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Nokia 6650 fold


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one of at&t's best


Mar 7, 2009 by knuckleballer34

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This is one of the best phones currently available from at&t. Nokia did a good job of producing a quality product which is both practical as a basic phone and feature-rich enough for high end users.

1. Always first and foremost, reception and call quality. This phone has excellent reception, and calls are crisp and clear.
2. Very adaptable for a cross section of users. Is excellent as a basic phone, a multimedia phone, and a business phone.
3. Solidly built. Strong metal backing and casing, can take a few licks here and there. Do beware of scratches though!
4. Absolutely beautiful color-rich screen. The best i've seen available. Music and sound quality from the speakerphone is excellent as well.
5. Looks great! Both the metallic red and silver versions are pleasing to the eyes. You can also change the keypad light color from a variety of choices

Middle ground:
1. This is the first time I use this category. Battery life is hit and miss depending on luck of the draw. My phone has excellent battery life, and several of my friends also get good battery life on theirs. However, I have seen some of these models with "average" battery life. If your a heavy texter and speakerphone user, you may want to test the phone out in store before you buy it.

1. The keypad is a little cramped, and much too flat.
2. At&t did a nice job of putting junk keys everywhere. In particular, the GPS button is way too easy to hit. This becomes annoying quickly.
3. Symbian operating system plain stinks. It's fairly easy to get used to, but that doesn't mean its fun once your used to it.

Aside from a small, flat keypad, there wasn't really anything to complain about with this phone. The operating system isn't fun, but that doesn't take away from the overall value from the phone. It gets great reception and call quality, and has a variety of uses. I'd recommend it for just about anyone.

Too many little irritations


Mar 16, 2009 by airmanjerm

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I really liked this phone in the store: it looked nice, it felt sturdy, and the web browser function was really great. After I bought it though, I've started to really dislike it. Here are the things I really can't stand:

1. That darned GPS button. I realize that putting it there, in the dead center of the keyboard, is a great marketing tactic so that perhaps - after the millionth time of accidentally hitting it and waiting for the slow startup - customers may actually decide to subscribe to the GPS service. This is too much of a nuisance and should have been located elsewhere.

2. The keyboard is MUCH too flat. If I'm in a restaurant or somewhere and want to discreetely send a text, I can't do it on this phone without looking at the keyboard.

3. The speakerphone is just HORRIBLE.

4. The alarm function on this phone has an annoying habit of just "easing you awake." The alarm sound begins very quietly, gradually getting louder and louder. There is a function to change the standard ring (or alarm) to "ascending," but even on the standard (non-ascending) setting, it still does this.

5. As ridiculous as this sounds, this is the only phone I've ever had to actually pinch my finger (enough to actually hurt) when closing it. Wow.

6. The web browser is nice, but has an annoying habit of just shutting off frequently, right in the middle of doing something.

7. Text message send-times are buried within a menu, not displayed at the top or bottom of the message itself like on practically every other phone on earth. I don't like having to hunt for things that could easily be displayed.

8. Changing ringers and other similar options require navigating through way too many menu buttons.

9. The outside touch-screen buttons are much too sensitive.

Decent phone, but far from perfect


Dec 10, 2009 by jkl1111

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I have had this phone for 6 months now. (Before this, I had a Sony Ericsson W300i that I loved.)

- The Nokia 6650 is a good size - flat and narrow, but a bit long.
- The speaker volume is adequate.
- The camera is decent, but the flash is poor.
- It picks up signal great, even in low-signal areas (AT&T, central Illinois).
- It has a sturdy hardware design and nice screen quality.
- There is no antenna stub, or arch or anything to disrupt the phone's silhouette.

- The ringer volume is MUCH too quiet with the factory-installed ringers.
- There is no auto-complete (or T9) for text recipient names.
- There is not a recently-texted list of people.
- The internet button is much too easy to press accidentally (just above the talk button) and can result in unintended internet charges.
- Similarly, the GPS button is much to easy to press.
- The PTT (push to talk) button on the side of the phone is in the way and gets pressed often. I would like to disable it if possible; I never want to have the option of PTT.
- The phone often pinches my hand as I close it.
- When I transferred my contact information using my SIM card, ALL of the phone numbers were saved as "Mobile" and ALL of the names were saved as last names. I'm still trying to figure out if some phone numbers are actually mobile or work or home, etc. for many of my contacts.
- The text-sent time for a received text is buried in a menu, not easily visible when the message is displayed.
- The cursor for data entry is small and is a similar color to the highlight color; I can't tell where it is most of the time.
- The alarm will only go off for 45 minutes, i.e. it will only allow one to snooze six times (with a nine-minute snooze time) and then the last time it does not allow a snooze but requires an actual Stop command.

Overall, I'll put up with this phone for the two-year contract until I can get a rebate on a new phone, but I'll probably be complaining the whole time.

Very good phone with some minor flaws


May 7, 2009 by jb8von

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I've owned the phone for 2.5 months, and have been very happy. I've owned nothing but Nokia phones with my previous two being 5310 Xpress Music and 6126. The 6650 blows the 6126 out of the water. The 5310 is more comparable to the 6650.

Pros and cons of the 6650:

* 3G
* flash with the camera
* great music player with the ability to search for songs or artists
* expandable memory with slot for micro SD cards
* great screen resolution
* awesome call quality reminiscent of most Nokia phones
* very good battery life (better than both the 5310 and 6126)
* speakerphone
* ability to customize main menu
* good design and study

* ringtones have to be under 300kb
* difficulty finding a '2.5 mm to 3.5 mm headphone adapter' that actually works with the phone
* copying and pasting text is nearly impossible to learn
* camera phone pics are average
* S60 takes some time to learn

All in all, a very good phone. Highly recommend.

A great phone with a little challenge


Mar 31, 2009 by missy7

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Owned several phones-love the Nokia's best. Most recent was Nokia 6555 but renewed my contract, and picked 6650. I love my recent Nokia 6555- except for battery life, but eager to see what Nokia thought they could improve with 6650-
-Bigger screen. Nice resolution/colors
-Can change keypad color lights
-Calls sound crisp and great- seems to filter out background noise!
-Can run music player from outer screen
-Good battery life
-Memory card slot on side of phone instead of under the battery
-all the standard Nokia features
-sturdy and aesthetic construction, doesn't show fingerprints
-camera is decent and w/ok photo editing program for a phone. Can also operate camera by using the outside screen

-too many "junk" buttons and matching menu icons hogging space
-lacking some of the customization options the 6555 had, especially lacking some shortcut features like the “options” button to bookmark several places you like all under the left softkey.
-Symbian system not as easy as the S40 system in the 6555. More robust, but too complicated and menu not as logical. Finding some things requires the user guide for help and many button pushes to accomplish some of the simplest tasks.
-ignores your existing memory card folder organization. eg- you have 3 photo folders- one for your kids, one for cats, and one for friends. These all show up as only one images folder total that contain all the photos together. So if you have hundreds of pics, you will have to browse thru ALL of them to find the one you wanted.
-bluetooth file transx takes forever

It is a good phone and many will love the 6650, but fuller customization, logical organization/navigation have me keeping my 6555. The pros of the 6650 tempted me, but in the end it's just not for me. My ideal phone- would have the body of the 6650- with the memory card slot on the side, changing keypad lights, bigger screen... but would have the inside system of the 6555 with the S40 operating system. Are you listening Nokia? :)

Nice Phone


Mar 24, 2009 by SmartPhoneUser82

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Nokia Fold from At&t is better phone then the Nokia N75 they had even if the screen is smaller phone is better build and sound is better.

Clear Screen

Call quality

Speaker Ok

Customizable dial keys (change colors)

Camera ok 2.0 could of been at least a 3.2
Symbian 3rd 2PT
and much more.

Nokia N75 replacement email works but viewing documents no software with comes with phone.(But is available online)

Ringtones are max to stay under 300kb.

No Wifi

Flat Keys

Nokia 6650


Feb 8, 2009 by pickupmonkey0113

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Pro's Solid Build, Good Reception, Decent Battery, color changing keypad, stereo bluetooth, micro SD up to 8GB, Crystal clear screen, decent earpiece volume, loud ringers. Con's Menu is a little complicated but okay once you get used to it.

All around excellent phone


Jan 26, 2009 by middkid87

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I received this phone a little over a month ago and I wanted to wait to write a review until I had used the phone and gotten a chance to see how the phone performed under a variety of conditions. After a month, I can honestly say I am very happy with this phone.

A little background: My carrier is AT&T and I live in a metropolitan area in the Northeast. This is my only phone-no landline-so this phone is on constantly. I travel throughout New England and I use a bluetooth headset when I am driving. My previous phone before the 6550 was a Samsung Sync.

-The phone has a very solid feel, typical of all Nokias I have owned. The metal exterior doesn't pick up fingerprints like my Sync. -Connectivity: I live in the bottom floor of an apartment building and in the past had trouble with dropped calls or even being able to connect with the Sync. No such problem with the 6550 - call quality is excellent and I get 3 and 4 bars every time I have used my phone at home and when I am on the road.
-Battery: battery life on the phone has been excellent.
-Usability: I spent some time customizing the 6550 and now I am able to access what I want easily and quickly. The switch from the Sync OS to the Nokia OS was easy. My only complaint is the location of the external volume control - hard to use when you are actually talking on the phone.
-Keyboard: it's a little slippery so it takes some getting used to, but I now navigate it with ease.
-Features: this phone is loaded and I am still discovering new things it can do.

-When I used the AT&T Navigator GPS program, I noticed a significant increase in the heat emanating from the phone.
-Location of external volume controls (see above).
-Camera is pretty good, but not great.

That's it. I would highly recommend this phone to anyone who wants a mid range phone packed with features/accessories. All in all, a very good effort from Nokia.



Jan 26, 2009 by BruceH

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I had a frustrating experience with this phone and returned it in a few days.
The touch screen is very sensitive and as you put the phone in your pocket or in a case or when you are holding the phone, the screen puts the phone in different menus, beeps a lot and asks questions. The funny thing is that what you can do with the phone in the closed position, using the touch screen is limited. You can access certain menu items but not the ones that are used often.
On the side of the phone there are a couple of buttons that when touched do things like reject a call. Every time someone called and I went to grab the phone, I hung up on them because the side of the phone would touch the inside of the phone case.
Another problem was that the icons and symbols were too small to read. You can enlarge the fonts but it doesn't help much.
A couple of positives were the loud speaker is strong and the reception is good.
I replaced this Nokia with Sony Ericsson W760A. This Sony is great. You should try it. Hope this helps.

Nokia 6650 Fold


Jan 21, 2009 by nokia09

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Have had this phone for 6 weeks. Already had to get a replacement handset. The battery gets extremely hot and loses the charge daily whether it is used or not. I am still waiting for a replacement battery to be in stock. What a disappointment this phone has been. I hope others have better luck than I have had so far.

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