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Nokia 7205 Intrigue


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Oct 21, 2009 by muchdrama

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PROS: Nice construction. Cool exterior OLED screen with neat ability to read your texts on the outside of the phone. Great interior screen. Decent camera.

CONS: Tiny buttons on the interior keypad; no tactile feedback.

SIGNAL/SOUND: Good signal. Good sound all around.

OVERALL: A cool little flip; functional.

I'm on the Verizon network in South Florida.

great phone


May 1, 2009 by bwayne

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let me start by saying i did not want a smart phone, and i don't do too much texting. if you agree with that, this phone could be your favorite ever. it is extremely cool looking. everyone i show it too wants it, even if they need a text/qwerty keyboard. of course, those people won't get this , but they still love it. the way the display appears and disappears on the front is enough, but the inside is beautiful as well. believe it or not, the pink inside , which is actually shaded black to pink is much cooler. the display inside changes color from day to night. the phone is very light, feels great in your hand, and is plenty loud. it comes with limited ringtones, as all phones do, but has one that i really like, so good for me. battery life is good, not great, but that is the trade off for such a thin phone. great for a man who needs to carry it in his pocket. my girlfriend 's lg has better battery life, but is really thick. a great phone for someone who wants to make phone calls. super easy to use, and great to look at and hold. a joy, really.

WOW . . . and not all in a good way


Apr 16, 2009 by simpsjd

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If you are a text message fiend, you are certainly going to be disappointed with this phone!
In my opinion Nokia failed miserably by not adding the learning dictionary function to this phone and for that reason ONLY I will be returning it!
Impressive front screen
Size and design are GREAT!
Strong construction
Good reception
Very good battery – with Bluetooth the phone ran for 2 days


Fits the bill for me


Apr 13, 2009 by rskolin

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I previously owned an LG Env and liked the qwerty keyboard for texting, although I'm not a big texter. I originally had my mind set on the LG Versa, that is, until the Intrigue came out. But while the Versa is a really cool phone, I don't believe I'd take full advantage of all its features. The deal breaker was the price difference: $40 for the Intrigue vs. $150 for the Versa.

Here's my 2-cents:

--Phone is very small, sleek and simple to use, and I like the Habitat mode
--The outside, hidden screen works very well to provide a quick look at any incoming text messages
--Call clarity is excellent.
--Music player works great, and the outside controls are very responsive
--Alarm works very well
--It's different!

--Poor vibrate mode. I could not feel it vibrate in my pocket nor could I find an internal adjustment to make it stronger
--Front is a fingerprint magnet, which detracts from the beauty of it.
--While the jury is still out on this one, it appears that the battery drains rather quickly. I charged it fully on Thursday and was down to one bar on Sunday, and that is without very much use of any of the battery-draining functions. I will take the advice of someone that recommended somewhere to let it completely drain, cut off and then recharge to see if it makes a difference.

All-in-all, I am very pleased with this phone. I also want to give my kudos to Verizon's customer service, who were very professional, polite and helpful with this purchase.

bugs to work out?


Apr 6, 2009 by gecikuh

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I read excellent reviews and really really liked this phone...
the look
text messages appear on front screen
very functional for my purposes
I thought it had some great things going for it. So, it was time to upgrade and I bought it!
Three days later it started turning on and off...and on and off and on and off and wouldn't stop. Tried turning it off before it could turn itself off. Took the battery out for a couple minutes. Took the battery out for a couple hours. Nothing. Would do nothing but turn on and off continuously. Or power cycling as tech support called it the next day when I went to correct the problem. They were very friendly, helping, went and got another brand new one, which proceeded to do the very same thing...but not three days later...as soon as the tech support person turned it on. Needless to say I am no longer the proud owner of the nokia intrigue...I would have liked to be, but apparently they have some things to work out.

sleek but laggy


Apr 1, 2009 by eatyourlungs

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this is a fun phone. it looks nice sitting on the table and the front is a touch screen that you can view text message on when the phone is closed.

the phone lags a bit...im more into function over fancy graphics so i am not impressed with it speed scrolling through menus, but at least it looks nice i guess.

the predictive text doesnt add words to the dictionary so that his a pain in the ass.

the reception is good, the ringer is loud.

only once on my phone have i been able to adjust ringer volume from the external volume buttons with the phone closed.

Sleekest design ever!


Mar 30, 2009 by coasterguy

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I am a phone junky like many of you on PS. I recently had the Krave, Storm, Dare, then the new LG 8360. Now, I picked up the New Nokia Intrigue. I just fell for the design and reviews. I have had it for a few hours now and I must say. It is a gorgeous phone.
Looks, Looks, Looks,
Functions, quite normal to good.
Snappy and responsive.
"Greener" approach to cell phone packaging, charging etc.
Outside display is amazingly slick.
Button layout is big finger friendly.

Overall, No cons and I am happy with my Full Retail Purchase.

Nokias back on top!


Mar 25, 2009 by beeper3000

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Best Nokia phone to date on Verizon. Ive had Nokia phones years ago, i loved them back then, and i love them again now. After owning Samsungs, LG's, Motorola's, and Blackberys they feel like there getting cheaper made.


External Display(can read txt msgs)
Clear call quality
Good Reception
Habitat Mode.
Visual Voicemail


Camera (Not the best 2MP ive seen but not the worst, so i can't say its a con. plus it has a flash, which not alot of phones have from VZW)

Fingerprint Magnet (but what phone really isnt)


Keypad - buttons are somewhat small
Vibrate - its a little weak. (i havent had a phone with decent vib. in years. maybe manufactures are skimping on this nowdays) and it kinda weird that the vibrate mechanism is located in the display housing and not in the back of the phone (this is the first ive seen "i wouldnt say its a con though")

See it in person before you buy


Mar 24, 2009 by groundhog_day

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+ Good build quality over all.

- I was slightly dissapointed with feedback i received from the keypad.

+ but feels of 'higher' quality none the less.

+ Holds good reception on par with env2 and the Dare imop.

+ The external OLED display is fantastic. You really cannot tell there is anything there(other than the music control icons) until the light turns on. Large and easy to read outside txt. FYI you CAN read txt messages from the outside.

+ Flip feels solid, and the battery covers seems to stay on well.

- Ofcourse a fingerprint magnet..lol hard to get away from these days.

- or + Preloaded with many WWF(world Wildlife Foundation) wallpapers.

- or + The 'habitat' main screen mode is odd. Using different animal icons for different notifications ie. missed calls, messages.

+ Capable of visual VM provided by Verizon Wireless for 2.99 a month

+ about 10 display themes to choose from

+ Ringer and alerts are louder than average impo

+ Earpiece can get quite loud

++++++++++ Great move in the right direction for Nokia CDMA

One year's frustration, courtesy the Intrigue


Aug 16, 2010 by chromiumblue3013

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I've spent the last year with this phone. I upgraded to this from the LG chocolate. I wish I hadn't!

I'm a big texter, and my biggest gripe is the dictionary that doesn't learn new words. It is incredibly frustrating. I wish now that I had returned the phone and gone back to the LG. But I figured, hey, I'll get used to it. I didn't, and I'm frustrated anew every time I have to enter in a word the dictionary doesn't already have preloaded.

This phone has other problems including, shutting off randomly, freezing if you open up at JUST the right second, and buttons that randomly quit working.

After a year, I honestly can't think of any pros. But I'll give you all the cons that I've discovered over the past year:

- Front screen shows only parts of the unknown numbers that call you.

- The vibrate on this phone sucks, I can wear tight pants, have it in the pocket, and never know I was called or texted.

- Ring tones are TERRIBLE. They either sound like the worst electronic indie you can find, or like every other crappy hip hop song you've ever heard, in the history of ever.

- Text dictionary does NOT pick up new words.

- Hard to see internal screen outside in daylight.

- Locks up if you open it right as you get a text.

- Buttons are small, and its hard to tell whether or not you've pushed them.

-Sometimes won't recognize the memory card thats been in there for months.

- Speaker on the phone gives off an unpleasant burr when the volume is up for speaker or rings.

- Fingerprint magnet.

- Poor call quality, having to say "Huh?" or "What?" is making people think I'm deaf, or just not listening.

- Screen sticks to your face when you hold it to your ear.

- Whole phone gets hot when you make a call that lasts more than 5 minutes.

- Phone heats up when you charge it.

- Phone doesn't hold charge for more than two days.

Its a terrible phone, and no one should buy it on Ebay or from anywhere.

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