2-Nice camera
3-Battery life is good
4-Nice speakers

1-Shuts off when receives a picture message
2-Does not receive all phone calls
3-Has problems sending texts
4-Blue tooth sometimes does not work

I like it


Apr 18, 2009 by s-lovely

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The LG Decoy [in my opinion] is a really nice phone. The bluetooth doesn't always stay in my ear, but hey i'm not a big fan of bluetooths. Its alot like the chocolate only way better and it has nice sound quality and takes beautiful pics. Only downfall with the pics is it doesn't have flash. The ringtones play well also. The mp3 player isn't as nice as I thought it would be, but whatever that's y I have an iPod.

Overall I think its a really good phone and I'd pick it over the Venus I had any day.

Looks Nice. Thats It!


Jan 15, 2009 by jcrispy007

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I just bought this phone. I really wanted the LG Venus but they only had them in pink at the store. So i went with this. The bluetooth is what sold me. Its a nice phone but im just no that impressed. Im pretty rough with phones so im scared to mess this one up.

Pros: Smooth slide, nice finish, large bright screen, big number buttons, built in bluetooth.

Cons: Joystick is squirly and sensitive.Bluetooth dont fit in my ear and falls out if i open my mouth too wide. Plus it makes the phone not sit flat on a table. I have to repeat myself when using it.

In conclution, the phone is nice but not worth the price just for a built in bluetooth. Im taking it back to get the LG Venus. Compare the two. You decide. Laterz

Lovely little phone!


Aug 26, 2008 by Rel_v

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I picked the Decoy to replace my LG Chocolate (8500); with, I have to admit, some reluctance at giving up my trusty little Chocolate. I didn't like the Chocolate 3 only because it is a flip and my 8500 turned me into a slider fan.
I was not disappointed! The Decoy is perfect replacement, the only two issues I have with the phone is the slider is a little tighter than the 8500 and the music player is a far cry from the MP3 player on the Chocolate line.
That being said, the Decoy was not targeted to the music consumer as the Chocolate is, so I really can't complain too much.
The menus are well organized and make a lot more sense than any other phone I've had. It's a big change from what I'm used to but very intuitive. The signal strength is better than expected... I expected a lot as my 8500 always had a great signal. The call quality is great, I have no problems hearing anyone, they have no problems hearing me, even on the BlueTooth.
The Bluetooth headset is no more problematic than most other ones as far as staying on, it's fallen out on me once but so did my other one.
I love having the Bluetooth on board. I took a few minutes to learn how to pop it out with one hand so when I'm driving I don't have to take my eyes off the road or hands off the wheel when a call comes in.
The toggle button is taking some time to get used to, but it's very sensitive, just need some time to learn not to push too hard.
I did buy the phone mostly for looks. The shiny face appealed to me and the silver/black color looks wicked. The pictures never make it look as good as it does in person.
It's easy to use, looks great, and have had no problems with it!
Coming from a phone that never gave me a single problem to the Decoy, I am not disappointed in giving up my little Chocolate.

-great interface
-call quality
-on board Bluetooth

-MP3 player not as user friendly as I'd like it

A Dab Little Phone


Jul 14, 2008 by LGFan1001

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I know there aren't many reviews of the Decoy and it'll probably become obsolete by December, like the VX-8300 did when it first came out, but I like this little phone. And it wasn't the Bluetooth headset that sold me, but the "joystick".

Easy to slide open
Loud ringers
Big, clear screen
How the "joystick" smooth-rolls
The ICE feature
Can talk in closed or open mode
Mobile 2.0 is *fast*
Sharp pix and videos
Paired easily with my GPS

Bluetooth headset won't fit in my ear; not a selling point; may or may not buy a new separate headset

Thank goodness I was able to move my pictures from the old phone to the new; would that I could do that with ringtones, too, but I had to buy them new again.

I hope some company comes out with Decoy-specific cases; that holster Verizon provides is rather sad.

Cool phone that isn't worth it...


Jul 6, 2008 by lalalaleigh

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Wow- neat looking phone until you use it.

The handset has really good sound and decent connectivity. Didn't work in tunnels, but I didn't expect it to.

I justified paying extra for this phone because of the embedded bluetooth headset. Not worth it. My friends have complained that I sound tinny and the headset frequently drops calls. Tres annoying. I have small ears so it fits fine, but those with slightly larger ears have a lot of trouble with fit - it falls out.

It's a cool looking phone but not worth the extra money. I'm taking mine back this week.



Jun 20, 2008 by deanofpledges

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Looks like a souped up version of the M520 from Sprint.

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