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HTC myTouch 4G


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T Mobile My Touch


Apr 21, 2011 by cash81082

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I own both the Motorola Cliq 2 and the My Touch 4G. I will tell you both are great phones but there is a noticeable difference between the two, The My Touch has a faster Internet connection and I notice I do not roam as much as i do with my Cliq 2. Tmobile and HTC have out done their selves. This phone provides on the go functionality for even the novice user. I came over from the Blackberry world and I tell you it is the best switch you can make. As a Paramedic the applications I use make it a mobile reference and has helped make some good medical decisions to have the info at my finger tips. The My Touch is over all a great phone and I would recommend it to everyone and for the Price in this authors opinion it is worth every pennny.



Feb 12, 2011 by Austiniter

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I formerly had the iPhone 3GS on AT&T and switched over to T-Mobile and purchased the HTC MyTouch 4G. The MyTouch 4G Android runs laps around the Apple iPhone. So much faster, the app's are so more unique and plentiful and best of all NO DROPPED CALLS!

Anyone thinking about the MyTouch 4G and T-Mobile's Network should really do switch over and begin using the MyTouch 4G.

Waited a very long time to buy a phone until this came out.


Nov 4, 2010 by M I K E

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I came from a BlackBerry Pearl and Tour and a Motorola Cliq, bought them all used and I have been waiting for a really awesome phone to come out and after reading up on and watching numerous videos of the myTouch 4G I decided to buy one on the day it launched.

- battery life is decent-good (I'm a very heavy user)
- great hefty weight feel, feels durable and quality, not cheap
- voice-to-text, email, gps, is very convenient and accurate
- very fast and responsive phone
- camera on front and back w/ flash
- camera and video quality are superb (HD)
- GPS is actual voiced turn by turn and very much like a garmin
- has android 2.2 and 2nd gen. snapdragon processor
- highly customizable
- video chat works great, VC in wifi and 4g as well but not in 3g, some minors issues but nothing bad
- LED notification (different colors)
- HSPA+ (T-Mobile's "4G")
- wifi calling and phone doubles as a hotspot (wifi spot for others phones or computers around you)
- flash enabled and pinch-to-zoom
- 5 pages expandable to 7
- comes with a program called doubletwist that allows you to easily sync media up to the phone/SD card, even with iTunes

- since the speaker is on the right side of the back it seems like most of the sounds are coming from that side of the phone
- still having trouble syncing facebook pictures with contact pictures
- metal back piece doesn't exactly match the camera trim piece color
- it does have conversational/threaded messaging but I wished it was more like the iphone style
- during video chat, sometimes the sound quality can be low
- quality of screen is LCD and great, but not as great as the Vibrant which has a LED screen

I highyl recommend this phone, I'm loving it and it is doing everything that I want it to do and more, I'm a very satisfied user.

MT4G - Better than the rest!


Apr 19, 2011 by BigIrish

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Ok, so starting disclaimer: I used to be a wireless salesman with multiple companies, and I am no longer affiliated with, or compensated by, any wireless companies.

I left Sprint with a rooted/ROM'd Evo for this phone/carrier. Never been happier! I'm a smartphone maniac, and I've used my fair share of them. iPhones, Evo, Galaxy S series, Palm WebOS Devices, Palm Treos, etc. The MT4G is BY FAR, the smoothest, most user-friendly, powerful phone I've had the pleasure to own.

So here's my review :

**Design/Materials Used - Love the metal in the body, feels really solid in the hand. I went with the black model, I thought it looked the best of all 4 colors.
**Network speed - SOLID 4G in and around my area (Port St Lucie, FL) makes this phone fly.
**Android 2.2 - Nice to have flash again, but I rooted it the first week so that wasn't a huge deal.
**Battery Life - I don't realize what the big hubbub is about, I get a full day of use out of my phone, even before rooting! I take it off the charger @ 8am and put it back on when I go to bed around midnight. Better battery than my Evo had!
**Call Quality - Fantastic quality coming out of the speaker, haven't dropped a call yet!
**Processor - No lag, not stuttering. Smooth as silk! The only time I even see a fraction of lag is if I reboot, there's about a second and a half of delay before the screen responds. Not a deal-breaker for me.
**I could go on and on, but I don't have that much time on my lunch break!


If you're on the fence about this phone, jump down and try it! You won't regret it!!

LOVE the hardware - not a fan of Sense


Nov 8, 2010 by Phateless

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Would be a flat 5 if they gave me plain Android like the G2. Almost bought the G2 over this just for that reason, but I wouldn't use the physical keyboard, MT4G has a faster processor, and a front facing camera.

Also really bummed that nobody's figured out how to root this thing yet.

Sturdy/heavy/great build quality
Front-facing camera
Tons of RAM
Quick boot
Super fast!!
Haven't even really explored 4G yet but even on 3G or wifi this thing is blazing fast. I think it's faster than my computer.

Charge port is inconveniently located
Headphone jack doesn't fit some of my adapters (won't go in all the way and only get right channel)
Battery life isn't great
Genius Button bugs me - I use straight google search instead.
Sense irritates the hell out of me! I want plain Android!
NO ROOT! (yet)

Overall this is a fantastic phone. Lots of power and speed and the physical build quality is phenomenal. It's heavy and sturdy and feels solid in the hand.

If there was an option for plain vanilla Android I would be ecstatic. As it is I love the hardware but am thinking about returning it because Sense bugs me so much. Will give it a few more days and see how I feel.

T-mobile gets a MAJOR demerit though for outsourcing their call center. They used to have fantastic customer service and now I can't understand a damn word they say to me. Very frustrating!!!!

Battery Life  
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Still the best


Sep 20, 2012 by vm fan   updated May 5, 2013

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I've owned this phone for over a year now and can honestly say that I like this phone the best out of all the ones that I have gone through in the past 3 years.
I've owned these others at one point or another too:
Nokia E73
Motorola Cliq XT
Nokia Astound
Motorola Defy

Major criteria of mine is able to connect on wi-fi and an over the air FM radio, the latter being the most difficult, finding a phone that has one and getting good enough reception/no interference with earbuds. I had to give up the Motorolas on that they were unusable in the lower end of the spectrum (91 and below) while traveling/commuting (walking and on public bus). Yes, you can connect via daya but it eats up preciousness(even on an unlimited plan) and kicks you back to lower speeds when you need it - why waste it?

I have no real complaints, still working as intended. There's nothing out there right now other than costing an arm and a leg (think: HTC Amaze or One S) I would even consider trying. If something were to happen in the immediate future, I would buy another one and that is saying a lot. How many people would actually repeat the same phone?

HTC Mytouch 4G you are my fave and well deserving, faithful servant.

Carppy Phone


Feb 24, 2012 by dhillsr1

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Give it time, My HTC MyTouch 4g locked up on me. It wont read the sim card at all, TMobile and HTC could not help me at all, they suggest I buy a new phone. So, I switch Brand names. I have read in several forums that their many others who hav experenced the same issue. An again HTC could help them. This is obviously a manufactor defect an they are owning up to it, but there goes that business.

Soon, we'll be reading abt HTC merging or was bought out by some other group.....

A good solid phone


Dec 21, 2011 by rasp57

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I did not want an Android phone but after my last Nokia phone would not hold a signal, I chose a Mytouch G4. This is a good solid phone. The rest of my family has Apple phones so I have a point to compare. The MTG4 display is very good. AT&T reception in Phoenix is still the worst of the worst. Verizon is the best. The ability to use WIFI calling makes problem reception at my house and friends houses a non issue. I knew the battery life was bad before I received the phone but after the 2.3 upgrade, the battery life doubled. The apps I use make android comparable to IOS. Overall, I am very happy with the MyTouch 4G.

MyTouch 4G.


Nov 10, 2011 by CoughenourR

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Overall, this is an awesome phone. It's fast, and hardly freezes. I had this phone for a pretty good amount of time. Over this time, I only had one issue, and that was sending previous messages again. Other than that, perfection.

HTC MyTouch 4G Tmobile


Sep 29, 2011 by klassiko

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Internet data is fast. Battery dies fast if "Sync" mode on is on for long. I usually have it on only when i'm home.
It must be restarted at least once a day.

In general, it's a great phone! Can't complain.

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