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Samsung Mythic A897


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Samsung mythic


Nov 10, 2009 by aaronhahn

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I am a agent with ATT mobility, My outlook on the phone is overall good! Great replacement to the eternity which was a good phone and didnt have too many downsides.

-Haptic feedback "touch vibration makes you feel like your pushing buttons"
-Accelerometer "turn it sideways and qwerty keyboard shows"
-3.2MP camera with video recording
-stereo blue tooth
-3 home screens that are customizable with photos and widgets
-when you open the menu setup it's ALOT like the iphone, scroll left or right to reach your downloaded apps
-Comes with 3.5 mm headphone jack
-in box has usb data cable
-charger moved to mini usb port!
-push email capability "pop3 no corporate email"
-Phone just looks sleek and feels solid

-only bad thing is the price and it isn't even really that bad. which is 200 after the rebate



Sep 11, 2012 by brandencarroll

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I made an account just so I could warm people about how bad this phone is...
Pros: 3.5mm headphone jack
It's going back in 3 days..
Cons: YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE SCREENSAVER PICS!! That means you will have a pretty butterfly at times whether you like it or not! This is not fixable I researched it.
Call quality is horrible, battery life is (very seriously) a joke.. I charged it full and it ran out after maybe 10 minutes of looking at the menu and 4 hours idle, DEAD. Touch screen makes me want to cry and smash it with a hammer, the feedback helps a little but not much. If you're used to an iPhone or any decent smart phone this will make you cry. Very laggy and slow. Screen feels cheap.

I bought this phone after comparing many other phones in it's price range and this one looked the best on paper. I have never ever used a phone that gave me a worse experience. I thought my blackberry curve was a headache, it's a god send compared to this phone. This phone wasn't bearable, the last thing I wanted to do was get another phone but I could not imagine using this phone for any longer than needed for my other phone to arrive. This phone is frustration in a box. Each text is received individually so you can't view conversations like you would on a smart phone. I didn't list it as a con because I didn't know if that feature was exclusive to just smart phones. the .5 was because of the 3.5mm headphone jack.



Jul 21, 2012 by outlw205

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My wife and I have had this phone for almost a year and mine took a dump first. Then her's followed this week. I had to go out and get a go phone just to be able to use a phone. I would not recommend this phone to anyone. I started to freeze up from time to time and got worse from their. DONT GET THIS PHONE it is crap

Bad Touchscreen


Jun 21, 2011 by verozarc

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I have never posted a review of anything in my life. I feel compelled to write one now because I am so fed up with this phone. Both me and my wife have this phone and have the same problem: the touchscreen works about 2/3 of the time. When it doesn't forget using any of the features. The problems with the touchscreen range as follows:

-somethime its just completely unresponsive
-certain buttons will be unresponsive leading you to accidently activate other functions that you never intended. Half of my icons are up by accident and now refuse to go away.
-buttons will be mislocated Ie. to hit something you have to aim a half an inch up and to the right
-its not very smart in separating when you want to drag somthing or flip a page.

The other functions seem to work ok but it doesn't matter when the frmaework they reside is so poor. I strongly recommend not getting this phone.

great QK


Apr 13, 2011 by asiantech314

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its OK but it jams allot and sometimes stop working, but all in all it a good phone



Aug 6, 2010 by thatshagmagic

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Where to begin...I got this phone about three months ago, and for the first month, i thought it was the best thing since sliced bread; however, it was at this point that I started noticing glitches and problems. The reception is very spotty...I may live in northern Mississippi(a.k.a. the country) but my mothers blackberry and fathers iphone have excellent reception and call quality, which leads me to believe its the phone. Also, the internet is painfully slow, and the phones general sluggishness is enough to make a grown man cry. The supposed "app store" is a complete joke. All the so called apps are ten dollar subscriptions that no average human has a use for, and you can throw the idea of any free apps out the window. Please, even if you have this phone and think you like it, trade it in now, its for your own good.

I love this phone


Apr 25, 2010 by sonnysgr

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I just got this phone just over a week a go and love it...its easy to work and I am learning it very easy...only thing is it doesn't support earthlink with ATT I would have to pay an extra $5 a month...not sure its worth it I don't check my email tha much when I'm away from my home pc when I'm out and having fun I don't want to have to check email....I am retired so I am home pretty much to check it...if some one wants to tell me something they can call or text me....other wise I love the phone and so far I don't have any trouble with battery life.

The one think that I didn't like is that the maunel is on CD form and not a book...When I talked to Samsung they said they are doing a survey on who would prefer a book over CD and they will notify me with results.....

Mythic features work well!


Apr 14, 2010 by wayne1000

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Having received my Mythic a week ago and doing some in depth research on the internet I have been able to customize it to my liking. My main menu screens now have only the apps I want on them and none of the junk ATT had as a default, i.e, Yellowpages, WikiMobile, etc that you had to pay for. YES, I wish I could create new widgets but for a non-smartphone it does all i want it to. Using Opera Mini5 is very easy and I even have mobile gmaps working without using ATT Navigator and paying extra!

getting on my nerves


Mar 31, 2010 by tammi725

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I recieved this "upgrade" as a Valentines day gift, from my wonderful fiance..i was totally overjoyed with the upgrade.. however, now the honeymoon is over..this phone gets on my freaking nerves...
*cute and stylish
*plenty of gadgets
*the sound quality is okay

*whenever i listen to my music it is continuously interrupted by the phone rebooting itself...a message pops up that the time is being updated..with all this new technology AT&T has not found a way for the phone to automatically update without interrupting the user...once the reboots stop i cant use any of my functions on the phone for about 2mns..

*widgets pop up on the screen that i have not selected...very annoying..

*if i could exchange this for my old Blackjack that my fiance gave me last year i would have kept it; if i knew that i would have to go thru this...whats the point of having the new "Hotness" if its malfunctioning...not so Hot!!!!..but my fiance did buy me this phone out of love, and because i did ask for it..and because of that reason alone..i love this phone...

a wannabe that falls short


Mar 26, 2010 by soullchildannie

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i hate this phone. its trying to be an iphone but falling short and just ends up being a wannabe with poor engineering.

-it has a cool factor that it is touch screen.
-rarely do you accidently call anyone bc the safety lock works well
-has 3 desktop screens
-world clock is nice
-converter is great
-tip chart is handy
-flash on camera
-widgets are cool to have
-you can use standard earplugs-(but that means you have to unplug them to answer incoming calls)

-screenscratches easily and finger marks are annoying
-glare in the sun you can't see screen
-you have to buy the cable to connect to you computer seperatly $30
-there is no mic to use when you want to switch from listening to music to accept an incoming call, if you use the bluetooth earphones they have- cost $100.
-there are too many clicks to get to the functions needed.
-during a conversation you can not go to menue or address book
-touchscreen:easily touch the wrong letters in text or hit the wrong function such as internet.
-ringtones can only be certain kilobites or under about 20 seconds which limit your choices.
-address book list are by last names
-contacts can only have pic if saved to phone
-can't save text messages, you can only lock them which you can still accidentally delete.
-inbox for texting gets full quick.
-texting: doesnt show if you replied to the text.
-doesnt tell you if you will go over the text amount into sending more then 1 text message to a person.
-if your phone is dead, the alarm is dead too
-doesnt have automatic daylight savings, you have to turn the phone off then back on to reset
-can't zoom on camera at all
-it has a screen saver that you can not change of the phones own set pictures.

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