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HD2 with Android is awesome!!!


Nov 1, 2010 by cbradley26

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I have had my HD2 for about 6 months. At first I was running windows mobile 6.5 stock and I hated the phone. I am now running Android 2.2 (Froyo) and it is by far the best phone that I have ever owned.

CONS: No front camera(that's all)



Aug 8, 2010 by deepc

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I've had my HD2 for a couple of weeks and I've been very impressed overall.

- Very fast 1 ghz processor
- Great screen size and display
- Plenty of apps

- I wish it had android instead of winmo

So, I found a site(XDA developers) that actually allowed me to download Android and run it on the phone and..it's still a bit buggy and I've become too used to windows mobile now. The only thing that I'm envious of is the capability to scan a barcode for apps and then download them but I've actually found a couple barcode scanners on the windows omarket site that allow you to scan products and find the best prices.

Overall, I'm very satisifed with the HD2 and with the assistance of a couple of apps(one in particular called Co0kie that allows you customize the screens in a much better fashion that Sense does) I'm very content.

Once android is fully functional, I'll probably run dual boot(also available via xda developers) so I can take advantage of both systems.

By the way, this phone is selling at deep discount now so it's agood time to take advantage of the deals.

Take it from an I.T. guy


Jun 15, 2010 by AXHEJAZ

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Pros= super fast, excellent features, highly customizable with third party freeware, and just a well built high quality phone with a huge screen.

cons= need to be windows mobile experienced, hd2 is more for advanced users rather than for someone who just wants the newest, biggest, and best phone. hd2 is truly a marvel in making, from an I.T. perspective, the phone is amazing, you basically have a computer in the palm of your hands literally, but again users need to be windows experienced and specifically windows mobile experienced in order to truly enjoy the full potential of the hd2

I love the hd2!

HDelivers 2 the max


Apr 6, 2010 by PhoneG0D

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I have had the HD2 since T-Mobile's release date. The first thing I noticed was the transformers icon with the movies embedded in folder lol, then immediately I noticed what a job htc has done in hiding and modifying windows mobile, it is a more compact and user friendly os now. WM 6.5 works very smoothly being this baby has the snapdragon 1 GHZ processor. Windows mobile used to be the laughing stock of the smart phone world, oh how that has changed. I never thought I would see a true iPhone killer.

Great Screen
Camera 5MP with nice lense
Touch screen works wonders
Keyboard delivers
No stutter or lag, Very responsive
16 GB microSD card included

No physical keyboard, but this is the way of the future
Battery is pretty good, but still this is a smartphone so it will drain fast
Wifi lacks signal strength, but still one of the best I have ever tested in this category

Amazing phone


Mar 25, 2010 by Slash8915

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I was able to get this phone 2 days before release, and I have to say, this thing is amazing. I had the touch pro 2 before this, and i loved that phone. Anyone who wants the top of the line, here it is.

HUGE beautiful screen
5mp camera
tons of free apps, you just need to look for them.
windows mobile(debatable, but i like it)

no physical keyboard
battery life is so-so

Good phone, but need to remove HTC Sence


Jul 25, 2010 by Vosberg1

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HTC has been a manufacture that i have used for about 7 years now, and, when i got the HD2, i admit, i was having good hopes with this device. The different things that you can do with WinMo, it is pretty awesome. Here is what i feel of the HD2....

- Data is quick and reliable. I use it to tether, and to do a fair amount of internet usage. Use the Opera Browser.
- Camera is good.
- The screen does not shadow out in sun.
- Bluetooth setup is easier then on older units.

- HTC Sence. This plug in i disabled almost right away, it caused the phone to freeze, and to lock up. Also, it errored the Slide to lock (which i don't use as much, so it was not a headache there.
- If the screen gets above "normal" temp, when taking a video, the .MPEG4 file will be corrupt. Shows a green screen during playback. Has sound in that file, just no picture.

The most versitle phone out there


Oct 19, 2012 by The_Cappii

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Let's be frank here, phones have now long surpassed this phone's capability on any platform, but no phone has ever, nor will ever match the HD2 for it's versatility. It runs Windows 6.5 out of the box, and does a very nice job doing so. It is probably the best WinMo 6.5 phone ever made. But, with some clever hacking by the ladies and gents over at XDA, it also runs Windows Phone 7 and 7.5, and better than most phones do that come with it natively. However, it also runs Android. Many, many flavors of Android. And it runs it very well. Not until dual-core processors became the rage did anything even come close to what this phone could do on 2.3.7 with Cyanogenmod. Click for click on Wi-Fi, it easily outpaces a Droid Thunderbolt.

- Very large, responsive screen
- Great Camera
- LOTS and LOTS of public support on XDA.
- Extremely Versatile
- FAST!!!
- Feels good in your hands
- Above average battery life, especially on WinMo
- Screen quality was way ahead of it's time

- Original factory touch was flaky. Replacement touches improve this phone vastly.
- They've gotten to be very expensive again :D

Overall, If you can get your hands on this phone, and can take it to someone who KNOWS (not just thinks they know) how to flash it to Android..... GET IT!

Still the best phone out there


Aug 30, 2011 by thehumble1

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There is only one reason this phone is anything other than an "also-ran", that's because it sucked as a Windows Mobile phone, got cheap, and people on XDA picked it up as if a lost sheep. What HTC and their Senseless UI design couldn't do, XDA did with aplomb. For almost 2 years it's been the baddest phone out there, and has gone from super cheap (near $100 used) back to astronomical prices ($450 on Craigslist for a 2 year old phone). The devs have this thing running pretty much any OS (Windows 6.5, Windows 7, Linux, Android, Ubuntu . . .) and while it's not perfect for all of them, it excels at Android.

So instead of buying a $600 new phone that has a useless UI laid over Android and never is updated (hear that Samsung?), you get a phone that was updated 2-3 times per DAY... yeah, 2-3 different new builds per DAY. Even if you don't want to run bleeding edge stuff, you get to run the latest Android with full features and unlike other phones, it's fully rooted so no one can tell you to not hotspot or tether or install Netflix or whatever you want.

It could have a bigger battery. It could have a front-facing camera, it could have an easier to replace screen, but it's still the best phone you can buy if you want Android without the HUGE price tag that comes with subsidized phones.

HD2 w/ Android, Best Phone Ive Ever Owned


Mar 15, 2011 by 2nd king

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Simply amazing... Only con is I seem to loose my signal when the phone sits idle for a long time. No biggie!

The Facts about this phone


Jan 20, 2011 by minh628

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I totally agree with cbradley26, this phone with the stock ROM is horrible and slow and low memory, but I flashed it and installed the new ROM from MDJ FroYo Revolution v2.3 from http://android.hd2roms.com/ it's totally super fast and the internal memory is much more room.

The only thing this phone is missing is the camera in the front to access the 4G network, oh well. LOVE IT!!!

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