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HTC Touch Pro (CDMA)


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Very Impressive


Sep 4, 2009 by jordonshaw

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I've been a blackberry user for years! I always thought that I would never leave Blackberry. Then, as I got to researching some of the options that Windows Mobile has, such as Remote Desktop, I just couldn't help but try it. I have to say, I'm so glad that I did! This phone is nothing short of amazing! Keep in mind, I do contract work for several companies and the ability to remote desktop directly from my phone, is awesome!!! Of course that's not all, the ability to take a picture of a business card and have it added to your address, amazing! I am very impressed with this phone!

Of course, it couldn't be the answer to all prayers, so there are some cons for the phone. Let me detail them out here:

Finger prints everywhere! I have the Verizon model, so I don't know if the other carriers are the same, but there are finger prints all over the place.

When you go to the email preview, you can often read the whole message, without opening it up; however, it will stay marked as unread until you do actually open it up.

The battery runs down somethings pretty quickly, but this is probably due to the fact that I can't keep my hands off it!

Remote Desktop! This is awesome

Web browser! Very good for a mobile device.

Over the air sync with Exchange server.

TouchFLO 3D is a great interface!

I could go on an on for days on the pros, but this form is limited on number of characters!

If you have a Blackberry, or any other phone, buy this one! You won't be sorry! The cons that I mentioned are very minor compared to all the features this phones has! Most of the cons are due to my OCD to keep things neat! These might not bother other people!

Can't believe it's Windows Mobile...


Nov 29, 2008 by JeffdaBeat

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I left my Mogul for a Blackberry Peal earlier this year and never looked back. Then I got the best phone ever created, the Blackberry Curve and lived by the mantra "Once you go BlackBerry, you never go Back...berry." But when the HTC Touch Pro came out, I couldn't help but to at least try it. I'm glad I did. Here are some of my favorite things about the phone:

Touch Screen:

This is probably the biggest improvement I've seen. It doesn't take a very hard press at all for the phone to recognize your finger. At times, I forget that I am not dealing with the more expensive glass screen on the G1 or iPhone. And the screen is beautiful. Colors are vibrant even if Windows Mobile doesn't allow for as many colors as the screen is really capable of.


I've heard a lot of talk about the keyboard being small, but I guess I got used to a smaller one when I had the Curve. The keyboard feels nice on the fingers and is easier to use with 5 rows of keys rather than 4. I also like the directional keys.


Thank God for Touchflo. I rarely move away from it. TF can pretty much get me to whatever program I want and rarely do I have to even hit start. I like just swiping my finger to change different features.

If I had to say something I didn't like, I'd say I don't like that there is no button to get to the camera faster. Other than that, if you need a PDA...and you know how to use it right, get this one. It's worth the money and the wait.

Hyperbole alert! Best phone (I've) ever (had)! ! !


Nov 12, 2008 by ognus

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I used to be loyal to LG products. LG was doing some awesome stuff in those early cell phone years. But LG has failed to keep up in my opinion and Samsung and HTC are now making the coolest phones.

PROS - - - -

~ Keyboard is awesome. It's a five row key board with arrow keys for navigating menus. These arrow keys are wonderful for going through email, rss feeds and menus. Much better than using your finger!

~ Chrome finish does not chip as easily as diamond. My diamond chipped on the first day and I had only put it in my pocket once.

~ Touch flo interface! I installed Schaps advanced config and registry editor and adjusted some of the cache file sizes to make this thing really fast. Without that, it can be slow and unresponsive if you get pushy with it.

~ Upgradeable. Windows mobile is due for an upgrade and from what I have read, 6.5 is due early next year followed shortly by 7.0. The prospect of upgrading from the current windows mobile 6.1 makes me very happy. Also, the folks over at XDA developers have done a lot of neat stuff for installing custom cooked ROMs to make this phone even faster and more functional.

~ Expandable memory. Up to 16gb!

~ Removeable battery. I got two! The corporate store clerk gave me another battery they had lying around from a defective phone. Very nice of Sprint to do that. This phone is tough on batteries, but I don't see that as a con because the trade off is having a powerful phone! Performance machines always take up more juice. That's a rule of life.

~ Stability. I had to soft reset my diamond almost daily. I have only soft reset this phone twice and that was because I installed some software that required it.

CONS - - - - -

~ Battery life. But that's like complaining that a muscle car takes more gas.

~ Heat. The backside of this phone gets quite warm. It doubles as a hand warmer!

~ Open keyboard menu. I wish I could customize this. I find the menu lacking and it's not the same as the normal menu.



Nov 5, 2008 by ayinde6

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I joined Sprint 3 years ago with the purchase of a Treo 650, since then I have owned the Treo 650, Treo 700, The HTC Touch and Now the Touch Pro w/new contract. With that said let me say that The Touch Pro (TP) is the best Phone I have ever owned.

No phone is perfect in my opinion, not even the “Heaven Sent” IPhone which I am so sick of hearing everyone compare every new Phone that comes out to. The IPhone is a GREAT phone I would never dispute that, but from what I have read it has it’s share of issues also. Besides these are two totally different types of Phones, and in my Opinion you can’t go wrong with a windows mobile device with all the bells and whistles for the work and play combination.

Pros and Cool features
1.Chrome Finish will make you say WOW! Yes it does attract fingerprints, but so does the PSP, DS Lite, PS3, IPhone, etc. Notice a trend here?
2.TouchFlo3D is amazing!! It is a fluid and beautiful very easy to navigate interface.
3.Typing on the slide out keyboard is a breeze and a very welcome addition.
5.Camera quality is great, much better than what I was used to
6.Internet Browsing is GREAT with Opera installed out of the box.
7.YouTube program installed out of the Box, I wasn’t a big YouTube fan, but I am now.
8.Screen display is ABSOLUTELY beautiful!! Best I have ever seen in a phone.
9.Wi-Fi is a nice addition, although I haven’t really had time to play with it properly.
10.Sound quality is great for me, not sure what everyone else is talking about, maybe I just got a good phone, “Knock on wood.”

Only real Con is the Battery life, but I can deal okay with that.

Well that’s my review of the Touch Pro, bottom line is, if you want a phone that can virtually do everything i.e. GPS, Email, Text, Web, Music, Videos, and yeah it makes phone calls, you can't go wrong. I named this review “no one phone can please everyone” because there is no perfect phone that everyone will love but this one comes very close!

Fantastic upgrade to Mogul


Nov 5, 2008 by I AM GOD

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First off, I use Sprint between Chicago and Milwaukee. With Touchflo (TF) running, battery life is not great, bluetooth kills it almost as much as GPS. With TF off, I liked the mogul better for the abundance of shortcut buttons, with TF, the pro is way better for touch responsiveness. More importantly, it is a better phone, the calls are clearer and the speaker is much better. The pro maintains calls in locations the mogul consistently dropped calls.

-Reception is top notch from my experience with Sprint pdas.
-Camera is fantastic, as is the options for saving/sending pics (picturemail, finally).
-Media-Mp3 trimmer-make your own ringtones, built in. Media player is very good, with up to an 8gig micro sd and tv out cable being an option. Loud speakers, adequate headphones.
-TF makes WM life much easier. I'm a little curious as to why there is no "Sprint Navigation" page on the interface.
-Noveties- Teeter and the weather application are fun to play with and show off.
-Opera Mobile is a huge step above IE.
-Sprint services (TV, Navigation, Music Store and Radio) work as well as any other "EV-DO rev.a" phones if not better.
-Contact storage is easy and customizable with the "People" tab.
-Syncing the device to your PC operates as expected.
-Threaded sms.
-Voice dialing is far superior to the mogul, it's extremely usable and useful.

-Battery life not that great, which I expected.
-Omission of shortcuts- Certain features are not as accessable as I had hoped. The communication manager is no longer one touch away. Using 6.1, there aren't as many items available for the today screen as the mogul offered, such as the htc homeplug.

-Keyboard has more buttons and functionality, but the keys are smaller, I find myself mistyping when in a hurry.
-Bluetooth was great, but the battery drain made it useless.

Overall, it's a fantastic pda, phone and feature phone in one. Windows is upgradeable, so it will change with the times.



Nov 22, 2008 by element209

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Well i had to wait a long time to get this phone beacause of back order but it was worth the wait.


Excellent in every field average joe,business,high tech junkie


Nothing to say :-)

Great Phone!


Nov 4, 2008 by yibrushn

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I've had the phone for 6 days and I really like it
-The screen is beautiful
-Unlike the Iphone you can multi task and have Google maps open while you browse the web or watch YouTube. (you do take a hit in the speed of the reorientation when you multi task)
-Keyboard is almost flawless (I would like a ".com" key)
-gps is quick to lock on
-Battery life could be a lot better. but for what you get a $20 dollar car charger solved my problems and is a small small con
-smudges are allover and gross but it is a Touch phone so can't complain TOO much.

I really like this phone for extra speed i can turn off the 3d interface and to show off the phone you can turn it back on :) I keep it on cuz it's cool. for tips and tricks check out ppcgeeks.com for ways to make the phone better.

So pretty, oh so pretty.


Apr 24, 2009 by imsodamnhappy

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This phone is perfect.

I am using this phone on the Sprint network.

I've been a HTC phone user since the HTC Harrier (ppc-660 by audiovox). I've had the apache, the mogul, the touch and now the touch pro. I can't believe how far they have came in the past 4 years. Every single phone just gets better.


- RAM! Lovely Ram!
- Ran incredibly smooth out of box.
- Touch Flo 3D is beautiful
- All programs are EASILY accessible because of the Touch Flo feature.
- Plenty of ROM
- Very sleek
- Teeter is the coolest game ever.
- 5 row slide out keyboard
- The on screen keyboard is incredibly easy to use
- Opera internet browser displays internet pages so well

There are many more, you need to try it yourself.


- Lack of hardware buttons (not that big of a deal because of the Touch Flo, but still would be nice)
- Carrying Case is velcro, very annoying (However, with a plastic snap on case I bought on ebay for 4 bucks, it fits perfect into my mogul case)

Now, for something that must be said...

DO NOT judge this phone based on the verizon version.

Of course, with verizon, they have to take over any software of any phone they have and load it with their inferior version. I have used the verizon version of this phone, and there is a noticeable difference. They should have two different pages for the verzion and sprint/alltel versions.

Good phone overall. I'm satisfied


Nov 10, 2008 by solstar

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I work for Sprint now, and before that I worked for AT&T. I've owned many phones from Blackberrys, to Samsung flip phones, to various other Windows Mobile PDAs, and this phone so far is my favorite.

PROS: The pros so far are the Touch Flo 3D of course, which makes it really easy to navigate the phone, the nice large slide out keyboard, Wi-Fi, Threaded SMS, and various Windows Mobile applications.

CONS: The cons so far are the battery life, but what can you expect from a device that does so much? Also, sometimes there is a lag, but I haven't owned a windows phone that doesn't lag. I make it a habit on all of my Windows mobile phones to set a shortcut to Task Manager to end running apps.

So far the Pros outweigh the cons for me, but to each his own. In all of my years selling and servicing Sprint and AT&T, I've never seen a phone that will please everyone.

brief version


Nov 18, 2008 by ajayvsajay

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The short version about the touch pro is that it is an overall good phone. I am a cell phone rep and i have been around every type of phone, model, carrier, device you name it. I am able to do my business on this phone, so i give it a 5 stars for those in the business field, or on the road. camera is great, video camera you have to learn how to set settings if you are going to videotape fast movment. call drops are rare. being able to zoom in almost anything i open is great. keyboard is great cause it gives you the option to use the touchscreen or keyboard.


Every phone has its cons, for those who dont like fingerprints this is a fingerprint friendly phone. sometimes delays text messages and you may not get a message that someone left u in the morning until later that night. Battery life is horrible. and calls may ring on the calling end but not go through until voicemail on the recieving end. BUT ONE THING EVERYONE HAS TO REMEMBER>>>EVERY PHONE HAS A PROBLEM>>>GET OVER IT> its overall a good phone.

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