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Motorola RAZR VE20


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Awesome Phone


Jun 30, 2009 by dipebrei

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I live in a rural area and this is the only phone that comes in at my house. I have Alltel.

very sleek looking
mirror on the front =)
great reception
good price..I paid 50 dollars after a 50dollar rebate
very good camera

battery life is not great
ringtones are few and dumb
have to have a micro sb to use the mp3player

Great Phone!


Jun 17, 2009 by parker.l.reed

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My mom recently purchased this phone for herself, and it was a little too much for her. She wasn't using half the functions that it could perform. I had the Samsung Wafer which is a pretty basic phone. To make a long story short, we traded and I love it. I had just bought a 2gb microsd card for the Wafer. Plopped it into the VE20 and worked perfectly! I use the music player all the time, and store all my videos and photos on the card. I have unlimited texting on my line so it worked out pretty well. Her are my pros and cons.


Great Price
Lot of phone for the money
Full headphone jack
Great reception
Decent music player
2.0MP camera
microsd slot
Touch Screen on the outside
Great Feel (Love the rubber)


microsd under battery (not a big deal)
Not able to remove the Ringtones menu item (Alltel)

It's an all around great phone that I would highly recommend to anybody in he market for a new phone.

VE20 Yes iiiz niiiice!


Apr 18, 2009 by bobby2284

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Anyone who says this phone is bad is either a moto hater or has a defective phone (it happens deal with it, and btw thats why there is a 15-30day replacement period for defects).


Micro USB charger
Micro SD support up to 16GB
Good Large quality screen iside and out.
Good 2mp Camera with photo editing.
Brushed aluminum/ chromie look is nice.
Doesnt cost $299 like the razr2 did lol.
Fast interface not glitchy, stores holds alot of sms/mms messages without freezing.
As with most motos excellent speaker phone and loud clear ringers/ music.

Not So-Good Things:

Battery Life could be better, but it gets through the day ok.

Price could be a little lower, but it's still pretty new still so its expected.

Wish it had either a Verizon equivalent menu setup or the original Moto style menues, just not really a fan of alltels menues. Who wants to press 4 buttons to get to their phone book lol, but you can customize the menues anyway...

No free kitten with purchase. I was sad!

Great All Around Phone...


Oct 18, 2008 by SprintTampaBay

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This phone is quite feature rich for the price and performance outstanding...

Features functions & benefits of the Motorola RAZR VE 20 exceeds some phones costing a lot more. There are too many features to list and you can read them in the information section.

Pros: Great reception.
Excellent voice clarity.
Bright color displays.
Faster operating system.
Nice menu.
Good feel to keys.
Solid construction & design.
Big improvement over V3 series.
Great bang for the buck.

Cons: So small not even enough to list.

If you looking for a great overall phone this just be your choice. It is well worth looking at and trying it's a winner. Excellent value for the money!

Good Phone


Sep 16, 2008 by whiskey7

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I've had this phone for a few weeks now...so far I like it alot and have not had any problems. I am coming from a Sanyo 8400 (an excellent performing phone) and the VE20 seems to stand up to the high standards set by the 8400.

Here are my notes:

-Call quality has been very good...conversations are perfectly clear.

-The phone has "side tone," where you hear your own voice in the earpiece like you do with a landline. I feel this makes improves the calling experience. I am glad Motorola has held on to this feature.

-Earpiece volume is fine for me, but not as loud as other phones I've used. It does not get blasting loud.

-Reception seems strong and stable...though I haven't had the opportunity to do intensive testing in a real fringe area yet.

-Overall build quality is pretty good. Phone feels solid.

-The external screen is mirror-like and gets finger prints easily. Though you can actually use it as a mirror to make sure there is nothing in your teeth or something like that.

-The volume rocker is a little hard to locate "by feel" when trying to adjust the earpiece volume while on a call. The phone responds with a small pulse of vibration when you adjust the earpiece volume...you can not turn that off or change it to a beep.

-The music player is excellent. The 3.5mm headphone jack was a huge plus for me; no more headphone adapters! Playing music through the speaker is surprisingly loud.

-I'm not crazy about the virtual touch sensitive external buttons for changing songs. They do work as-designed, but I prefer physical buttons...especially when working out/jogging.

-The operating system has been stable. I haven't experienced any freezing up or any lag.

-The camera takes very good pics for a phone camera. The key pad lights up red, instead of the usual white, when in camera mode.

-I don't use the Vision (internet) features, but they seem like they could be pretty neat on this phone.

-The is only one option for how the time and date will be displayed.

This Razr makes the grade.im surprised


Aug 22, 2008 by killerdude83

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Not too bad of a phone. I actually got to demo this phone for a couple of weeks before it came out. I gotta give it props, it has everything the Razr2 V9 has without the high price tag! I have had it for 3 weeks now and thou it froze on me once it has impressed me in many ways.

The Pros-
*Its got great signal, I had 2 bars in my casa with my old phone..this one gives me 3-4 bars.

*Its got LiveSearch! Nuf said..

*Very fast web browsing speed(I believe it runs on Sprints EVDOrev.A)

*Good resolution camera(2mp) and crystal clear display

*External caller ID touch screen comes in handy for quick access w/o having to open the phone.

*Moto has also fixed the bugs that the old razors are known for{such as dial pad delays and esp. BATTERY LIFE!!}I use the phone non stop to hit the web and for heavy usage, it lasts me most of the day.

*Youtube works great

*Sprint TV and Navi are great on this device

*Froze once on me
*Speaker is not near loud enough for convo's

All in all it passed my test and even thou I need something more robust for work, this phone is definenatly worth the $99.99 price tag when signing a 2yr. Pretty cool Moto, not bad for a flip.

Finally A Decent RAZR


Oct 20, 2008 by ChicagoKid

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Best RAZR I have ever had the real deal. Outstanding all the way around no problems other then the battery life could be a little better.

Have any questions just try one out its the only way you will ever know.

Great Phone!


Aug 31, 2008 by sebastianlara96

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This is my first phone and for the price it is OK.
This phone is being used in the Southern Maryland area with Sprint.

-2 MP Camera
-Predictive Texting is FAST!
-Sprint Music Store
-Touch Strip on External Display
-Fits anywhere

-Froze on me twice in two weeks
-Signal inside my house, especially basement
-Speakerphone volume is too low..... :(
- $149.99 price tag

Best Buy!


Oct 19, 2008 by JRP

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This is my 8th cell phone or pda and is without a doubt the best of all. It's simply one the best phones out there at the present time. I would advise anyone looking for a solid phone too give it a try.

Beware the keypad


Sep 30, 2011 by bobcat68

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Bought one to replace my old V323. I like everything about it except for 1 thing. The keypad. Who thought up that design? Its the worse design I've ever seen. Having the letters below the related number is very confusing when texting. Looking for a replacement for that reason alone.

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