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Samsung Omnia i910


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The Omnia and ActiveSync are an Amazing Combo


Jun 23, 2009 by jjtitus

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First, a quick overview...

-5 MP Camera (takes great pictures, auto focus)
-Responsive touch screen (once calibrated correctly)
-Excellent call quality/reception
-Mouse (I really like it, allows me to do everything without a stylus)
-Battery Life (good as long as you use task manager to close programs not in use)
-WiFi (nice when you can use it)
-GPS (hopefully will be enabled, right now can only use it with VZ Navigator
-ActiveSync (more below)

-Slow/hangs at times (loading the camera, loading certain programs, etc...)
-Easy to hang up on someone when pulling it out of your pocket (so many buttons to push, plus the touch screen becomes active, I haven't found the option to disable this yet)

Now, for what I think is one of the best features that no one really mentioned in any of the reviews that I read, ActiveSync... ActiveSync allows you to not only synchronize your email with your phone but also your calendar and contacts as well (w/ Gmail anyways). I have personally only used the Omnia with Google's services, but it has the option to use Outlook and to add other email providers as well (yahoo mail, hotmail, etc.). Now if my phone dies (which it did once) I always have my contacts backed up, and on top of that, if I add someone to my Gmail contacts it automatically shows up on my phone (and vice versa). Same thing with the calendar, I can add appointments on my phone or computer and have access/alerts anywhere (only the main calendar can be synced currently with Google). The email feature allows you to read and delete mail on your phone and have the changes applied to your email account. This helps me keep things more organized, and I just mark an email "unread" if I want to look it over later on the computer. ActiveSync is one of the best features I've ever used, and I would never by a phone without it (or something comparable).

Mouse is good!


Jun 15, 2009 by DownhillDude

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Overall good phone.

Just remember to use Task Manager (swipe your finger towards the center of the screen, from the bottom of the screen, then tap "End All Tasks" and you're good).

With respect to any complaints about the mouse, I believe some might find its performance far better if they occasionally clean the mouse pad and their finger tips with a tissue. I have found that a wet, or greasy, finger tip doesn't work well.

Camera is great! Call quality is very good. Love the Flash on Opera browser. DLNA is very cool, too!

Best Phone I had so far


May 18, 2009 by NMAEmber

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Love this phone, can't say much more than that. My second smartphone, the first being the HTC TouchPro from Verizon which I returned after two frustrating weeks and exchanged for this phone. Had it for two weeks and I'm very happy with it. Touch is much better

Pros: Good touch response, excellent features, service in areas that usually lack signal(i.e. hospital, basements, and certain areas in upstate NY), capacity for a good deal of memory, amazing camera and video feature (5.0 Mega-pixels. Score!), Great browsing experience and I am very happy with the media player on this phone, as well as the FM radio.

Cons: Widgets are limited and can't add more. I was disappointed at first by the lack of Pandora on the phone in comparison to the HTC Touch Pro and the iPHONE. However, I did find a way to get Pandora on the Omnia through a zip file, so that ended my complaints on that end. Also slightly inconvenient that the Omnia does not have a built in radio signal, but it's not something I can't live without.

A good phone for any smartphone user to appreciate. I would definitely pick it over the iPHONE and just about any other phone on the market. It does it's job, and though others complain about texting, I don't really have a problem whether it is in landscape or portrait, though I do admit I watch myself more in portrait mode.

Overall, I'm extremely happy with the phone. Can't stop looking at the quality pictures I took with it.

Omnia rocks....


Apr 16, 2009 by WashCaps

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Good work Samsung..

This device lacks only one minor detail, battery life. That is more of a windows deal than Samsung.

Windows 6.1 is a thumbs up.

Phone is very intuitive.
Speakerphone is great.
Touchscreen is extrememly usable. Others can not compare.. Well, out of the 4 touchscreens I have used, this one is best.

PDA is very adaptable to fit almost anyones needs.

Small, sleek, lightweight and user friendly.
Email is "BlackBerry esque".

Overall, Highly recommend.

Definitely Impressed!


Apr 7, 2009 by bkai

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If you've never used a Windows Mobile device before, this will take some getting used to. Out of the box this phone is pretty good, however, there is an issue with some of these phone and WiFi being completely disabled once the phone is activated. There is no solution to this other than shipping it back and requesting a replacement (or doing this in store), even a hard reset will not fix it.

Aside from that... the phone is great. A little unresponsive but nothing that can't be fixed with some tweaking. There are plenty of websites out there with tutorials on how to tweak the registry or install essential applications that help to improve this phone a lot!

The biggest turn off is the fact that GPS is locked to VZNavigator only (at this time). There are rumors that an update will become available enabling the GPS chip for 3rd party software... but these are currently just rumors.

This is "still" not an iPhone killer but it's close... considering you can do pretty much anything you want with the Omnia as far as customization. Microsoft will need to come out with a completely redesigned mobile OS in order to compete with the iPhone.

Straight out of the box I would give this phone 4 stars... with a little tweaking it's definitely worth 5 stars!

Right One?


Mar 15, 2009 by Mr Anonymous 008

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Well, I've had this phone for nearly 4days now and so far I've seen what most people are complaining about, however, I like it.

--5MP Camera
--Stylus, WAY more accurate than crappy bunched up keyboards on blackberry's
--Texting similar to Instant Messaging
--8GB HD
--Music Playback
--Easy to Personalize (Background, Buttons, Programs, Etc.)
--PICTURE MESSAGING, Ipod Lacks that one feature >_>
--Ease of Use
--Right Size (Atleast For Me..)
--FM Radio
--The Widgets
--Nice Browsers
--Easy to go to applications using Stylus

--Digital Mouse sucks (But I don't use it...I don't even see why anyone would..)
--My fatty finger tips cant text when the phone is in portrait look

I'm pretty much drained at the moment, but here's some advice if your debating on whether or not to get the Omnia...

Advice: Don't get the Omnia if you can't deal with a few issues..which really isn't that bad...

The minor issues the Omnia has...
compared the the lack of Picture messaging the iPhone lacks...makes the Omnia better..In my opinion...



Mar 11, 2009 by klaw888

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I was struggling in choosing between Iphone, BB Storm and Omnia. But I finally got a great deal with this phone for free from VZW.

So far it's been great (after three weeks of usage). The phone took about two days to get use to. But with a little search on the Internet, the way you can customize this thing is unlimited. There are tons of softwares and games could add to it.

The only Con I have with this phone over the Iphone, BB Storm or any HTC phones is the screen resolution. The screen is not bad (bright and sharp), but it could be better.

Now I can do literally EVERYTHING I intended to do with a smartphone.

Great Phone but I had to take it back


Mar 9, 2009 by vcurry01

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I went from an LG 8300 to the Samsung Omnia. I purchase this phone on Feb 18, 2009 I just took it back on Feb 28, 2009. I couldn't wait until the phone came out. It had everything I was looking for. I was so disappointed with the Vibration mode. The phone was easy to use. I learned it in a week. There were a few feature that it was missing. For example you can't set individual ringtone for text messages. I really like that in my old phone.

The Major Con that I had and the reason I took the phone back was because, I was missing calls the Vibrate on this phone is so non existing It sucks. I really liked the phone but when it is on vibrate mode you couldn't feel it or hear it like you should.

Far as everything else it was great phone. I guess if you don't care about that vibrate mode then it's a good phone. But I really need that feature. I exchanged it for the Blackberry Storm.

One of the Best!


Mar 2, 2009 by WhiteBay

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Got the phone because I like the media features of this phone. Stick with a blackberry if you won't use the media features.

+ Camera is better than some digital camera's i've seen

+ QWERTY keyboard is on point, you will only have problems if you can't aim with your figers, or they are fatty

+ Easy setup for email

+ Better web browser than the Storm or Iphone

+ virtural voicemail works great

- Takes a second for the screen to flip, open some programs, or view some web pages

- Battery life drains quick when using camera, using wifi, or even bluetooth

If you like to take pictures, send pix/flix, this is the phone for you. Do not get this phone for email, although it has one and it works.

Great beautiful phone


Mar 1, 2009 by atomicbill68

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Okay.. have had it now for a couple of weeks, yes the battery life isnt that hot.. but what full featured phone today can last for a week on a charge?!

Screen is nice and bright and it does have Graffitti input interface if you are used to it from Palm days.

takes a bit to get used to virtual keyboard.. but once you do its not bad.

gorgeos and call quality is great... super fast internet on it.. but getting bluetooth headset to connect works but not sure how i do it.

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