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Samsung Delve R800


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great smartphone


May 11, 2009 by phonefreak1987

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ive never liked the idea of a touch screen phone until now this is one of the best touch screen phone i have ever come acrossed. the pros of this phone over weigh the cons i can agree the recption is a little bit poor but i havent dropped a call though. if u want ringtones for free all u have to do is when ur in ur message push u options when u have the message opened and save the file the ringtones that u save from ur messages get saved in ur sounds not ur ringtone file. yes i can agree thaf samsung should have gave the phone the option to let us have a file to transfer the ringtones that are saved on the memory card but u cant ask for everything in a phone. they made this phone really great though i am really impressed wit this touchscreen phone. u cant ask for a better phone i gave it a 4.5 cause of the whole u cant habe qringtones saved to ur memory card but im not complaining. i do recomend this phone to everyone that is looking for a good touch screen phone. i used this phone to write this review.

Samsung hits the mark with the R800 "Delve"


Nov 20, 2008 by JamesUSCELLULAR

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I got the Delve on the 2nd of November, and decided to wait a few weeks before giving my review. I have been very impressed by this sleek new phone. First of all, this phone costs only $99.99 after rebate with US Cellular ($199.99 with Alltel after rebate), which is a bargain for a new model touch screen phone. The data package is only $19.99 which INCLUDES unlimited access to YourNavigator (before becoming a US Cellular Agent, and thus Customer, I was paying $38 for unlimited data and navigator through ATT).

I am not going to go into the phone specifics, as many here already have, and the specs are listed. But here are the pros and cons-

-Very responsive touch screen
-Nice large display
-Cheapest data plan offered by any carriers that I am aware of
-Widget bar makes accessing phone features in an instant
-Most solid voice recognition software I have used
-SCREEN DOESN'T SCRATCH, I have dropped it a few times, and the phone still looks pristine.
-Head phone jack

-Battery Life
-Music uploaded to your Micro SD card is hard to organize, and make playlist out of.

Overall it's a great phone, and I highly recommend it.



Nov 10, 2008 by bellauna74

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I am 34 and LOVE this phone. If you like to text message this is the choice! It is all touch screen which makes it very easy to use. What I LOVE is the drawing feature. It allows you to change background colors and write notes in cool colors! You can draw pictures and text them to people. You can also add sound! It is so way cool!!!!!!!!

The only thing so far I don't like is how the phone automatically locks after every call. Also, when you're on a call it locks so when you have to check voicemail and and touch your password you have to unlock it same goes for if you call a store and have to press a department number, again, you have to unlock it to get to the keypad. The battery also seems to run low pretty quickly(I was used to my blackberry) They dont't give you any games and very few ringtones.

Oh and when you take photos this phone has frames! lol That is very fun. You can put peeps pictures in frames and send them! It is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

So, all in all I say if you're looking for a nice present to get a teen or even an adult this is the one!!!!! The camera nice, the size is super thin and light! Awesome screen and just a nice phone!!!

This phone ROCKS


Nov 4, 2008 by gadgite_guy

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So, I work with US Cellular and now that its public knowledge that the Delve is one of the latest phones from Samsung with the newest Touch Wiz interface...and US Cellular has it...I guess it would be ok for me to place some info on it.

We got our demo phone up and running today so I spent some time getting to know it. Overall, it worked beautifully. A few insites are as follows:

To start, the Delve offers a large, clear, and brilliant 3 in touch screen. Response to touch was great. Next to that was the Widget bar on the home screen. Much like your desktop, the widget bar houses "short cut" icons. If you use the calender a lot, move the icon from the bar to the main screen...anywhere on the screen...for easy access. When your done with it, move it back to the bar. This can be done with any icon in the widget bar. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Next up was how you text. If you love texting, then you'll love this. When writing your message, you have a few options for input. You can use the traditional T9, use the QWERTY keyboard (phone goes into a landscape mode for this) or use the transcribe option. This is where you write a letter or word and the phone recognizes it and places that letter/word in your message. Cool and easy!

The Delve also sports a 2mp camera. When in camera mode, you hold the phone landscape. There are several picture taking options which you see on screen and can change at a touch. Some options include changing resolution, size, night mode, self timer, and much more. Video recording can be done by the preset 15 sec or if you have a memory card, you can set the recording time to unlimited...until your memory card is full. This gives you the option to record a few min of video which sometimes is a good thing ;-) Playback of video was pretty cool to. When you first view the video, your watching it while in portrait mode. But if you expand the screen, you can watch the video full screen in landscape mode.

I'm outta space to type. Overall, AWESOME!

A Short Lived Relationship w/ Delve


Apr 2, 2009 by avatri

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I admit that I am a cell phone junkie and always like to fiddle with the latest cell phones. I am also conservative in nature and don't go for phones that are overkill.

For my taste the Delve is a great phone. The TouchWiz interface is a great upgrade from the Instinct I had prior to the Delve.

> Easy to use
> It makes sense
> Packed with fun features
> Delivers on what it promises

> Battery Life
> External Plugs
> Limited sync w/ outlook and music

If the Airplane feature is turned on which leaves the phone on but it turns of the radio for (incoming and outgoing calls) the phones battery will last almost two weeks. But of course we all want to use it for what it was intended for "as a cell phone".

I like the phone but I'm gonna have to break up with it and look for something younger and more attractive that can last.

John Angel @ Avatri

Lots of Pros, but a couple major cons


Nov 11, 2008 by diamonddogdee

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I've had this phone for about three days now, and haven't stopped playing with it. The features are excellent and the touch screen is very responsive. There are very few thing to complain about with this phone as a whole. I love the texting, multiple ways to enter text, the contact list is easy, the music player is better then expected, and the feel of the phone is nice in the hand too. The widgets sidebar is pretty solid too, however when browsing the net on the phone, and going to a site that says you can install a widget, i've had no luck whatsoever. Kind of a bummer. (ESPN).

Now my major major cons. . .there's only two. The worst con on the phone thus far is battery life. Today was the first day that I used the phone as a phone. I took it off the charger at 9am and by noon (and fifteen minutes of talk time) the battery was over half dead. Battery was completely dead by 6pm. Total use today, 35 minutes of talk time and five minutes of web browsing. I brought it into my local US Cell and was told the battery was fine (but I overheard a couple reps saying that they had received some e-mails from corporate offices that stated this is now a known issue). Pretty disappointing, and as sweet as this phone is, i may have to call this a deal breaker. I need a phone that can at least last a day or two.

Second con, is reception. Thus far I've not been impressed. I've had this phone in places that I had plenty of signal with other phones, and this phone can't even get a bar. Granted, this isn't an often occurring thing, but I'd like to see some better reception. Those are my knocks (but like the reviewer above, the phone locks too often, and it's a pain when you have to navigate call menus).

I still gave this phone a decent review just based on the good features. US Cellular has finally caught up to the times and got a solid phone, but they really need to do something about the battery issues ASAP!!!!



Nov 29, 2008 by soccerplaya476

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Well, I went into the store today and picked up the delve after comparing it to the LG glimmer. My first impression of this phone was basically shock. I've always been a moto fan and yet I really do like this phone, the touch screen is very responsive, and the general quality of the phone is much better than I had expected. Call quality is ok, not nearly as good as my rocker was, but with features like the on screen qwerty keyboard, the endless browser possibilities, and the way it turns heads this phone can't be an easy turn down. The only thing that disappoints me about this phone is that I so far cannot upload ringtones on it! It doesn't allow you to put your ringtones off the computer on this phone, you must buy them from things like Real Tone Jukebox and so on. Overall-Great Investment

Finally a real touchscreen phone


Nov 18, 2008 by acemannw

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I am a long time Alltel Indirect Agent in the Midwest. I can basicly use any phone that I want but I am picky it has to have a 3.5mm headphone jack and it has to be fast and easy to use. When I say fast I mean that I would like many basic features to be within oen keystroke. My current main business phone is a Z6M. I tried the LG Glimmer but it isn't half the phone that the Delve is.

I will be the first to admit that I have been wooed by the iPhone. I know that is a dirty word for CDMA people, but it is such a sweet phone I can't help it. I have carried a smartphone on and off for the last few years but never have found one that is the full package for me. I think this Delve is finally going to have everything I want in a phone. It has a brilliant screen, easy touch feedback and a very easy to use interface. I just hope there is some type of synch software so I can install my calender on this phone. Samsung tried pretty hard to make this phone an iPhone and they mostly succeeded.

The big issue now is the lack of user installed aps. Right now cell phone companies just make too much off the apps they sell to open up their phone to third party aplications.


1. Screen
2. Extras (USB cords, stereo headset, nice box, instructions)
3. Widgets
4. Music Player


1. Battery Life
2. Voice Calling
3. Needs a scroll button on the side

Great Buy (US Cellular)


Nov 17, 2008 by MexGeo86

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-Touch screen
-2 MP Camera
-Call volume (previous phone was hard to hear at times)

-Mandatory Browser (US Cellular) for $20 per month
-No software for USB connection to PC, need to find PC Suite w/Samsung
-No slot for stylus

Overall it's a GREAT phone, I love the look and feel on it. It certainly is a great alternative to high priced touch screens. My only 'Complaint' would be the browser. I guess paying 20 dollars per month for 'premium' internet is fine BUT I've noticed that its 'HTML' browser has trouble w/websites requiring FLASH which now a days is many of them. I also don't like how some sites will redirect you to a 'mobile' version rather than their HTML version (ex: www.youtube.com will automatically redirect you to www.m.youtube.com).

As far as battery life, I haven't had any problems, I think it's good given you're not using it for long continuous periods at a non-power saving setting.

Overall though, very satisfied. Great for US Cellular!

Great for your 1st smartphone


Apr 11, 2009 by Sondra

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I am a major phone fanatic. I work for a cellular company and I am constantly getting a new phone. I got alltel's samsung delve the first day it came out. I personally think that if you are interested in getting a smart phone but don't know if you want to take the leap into a more complicated phone the delve is a great option. Very simple to use.

-Simple to use
-2.0 camera
-can get free ring tones through Tex messages (every delve I have sold has been able to get free ring tones through Tex messages. I have read some reviews where other people haven't been able to but lucky me and my customers we have been able to)
-Huge screen
-easy Internet excess

-Battery life (I have to charge mine before I go out at night or make for sure I have my car charger with me. overall no big deal)
-Can not edit some stuff on the Internet (big down flaw for the websites I use)
-Occasionally Freezes up ( Honestly this is not a big deal either because every smart phone I have ever had freezes up occasionally. Just pop the battery out for a few seconds and our good to go)

I would recommend this phone to my friends and family!!!!

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