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Samsung Moment


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From Touch pro to Sammy Moment


Aug 19, 2010 by GeeoCgerrio

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Sprint replaced my old & dated touch pro with a moment and I love this phone its so awesome mine has android 2.1 I'm a first user to android so I'm learning but the marketplace is stellar so many cool apps i wont ever switch to another Os again I'm a permanent android fan-boy

AMOLED screen

Needs an SD card to use camera and save stuff
Kinda Bulky
Scared I'll drop it and shatter the screen

Great...if you don't need a phone


Jun 2, 2010 by DiVaughn

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I've owned the Samsung Moment for a week. It's great for playing music, although Pandora gets lots of interference when the phone is communicating with the network...which is frequently even if you're not using it for anything else. It is a smartphone after all, and is "always on". I didn't care for the alarm clock that came installed on this phone...you can't assign an MP3 ringtone to the alarm, and the preset ringtones are obnoxious! The good news is the Android Market is chock-full of good things for this phone, and I really did enjoy adding things to the phone. Facebook Touch came with the phone, but when I tried to access my Facebook phonebook I either could not get my finger on the right phone number, or when I did, I got a message that Facebook wasn't communicating. I could not find a way to organize the phone's contacts into groups, and the only way to assign different ringers to a group was to do so contact by contact. Since I have over 100 contacts, and I'd like distinctive ringers for certain groups, this is a big problem. I also had an issue with the voice dialing software. I was unable to voice dial my husband because highway noise interfered with the speech recognition. At first I liked the dialer's proximity sensor, but today it failed to work as designed, hanging up my conversation TWICE! Sprint Navigation works very slowly on the phone, no differently from the Samsung m520 I gave up to get the Moment. I was informed there was an upgrade available for the Navigation software, but couldn't install it because there wasn't enough room on my phone! I did update the Yellow Pages app to access the voice search, but then got a message that there was no voice client available. In other words, as long as I wasn't using the Moment to make calls I really enjoyed the device. But since what I actually am looking for is a phone, and not a palm-sized computer/organizer/game system/weather station/MP3 player/alarm clock/tv I'll pass.

2.1 finally! Even though it is a beta version...


May 14, 2010 by Extol36

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Before the 2.1 update (go to sprint.com/downloads to get it) I liked this phone, but it had many misses. Now, I adore it! Better battery life, better signal, speech to text, Google Maps navigation, the list goes on and on. Want a good Android phone but don't want to shell out $300 for the EVO, get this device!



Mar 5, 2010 by ExploderBlade

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I would like to consider myself not giving something 5 stars unless I personally believe It would deserve it. This device has met, and exceeded, every expectation I have. So, let me make this simple:

-800MHz processor....it is very fast....
-Capacitive touchscreen
-Android 1.5, upgradable to 2.0 here soon.
-Umm...Android period makes this almost worth the effort.
-Full Keyboard, though the virtual one isn't bad at all.
-3.5mm Headphone jack. Make media much easier.
-The 3.2 MP camera and the flash are great.
-Optical trackpad, is kinda redundant for a touchscreen device, but good for navigating smaller links on webpages.
-Some hate the blotware Sprint puts on there smartphones, but I actually like and use the Navigation and TV (rarely the latter, but it's there), and in season I use NFL mobile to keep up with my team.
-Reception = excellent.

-It's a large device, so finding a case for it is on the very difficult side, and putting it into your pocket is almost not an option.
-The spacebar on the physical keyboard is kinda of inefficient, but you get used to it after a couple of hours of texting.
-SD Card is blocked by the battery. Minor complaint, but it is what it is.

All in all, after owning a Palm Centro and an HTC Touch Pro, this is above all the best device I have ever owned. My wife even has/had a BlackBerry 8310 and Palm Pre, this is still the best.

Amazing phone!


Feb 22, 2010 by michellekriston

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This phone is amazing.. it has so much stuff you can do and apps to download! The display is bright and crisp and the browser is soo fast..

Pros: display, speed of processor, slide out keyboard, size of screen and much more

Cons: battery life isn't the greatest but what can you expect w an android phone?



Jan 21, 2010 by KeepNTouch

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I found the HERO intoxicating and went through withdrawal once I turned it in due to battery life. The Samsung MOMENT was recommended and after a bit of research I decided to give it a try. After four days, I'm hooked.

KEYBOARD (it has one)
VOICE COMMAND (dedicated raised button)
CALL QUALITY (excellent)
PROCESSOR SPEED (noticeably faster)

You should expect to recharge by the end of your day. Or keep a spare battery charged.

I received 10 hours of use with a few phone calls, texts, emails, downloading music, streaming music and Bluetooth use, 9 of those hours were in a very weak signal area. The downloads were done in a good signal area.

Great phone


Jan 16, 2010 by michaelt1977

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Android And Sprint Speed The Best

couldn't be happier!


Jan 10, 2010 by Belial

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this phone has turned out to be a great choice for me. I was torn between this and the hero for about a month. im glad I chose the moment after having it for a few weeks.
greeat screen, keyboard is nice. only complaints I have is sometimes the phone is laggy when multitasking, but I noticed the same prob with the hero. not sure if its the battery itself or the meter is buggy like im hearing. guess we will see when an update comes along.

All I Ever Needed!


Dec 20, 2009 by chickie

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If being "plugged in" to the net and having constant access to your cloud servers is important to you, then the Samsung Moment is perfect!

There is very little this phone cannot do (keeping in mind the security of the OS).

If you use this phone like a phone, then you'll have excellent battery life.

If you use this phone like a micro laptop, then you'll have to keep your charger nearby.

There are wonderful and free apps that assist in "on-demand" data synch etc. However, without minding your data, you will find the battery will not last long. Would you expect your laptop to run 12-24 hours on its battery alone? Be reasonable with your expectations of this droid.

Google and Samsung have done a wonderful job creating this masterpiece of a phone.

I am also very impressed with the 1/8" ear piece jack - because it is compatible with my aux input on my car stereo. I stream radio stations of the net and listen to my favorite genres for free - forget about satellite radio!

AJax applications work nicely on this phone as well for IRC and other Instant Messaging outlets, ie: Meebo.

Perhaps, I have not learned the solution, however standard Flash does not seem to be supported from Adobe. Adobe mobile???

The GPS is very app friendly and works with dozens of free applications from Navigation, Digital Compass, Weather Radar to Astronomy and Star Maps.

The camera and camcorder option is impressive at 3.2 mp and auto-focus. There are apps to enhance these features as well!

Overall, once again very impressed overall by Samsung and their technology.



Dec 15, 2009 by Crocodile

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As a GIS Administrator and career technology implementer, the Samsung Moment fulfills its mission clearly, succinctly and easily.

After comparing the HTC Hero, HTC Touch Pro 2, Samsung Intrepid and Blackberry 9630, I chose the Moment because it was the easiest to pick up and use quickly, provided solid audio call quality and gave just enough tactile feedback off the touch screen to be comfortable. Also, it was available at Best Buy for $99 (sale) and I used Reward Zone points. Perhaps I'd have gotten the HTC Touch Pro 2 if it had been available, and on sale at Best Buy, but was only available via the Sprint Store for $349 (across the parking lot from Best Buy.)

My initial impression (at home) was one of frustration. I came from a Sanyo MM-7400 circa 2005, so I was not only out of contract for 3 years, but also had an obsolete handset.

Once I spent some time with the Moment AND read the manual, I found this handset to be quite effective and accomplished tasks very easily.

I wanted a way to save my Contacts, which I was able to do via the GMail sync function, both up and down.

The camera is very good, capturing good solid images without the flash - which can blitz out the subject if too close.

The Sprint Navigation works quite well, albeit a bit slow, but then that's what I do for a living.

I quickly got comfortable with the pattern recognizing security pattern vs. a numeric code.

Once I trained the battery, I am able to go a least 48 hours on a single charge.

Although this is my first "smart phone", the Moment does all I ask of it right now. I have not taken advantage of any of the Android Applications, but we will eventually create an Android application to access our GIS for in-house employees.

I am very surprised that Sprint is not "pushing" this phone more because it is really a very fine handset. Also, the Best Buy salesperson had seen a tremendous uptick in Moment purchases and had even received some HTC Hero returns. 'Nuf said.

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