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LG enV3 VX-9200


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Verry decent phone (:


Mar 3, 2010 by laxndr

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This is a very good phone for anyone (its good for jobs that require a lot of time on your phone or if you just need a phone). I have had this phone for about a year now and i was very pleased.


~ buttons are easy to press
~ nice screen
~ good looking
~ perfect size (phone screen and buttons)
~ good sound quality
~ very nice phone
~ long battery life (lasts for about a week at a time)


~ speaker is to loud
~ front screen gets scratched easily
~ Camera could be better

over all i would give this phone a good score because it fits anyone.

Excellent Choice for the Texter/Talker


Jan 22, 2010 by behemoth85

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This is my 1st experience with the EnV series phones on Verizon and I've come from almost everything. Blackberry, Palm, Windows, quick messaging, basic; you name it, I've just about used them all.


-The battery life on this thing is nothing short of amazing. With moderate text/call/data usage I can almost squeeze out FOUR days on this on average, even with bluetooth usage.

-Reception is generally really good unless you're in a fringe area.

-Speaker and call clarity are great; I never have a problem hearing anything.

-The QWERTY keypad is among one of the most user friendly layouts I've seen on anything.


I've had the phone randomly reset on me a few times. Nothing too major, but got mildly annoying. Fortunately this is a rare occurrence.

-The web browser isn't quite as user friendly as one would expect, but still usable.


Overall a very worthwhile choice for the talker/texter. If you're looking for good internet browsing you may want to look elsewhere, but definitely take a look if you're a huge text fanatic as well as needing a reliable phone for the calls that come your way.

Shuts Itself Down Periodically


Dec 29, 2009 by hoosierdaddy

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This is a great phone--good reception, good battery life, the QWERTY keyboard is great for texting. Easy to use, nothing but good things to say about it.....until it started shutting itself off.

At first, I thought I was doing it accidentally while the phone was in my pocket. So I decided to test by putting it out on my desk and not touching it. Sure enough, in less than an hour, it was off.

So now, every time I reach for my phone, I have to:

1. Turn it on
2. Check to see what voicemail I missed
3. Check to see what text messages I missed

Verizon refuses to do anything about it. I've spent countless hours on the phone with them, in Verizon stores, doing firmware updates, and I'm on my third enV3. The problem continues.

All I can say is if you are considering getting this phone, DON'T DO IT!

excellent messaging device


Nov 30, 2009 by knuckleballer34

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Make no mistake: the Env3 is an excellent messaging and multimedia device. It's an average performer in nearly every other category, but it's media player and full keyboard are top notch.

1. Looks great in both blue and red.
2. Menu is easy to use and very practical
3. Has a large keyboard with large, well spaced keys. One of the best keyboards i've typed with.
4. Comes with a nice media player, 3 mgpx camera, and has loud playback from the two internal speakers.
5. Call quality and battery life are excellent.

1. The Env3 is heralded for having 3G services, but the web browser is rather inadequate. Beyond checking Facebook and other mobile sites, it's not very usable.
2. Reception is average, but the phone does not hold a signal as well as many other Verizon phones.
3. The external screen needs to be larger. While the internal screen is large, bright, and colorful, it's a poor excuse for such a small external screen.

The LG Env3 is easily one of Verizon's best messaging phones. If you need a phone with a large roomy keyboard and/or a very capable media player, the Env3 will admirably fill that void. However, if your looking for a messaging phone that's a "signal puller," or if you desire a top notch web browsing experience, you may want to look elsewhere. Aside from spotty signal strength and and underwhelming web browsing experience, this is a great phone.

its okay


Nov 19, 2009 by HeyHeyHannah95

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I love the overall phone but i have had 3 of them in the last 2 1/2 months they would do fine and then the internal screen would get lines all threw it and it would start to freeze.One if the other problems i had was the battery would get really hot after a two minute phone call.It has an amazing camera and it would usually keep battery for a couple of days. It makes texting fast and super easy .

Love the enV3


Oct 31, 2009 by Sara419

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I had the Samsung Omnia. The phone's battery was no good, So I purchased the enV3. I love this phone. I had the enV2 before. I really love the improvements for the enV3!

Call quality is clear.
Love the ringtones and the ringtones I made comes out very good.
The battery is great.
The camera is pretty good.
Texting is great.
I love the contacts, which you can add the address.
I recommend this to people who love to text and use the internet.

Great phone


Oct 23, 2009 by envthis

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This phone is perfect for someone who texts often. I had the Samsung Rogue for a while and decided to pass it off to my girlfriend because she wanted a touch screen phone. The env 3 is a very functional phone with no freeze up problems to date and is extremely easy to use. The keypad is better then the Rogue's in my opinion and its also built a little tougher. Customization of the phone is very easy and a must. Some of my friends prefer the env touch over the env3. I could have bought either but i didnt feel like messing around with all the quirks of a touch screen phone. Touch screen is fun but its harder to text with the phone closed and the screens become worn out pretty fast. The only con of the env is probably the fact that the ammount of things that can be done from the front screen is a little more limited then when the phone is open. Over all though I have no complaints. I especially love the battery life of the device.



Oct 21, 2009 by muchdrama

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PROS: Great construction. Great sound quality. Great keyboards. Great battery life.

CONS: Only that the exterior screen is small.

SIGNAL/SOUND: Great signal. Great sound. Pretty simple,eh?

OVERALL: A great phone; only impeded by the small exterior screen.

I'm on the Verizon network in South Florida.

Lovely Phone


Sep 16, 2009 by SkipTheStorm

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I love this phone. I've had it about 3 days and don't miss my env2 at all!
I love the better camera. I've read a few reviews that say you can't take a good picture using just the front screen, but you can. I do it all the time, its just a matter of keeping in mind that your going to get more than just what that front screen shows you.
The set up of the keyboard is a bit different from the env2, and I find the space bar to be in a bad spot, but after having the phone for a few days I've gotten used to it.
The new features are awesome. I love that I can block calls from numbers I don't know, same for text messages. I also love how the music plays even though you've gotten and are replying to a text message. The one drawback with the music is I haven't found a quick way to end it.
All the arrow keys on the front of the phone is an additional bonus, as is the slightly larger screen and the ability to do more than just read messages you have and create new ones.

Great improvement for a Great phone!


Aug 7, 2009 by misnomer58

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I am Long-time user of LG cellphones. Upgraded from enV to enV3 about a week ago. Very easy to upload pictures/videos and contact information form vzw.com. Great improvements: happy to have the stop-watch feature back, nice internal programmable "My Short-cuts" feature, good improvement on being able to edit pictures and size of contact picture ID. Nice of LG to have the ICE keys standard on all their cellphones now.

Nice re-design of external display. Would much rather be able to program the short-cut keys. Big disappointment with the limitation set on the size of contact groups to 10, I ha ve more the 10 people in my immediate family, way more than 10 clients and colleagues. And last, it would be nice to be able to download sounds/alert from other model phones. Only liked one of the standard options, Thank God I was able to go to myxser.com to get a few more. Over all, I am very happy with the phone and have always been happy with Verizon Wireless service

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