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LG Incite CT810


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Pish Posh


Feb 17, 2010 by AmbirAmbir

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I'll just make a pro's and con's list.

-Threaded SMS
-Camera quality, flawless.
-Sound is good.
-Internet Explorer, fast and easy.
-Touch Screen with Haptic Feed Back.
-Sturdy Design.
-Lots of ways to customize.
-Texting is easy.
-3.5mm headphone jack.

-Screen turns black and freezes atleast twice a day, so I have to pull the battery out and start it back up.
-Sometimes my friends and family will say my voice sounds like a robot, or its echoing really bad during a call. So i have to hang up and call back.
-Gets hot while charging.
-Screen is scratch prone.
-The T9 will spell out random words that make no sense. Or put an "N" in front of every word.

I've also owned a blackberry pearl, a Black Jack II, and an HTC Fuze.
This phone is by far better than the BJII and better than the Fuze.
But far from as good as a Blackberry.

Buy this phone if you have patience, and luck.

So many options on this carrier... this shouldn't be one of them


Feb 15, 2009 by DrPants PhD

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I owned an LG Incite for about a month. At first, I thought it was a great phone. But it's not. No. Not at all.

When I first got the phone, I liked it. The phone uses a stylus and I'm not a big fan of styluses but I didn't really care. I took the stylus and didn't find a place for it on the phone. You're telling me the stylus has to be dangling from the phone at all times? Major design flaw! I can’t imagine anyone at LG thinking this was a good idea.

The touch screen is good. It's very quick and responsive. Unfortunately, the keyboard is another story. Well, it is quick and responsive, but it takes up about 80% of the screen, so you can barely ever see what you're typing. Terrible for web browsing/sending texts. I’ve seen touch screen keyboards implemented better on other phones. You can download other third party keyboards but they're finicky and really annoying.

The phone can get really slow. I hate how unresponsive the accelerometer is. I sometimes find myself having a battle with the phone because of the accelerometer. I hold it in landscape, the phone goes to portrait mode. And vice versa. Sometimes the accelerometer stops working and I have to reset the phone. The phone crashes a lot, which means the hard reset button will be your most used feature on this phone.

Camera is mediocre, but video quality is great. Kinda fidgety but it got the job done and audio quality was excellent. Video capture resolution goes up to 400x240

Call quality was pretty bad. I live in the DC area and I found myself asking people to repeat themselves multiple times during conversations.

In the end, I was disappointed with this phone. I'm happy I returned it for another phone.

-Pretty good touchscreen
-Good video capture
-Customizable (Like all Windows Mobile phones)

-Dangling stylus
-Keyboard takes up most of the screen and you can't see what you're typing most of the time
-Mediocre camera
-Pretty slow
-Accelerometer will piss you off
-Hard reset will be your best friend

this phone is awesome


Dec 29, 2008 by dhughes

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This phone is AWESOME!!!! The features are fantastic, and the size is perfect. I personally dont have fat fingers, and i love a touchscreen phone that comes with a stylus. I carried the vu for quite some time and hated the fact that there was no stylus. I took a stylus from work just to have one. Unlike the instinct, the iphone, or the vu... i dont have to carry the stylus around in my pocket, it goes in the phone. And the wifi is was a fantastic add-on. The area i live in isnt 3g yet, so i get the internet speeds i need from using the wifi. I havent really had any drawbacks yet, so lets see how long it takes before this phone has a known issue. every phone has one eventually, i just hope it isnt major!

Software Pro


Dec 30, 2008 by nni123

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I like so far but here is cons

1. stylus man who on the earth thought of having it separate (you can attach on side but not built in)

2. Touch screen is not very responsive but not slow either so mix bag

3. voice quality is not very clear but not very one complaining

1. perfect in size for smartphone

2. wi-fi with great price $100 after rebate

3. it has all features and more compare to iphone for less

I am not going into very detail but so far so good. I will buy it for the price and feature combination.

Incite looks great so far


Nov 28, 2008 by DogCatVet

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I purchased the Incite 6 days ago and so far it is working very well. I got this Smart phone because it will fill the need of a device capable of phone and messaging and also since it has Windows Mobile (6.1) it can run a drug reference software program I use in my daily practice (I am a veterinarian). I am selling my iPaq and my phone is old anyway - this fits both needs and has Wifi + Bluetooth. I have not tried the Wifi function yet.

I have not had any problems with it so far. It looks very cool, my GF who is not super tech savvy said "fancy shmancy". I think the stylus being connected to the unit by a short cord is going to help me keep from dropping it. The stylus pulls out from the stylus cap and then I tuck the stylus cap around my finger, so there's no way it will slip out of my hand. I haven't tried the camera yet.

It does have a learning curve, the manual is a couple of hundred pages.

>Great looking.
>Very clear sharp screen
>Touch screen auto turns off when you hold it to your face to talk, comes right back on when you move it away from your face.
>Bluetooth for ear bud was easy to setup.
>Sturdy. Should be OK in my front pants pocket.
>Great sound for ringtones.
>Auto tilt - landscape vs portrait based on how you hold it - reminds me of iphone.
>Logical user interface.
>Functional lock/off button on side - a single quick press and into my pocket it goes - I know it won't come on accidentally. Unlocking is easy.
>Can use your fingernail instead of stylus if you want to activate icons.
>Phone buttons for dialing are easy to use with fingers.
>Cleverly designed stylus.
>Screen is very good size for a device like this: 200x400 pixels.

>Small text size, though readable.
>Electronic touch QWERTY keyboard is small, requires the stylus.
>T9 buttons for texting are just big enough for my fingers. People with big fingers will need to use the stylus.

I almost had Storm envy until I realized the Storm has no Wifi!

LG Incite


Nov 24, 2008 by elmoso

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Here goes my review:
Phone is light and kind of slim. Much slimmer than my old Treo 650 which I am replacing.
The Incite has the on screen keyboard throughout the phone features. A much needed feature, not like the LG Vu which I returned immediately just for missing that feature. See LG VU review. Windows Mobile OS is new to me, I like it but being that it is windows. The phone is a bit slow when moving to different windows and apps. Wish it had a little more speed to it, like my old treo. Onscreen color is good and glare is good as well. Much better than the LG Vu which doesn’t let you view anything outside. Camera is good to, takes good pictures and it also has this built in picture frame, which I thought was a nice addition. (No flash though)
As the previous review stated, the toolbar doesn’t look to be customizable. One thing I noticed that really bothers me is that I cannot set as default the call log or contacts. When you go in, you can change the filter to display what you want. So if you want to see all calls, incoming or outgoing calls only, you can, but when you leave the window. It goes back to either all for contacts or missed calls for the call log. I wonder if that’s a bug or if it really is like that. I’ll have to ask LG about that. Another feature I find annoying is the flip mode. So if you turn the phone side ways, the view changes to landscape mode, but it’s not always effective. Takes a moment for it to switch and vice versa to normal mode. The phone is prone to fingerprints and the touch is not there just yet. I feel LG is just rushing out the touch phones without really putting any love into it. I was thinking of sending it back, but I decided to keep it. I really just need a phone to make a call on and send/receive my txt msgs, be a smart phone, slim and light and I feel this phone does a good job at it. Other than that, I really liked the phone. It has grown onto me.

Greate Value, Does everything


Jan 2, 2010 by vand3537

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what other Smart Phones offered Wifi, Windows Mobile, 3.5mm Headphone Jack, and a 3mp Camera for $50 in early 2009?

and an awesome "aftermarket" community to boot.

I recommend browsing the internet and finding out how to put a "cooked" Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom on your Incite, it will perform much better, and no need to fear, these things are virtually unbrickable.

this phone has been able to do anything I ever had the passing desire to do. It's been great, sure it has some quirks, but if it didn't, it would have been worth 4x what it was selling for.
Also, there are more and more great programs for WM phones these days:
Microsoft My Phone is great
WMWiFiRouter is amazing
Skyfire or Opera Mobile
Google maps
I could go on and on

what it boils down to is: If you're willing to put in a little effort, you'll get a lot more than you paid for out of this phone



Nov 29, 2009 by pleuvra

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The LG Incite has a beautiful screen, however, just like you've always heard...Looks aren't everything. Yes, the camera is good, the video camera, too. But what was the device bought for ? To be a phone or internet browsing device, something like that? Well, that's where it fails. It fails to load pages that other mobile devices can. It fails to receive calls that I know are being made. We tested this one out many, many times as I was defending myself with, "I swear my phone NEVER rang!!". And the disappearing voice mail trick, that's a good one. Even left myself a couple, but where are they now? IDK. The phone didn't ring and went straight to voice mail, where they were lost forever. I have watched this from my own couch, dialing from another mobile phone. It is so hard to type a text or an email on this one. you can't see what you are typing and there seem to be floating "dead spots" on the touch screen. Mostly anything I need on the left side of the screen will take multiple taps and extreme patience to access. I have tried using it to find restaurants or stores, or what have you while on the bus, and it never seems to be any help at all. It is always still loading when you get to your stop. Can't read pdf files, either. Always blames them, claiming they are all corrupted. Same with any ringtone that is not the AT&T jingle. Contacts are very difficult to scroll through. I also don't understand why one area of the phone will allow finger scrolling, but the others make you try and fit your fat finger in the microscopic scroll bar. Viewing email....well, sure would like to...without all the "message will download next time you .." and then the "images blocked..download internet images" and then the "tap to scroll right". I have another device that just loads the email, without all the whining. The cord for the stylus decomposed months ago, I have no idea where the stylus fell off. Probably on the bus. City : Houston, TX - Carrier - AT&T. Used since 1/2009.

not a good Portable Data Assistant


Nov 24, 2009 by aliciafaith88

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This phone has one large flaw, the touch screen. Being totally reliant on this touch screen is enough to make my skin crawl because it malfunctions about 75% of the time. I have seen this phone call 911 on its own without the use of the hang up key due to phone software being plain old cruddy. Even with a software reset the device has quirks that are almost inconsolable. Another con of this phone is the large size makes it hard to hide where cell phones are not allowed, unless you have a purse or very large pockets I'm not sure where it could be contained unless on a belt case. I feel like lg products are failures in general especially when it comes to cell phones, they are the acre of computers and only God knows why this phone was ever released (money making scheme im sure, don't be blindsided by the appearance of this phone it is crud)

Good phone could be better..


Nov 10, 2009 by sprydle

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Had this phone for a few months and i have to say it has some pretty nice features and a few annoyances. The coolest feature is it comes with Office built in so if you are a student or a businessperson this is a prime motivator. It's Windows Mobile 6 so it's a good step above their previous OS not as good as Android which is LINUX i won't even talk about the iPhone which is virus city. WiFi is a plus if you're out in the boondocks visiting but it sucks the battery dry. Making your own damn ringtones is a treat as always but easier to do for this phone. Video is good but forget taking pics at a dark bar. The primary cons are the obvious external stylus which you will lose as it is nanoscopic get some extra styluses. It could use more RAM to make the phone work faster. It does hang but i found after a reinstall that stopped (glad i use Flexilis for data backup). A good phone for business types, IT peeps and students but the average user will just find it frustrating.

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