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Huawei Comet


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5 star phone for the price


Apr 20, 2011 by ariveradse

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I have had this phone for about a week and switching from a rooted g1 it can be considered a lateral move. but given what you get with this phone for the price i have to give it a 5/5.

android 2.0
limited carrier interference from carrier(as always from tmobile androids)
decent camera
great call quality
awesome speaker
light weight
decent battery life

processor is a bit slow
can lag sometimes
small screen
resolution is a bit low (but considering the small size of the phone isn't too big a deal)
texting takes getting used to (they include swype to ease texting take advantage of this)

as with most android phones that aren't newer generation htc android phones i was not too impressed with the phone screen lay out. this was easily remedied with the purchase of beautiful widgets and adwlauncher ex. these two apps helped me give my phone that htc look that people love to have without having to shell out tons of money for an htc device. i should further explain that i was not eligible for upgrade and my g1 was shot so i had to purchase this phones on ebay for about $120 new in the box. which is far cheaper than $350+ for an htc device. i saw that you can actually get this phone for free with a two year contract. taking everything into consideration i give this phone a 5/5.

Great device


Feb 5, 2011 by knuckleballer34

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If you are on a budget, looking for a reliable backup, or tired of carrying around the re-incarnation of the bag phone cleverly disguised as a smartphone with a 4.3 inch screen, the T-Mobile Comet won't disappoint. However; if your a power user, play with apps 24/7, or have a little bit of cash to spare, i'd suggest looking elsewhere.

1. Excellent call quality. Slight GSM buzz, but the overall quality is top notch.
2. Gets good reception, best reception i've gotten on T-Mobile since the Motorola V195.
3. Good battery life for a smartphone, I typically get 36 hours of moderate/heavy use.
4. Comes pre-loaded with Froyo.
5. The five way D-pad seems unnecessary at first, but it comes in handy when using certain applications (particularly the web browser).
6. It's very portable compared to many other Android offerings.

1. The phone has a slight lag to it. I'd suggest downloading a task killer and a cache manager to counter it. They've worked wonders on my phone.

1. As expected, typing on the 2.8 inch screen wasn't the best experience. It's not a real hindrance, but you can't type any faster than a moderate pace. The Android keyboard is by far the best one to use on this phone(and auto-correct works surprisingly well on it), but you won't be speed typing on this phone.
2. Opera Mini doesn't function very well on this phone.
3. The notification bar at the top of the screen is a bit blurry due to the low screen resolution. Thankfully, I didn't find the screen resolution to be a problem at any other point.

Regardless of the phone's low price, the Comet is a good all around phone for light to moderate users. It gets the basics right (call quality, etc), and offers many of Android's amenities. If your looking into the phone and don't have high end needs, i'd recommend it.

T-mobile Comet


Nov 8, 2010 by creative69.1

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I love this phone it comes with a 2.2 os and the phone comes preload real nice.The feature that got me, is it comes with a wifi tether or the phone calls it portable wifi hotspot.

Pros : 3mm headjack
wifi hotspot
2.2 os

cons : small phone
video resolution poor

Overall phone is great

Sweet looking Android


Nov 8, 2010 by narn3049

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This phone is amazing. It has a touchscreen, wifi, camera, and Android Marketplace, those are the best features in my opinion. You can also do FB from it. I would get this phone if you want it

horrible hate it!!


Dec 28, 2011 by g2xandroid2.3

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this phone was my first smartphone and it sucked!! It froze all the time and the battery life was horrible not to mention the screen size and resolution I see why I got this phone for free :(

Good little phone


May 16, 2011 by tgc1980

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After having numerous problems with my BlackBerry from a different carrier (the one in Yellow and Black), I decided to get a Comet on the side. While it's a "lower" Android, it works excellently.

Battery life.
No predictive text like other Androids.
Doesn't insert apostrophes automatically, like other smartphones.

Everything else.

I spent $180 on mine (it's technically Prepaid), but works better than my postpaid BlackBerry by far. In due time, I want to get a 4G phone like the mytouch 4G or G2, or something; but for now, this will do.



Mar 17, 2011 by stronggirly

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WOW.... i got this phone first week it was good. After that the screen started freezin up, and the camera sucks.. booo.. and the OS android really really sucks on it.. there was a delay in switching of the screen and delay when i went to go hit a icon to go do s omething. I had TMOBILE send me a new one since it was under warrenty and the second one they sent me was WORST then the first one. I wouldnt wish this phone on my worst enemy.
ok maybe i would, just cause im mean.. LOL

Good hardware, bad Android OS


Dec 14, 2010 by Globhead

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Google's Android is not a good system, and T-Mobile's hacks don't help any.

You can't save email attachments.

It includes no easy way to access or switch between running applications.

It closes applications you want to leave running (no way to disable this "feature"), and automatically starts unnecessary programs which can't be removed. (eg, Telenav, which requires payment, starts automatically and can't be removed even though Google's GPS navigation is free.)

It has no file browser.

The ringtone and alarm settings won't find downloaded ringers unless you place them in a properly-named folder, which does not exist by default.

You can't control application permissions. With applications on a Nokia or Sony which use Java, you can decide whether to allow things like SD card or network access. On this Android phone (not sure if it is just this phone or all Androids), you can't stop an application from accessing your data. You have to let it do absolutely anything it wants.

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