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LG Lotus Elite / Mystique


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Good phone with surprisingly quality build.


Jan 15, 2010 by casualsuede

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Yes, it's not a smart phone, so all those idiots who exist to point out the obvious (Man what's the point of this dumb phone?), I suggest you go and argue in the smart phone arena.

There are still many people who don't want a smart phone and the data plans that entails. this is my take on the phone.

1. The phone is extremely well built. It has a feel of quality. The build is very tight and it looks sophisticated.

2. The phone is girly red, but it will be coming in black next month I've been told.

3. The touch screen is great and works with swipes and not just presses. However, the touch screen is limited.

4. I like Sprint's one click UI.

5. The camera is frustrating to use, since it swivels and you need to use the touch screen to snap pics. The squarish shape makes it hard to use from the outside.

6. The screens are fantastic and wide.

7. Not a fan of the browser, but it works very fast with Opera. In fact I love Opera on this phone.

8. The reception is excellent, but the talk/standby time is lacking.

9. Not a fan of the flowers, but there are many women that are.

10. I like the three hard keys for one touch text, email and social network link. The less presses to get to the things I want the better.

Very nice and basic phone


Jul 29, 2012 by cdaley

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I have had my Lg Mystique for a little over 2 years now. It has lasted a long time and I have had little to no problems with it. This phone is very compact and durable. I enjoy the QWERTY keyboard although the buttons are fairly small, and they keys are loud when you are typing. The camera is decent (2 MP) and has fun effects to use! The touch screen is a nice quality, however if it breaks it's not a problem seeing as all the functions can be performed without the touch screen like taking pictures, etc. Another feature I enjoyed was the chat text messages. Overall, this is a great phone and I recommend it to anybody who is an avid texter!

Why Get A Smart Phone


Sep 13, 2010 by ThrustinJ

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After owning the original Lotus for 2 years, I was planning on spending the money and getting an Android-based phone and coughing up the money. But after some serious thinking, I couldn't force myself to do it.

I love the new touch screen on the front. It's not as responsive as an iPod/iPhone, but it's not for typing. It serves it's purpose for speed dial calling (auto uses the speaker phone, great for driving) and checking messages. I turned half the pages available for the front screen, keeping Speed Dial, Messages and Photos.

The keyboard is slightly less bumpy and took me a little bit to get used to. I can still type fast and with the newer hardware, I don't have any issues with the keyboard not picking up double letters in words. I have had an issue with holding down the shift key for multiple capital letters and getting a huge string of the same letter I only meant to type once. Using the caps lock is the other option.

The calendar now has two features: a phone calendar and one synced from a service. I'm using Google. It works fantastic, but doesn't support multiple calendars with the same user ID. A plus, but also a minus.

The camera seems to be a little slower taking pictures from the time you press the onscreen button. It's about twice as long as pressing the side button. There is also no way to email/send a picture with the phone closed.

The Facebook and Twitter "apps" are a nice touch, but they are limited. Facebook doesn't see comments or likes. Twitter won't see user lists. I also can't seem to change the font sizes. Very small.

This phone does allow more access to local memory (or at least the SD card). Using the mobile Opera 5 browser, I can upload pictures to Flickr using their online form. You can't see a preview of the pictures, just their file name, which can be confusing if you have a lot of pictures. You can quickly see the name in the photo browser. I just like having the option. I'm not sure if it will allow other access to local memory.

Best LG Phone ever


Mar 19, 2010 by jasjr1957

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I just received my phone on Monday. So far it is a lot better that my iphone

1. battery life is better than the I phone
2. Texting is easier and faster
3. re-treaving voicemail is a breeze
4. camera is good even though is swivels
5. I live in las vegas and the signal strength is much better than At&t.
6. sound quality much better than the i phone
7. the touch screen on the front is very user friendly

Cons. there are none

I think that Sprint and LG did a great job on this phone with signal strenght, phone quality and the best reception on a phone I have had in a long time

Gave up HTC Hero for this and not sorry!!!


Mar 15, 2010 by ELF090109

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When I first started up with Sprint, I initially started with the Palm Pre. After my Palm completely crashing on me and erasing everything of importance I jumped to the HTC Hero. Good phone, but I just felt like it was more of a teenagers phone that needed all those extra gadgets, thats when I made the jump to my new Lotus Elite! I LOVE IT. Charged the battery afternoon when I came home, and all night, and took it off charge this morning at 7am, and now at 8pm, I am only down one bar with no charges throughout the day.

I initially wanted wanted the black one, since in my experience black phones always seem to have brighter keyboards. However, the store I purchased my phone at only had the red phones. Which did not matter to me, I was just wanting to get my lotus elite!

So far this phone has been a phenomenal phone! Unlike with the original lotus (another good phone) you don't have to search for your music when you put your memory card in, it automatically goes to your playlist. Here are my pros and cons;


= Very durable feeling, I feel like I could put this phone through the washer and it would still work perfectly.
= Big screens, very easy to see
= Even for red the keyboard is bright, plus being a girl, the lights make the red one look very girly, and cute.
= good call quality, I have had a very good signal with this phone
= excellent battery life
= memory expandable up to 32gb
= blazing fast internet
= qwerty keypad easy to use
= loud ringers

= browser HTML sometimes does not load
= speaker phone doesn't appear to be as loud as the original lotus
= keypad more flat-surfaced than original lots, I like the raised buttons a little more
= phone ringer not as loud if you leave it laying open as it is when it's closed.
= touch screen leaves alot to be desired, not as responsive as some touchscreens, but if you're looking for a high end touch screen the lotus may not be for you too begin with.

Overall would definitely recommend!!

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