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Apple iPhone 4S


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Battery Life
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Interface Speed
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Battery Life
Hardware Usability
Hardware Quality
Interface Speed
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The best phone I have ever owned.


Dec 27, 2012 by walpoleauto

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I usually change up my phones once every few months because I get sick of them quickly. It's safe to say that I have had this phone for over a year and I have absolutely no complaints. With my old phones, the first thing I would do is turn down display brightness and shut off high speed data if I wasn't browsing because I go through battery like crazy. This is the 2nd smart phone that I can say gets me through the day. I am all time in 3g and abuse the hell out of this phone. Battery gets 4 hours talk time with a few hours of browsing in 3g. Use the bluetooth and you will see the battery life get sucked dry. Other than that, it gets reception and never dropped a call (Verizon). I plan to keep this phone for a while. A+++

Almost a year and it still can't be beat.


Jun 8, 2012 by justfinethanku

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I've been using this phone since the day it came out and I am incredibly happy with the quality of every single aspect of this phone.

Apple is due to release the iPhone 5 soon and I can't honestly think of a single thing the 4s needs improvement on. It's a solid and amazing phone.

Camera is amazing, especially for video.
It's thin, light and easy to use.
Battery life is through the roof.
Better reception than the 4.

I have nothing realistic to put here.

iphone 4S


Mar 28, 2012 by AngiMen

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I've had the 4S for about 3 months so I feel ready to give a realistic review.

IT'S GREAT! The camera is much improved with crystal clear quality over the 3S. I love that my iphone for some odd reason, jumped to 4G overnight when I upgraded. A bonus, if you ask me... it has all the bells and whistles you could think of.

The Apple iphone 4S is user friendly; a little more so than the Android. Great apps; about a gazillion free you can download.

Responsive, quick to the touch...sometimes, rarely, you get a freeze, but this has to me with all my touch screen phones I've had...and I've had plenty.

A very cool sleek phone. Highly recommend it.

phone is OK


Mar 10, 2012 by suestank

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I went from the G to this.
I am on ATT in South Florida and have no problems at all with the quality and placing calls. No calls have dropped, not even by the airport.
Everything is done at super fast speeds, i am impressed.
Love Suri,
Picture Quality is the best I have ever seen. So Crisp and clear, clean, beautiful.

Battery life, it really did not change from the original Iphone, I still cannot make it through the day without charging.
I am having a problem with the designation between Icloud, regular email and exchange server, I guess I have to get use to the new features and get with the changing times.

I would highly recommend this phone I

iPhone 4S is a solid phone


Mar 27, 2012 by grozavule

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I have used several different phones over the years: Motorola Q, Blackberry Bold, Samsung Captivate, Motorola Atrix 4G, Motorola Atrix 2, iPhone 3GS, and the iPhone 4S. I've seen the good and the bad of almost every type of phone available.

First, I'll start with the good stuff about the 4S:

1. Very easy-to-use interface. The tweaks in iOS 5 help a lot. I really enjoy the notifications on the lock screen. The camera is also available from the lock screen. The pull-down menu is a nice addition, too.

2. The screen is clear, crisp, and bright. Colors are vivid, making videos and pictures look exceptional.

3. The battery life is everything it should be in a smartphone. I used the phone regularly throughout the day to check email, read news articles, play games, and watch videos. I never had to charge my phone during the day.

Now, the bad stuff...

1. I dislike Apple's folder idea. Each folder only holds 12 icons. The folders show smaller versions of the first four icons stored in them. At that size, some icons start to look a lot alike.

2. Everything has to go through iTunes to get to the phone. It is a lousy program, but it is a necessary evil for anyone who wants to own an iPhone.

3. iPhones don't allow bluetooth, NFC, or WiFi file sharing.

4. iPhones only support a handful of music and video file formats.

5. Siri is only in a beta version. When she works, she's great. It's getting her to work that's the issue. Most times I turn to her to quickly call or text someone, and she tells me the same thing, "Sorry, but I can't take any requests right now."

6. The iPhone doesn't include a turn-by-turn GPS navigation app. You have to buy one through the App Store. Even the mediocre ones cost over $30.

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons. The iPhone is for those who want a phone that excels at the core purposes of a smartphone.

love it


Oct 26, 2011 by malibu3501

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well i have had the iphone 4 for about 5 months just swapped carriers to sprint :) anyways i love this phone!!! i only wish you could customize it a little more for personal preference.. it fast for me & all.. sprint net service however is not the greatest went WAY faster on verizon what i had vefore i swapped.. battery life is good for what i used it for wish it has email push .. over all GREAT phone & for the sprint price plan compaired to Verizon price plan its worht the slower net speed

Good Phone


Dec 13, 2011 by Josephtucs

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A great phone,, I had many different phones in the past years, Blackberry, HTC 's you name it lol ,,, also had both Galaxy Samsung S and 4 .. Great phone's but this is my first IPHONE,, and Love it,,, Screen Resolution Wonderful,, Speed Great,, VZ, Siri function its great even is a Beta.. I do hate the fact I can't upload pics directly from photos or the photo to Facebook.. Come on Everybody use Facebook what happen there Mr. Apple.. :)

I do recommend this phone 150 %



Jun 21, 2012 by crkcallie

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I have a few friends who have the iPhone 4S and I have gotten a chance to tinker with the phones a bit. This phone is great!!! Below is a list of pros and cons of this device.

- quad band (on GSM network)
- call quality and clarity
- capacitive touch screen
- variety of applications available through the Apple iTunes store
- It has SIRI

- no headset jack
- no microSD card slot
- no physical buttons
- battery life

Excellent phone - with lots of improvements


Oct 16, 2011 by sgoldwa

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I went from Android to iPhone 4 on Verizon to now the iPhone 4S, also on Verizon. I could not be happier. There are lots of improvements, and speed is definitely one of them. The lag I felt in the 4 is now completely gone. Call quality is similar to the 4, i.e. on VZW it is GREAT, and I mean way better than any HTC phone I have used. Siri is cool, and I find it very easy t schedule appointments/reminders for myself. Some subtle improvements you may not know about: keyboards shortcuts a la Blackberry. For example, under Settings | General | Keyboards | Shortcuts, you can program hgd to expand to "have a good day" while typing something. This is system-wide. I have been waiting for this feature forever and it makes the lack of a Swype keyboard tolerable for me.

- All the great things about the iPhone 4 (especially on VZW), i.e. call quality, Retina Display, ease of user, superior UI
- Much snappier at everything
- Great camera
- SIRI voice recognition is fun ... and useful!
- Now a world phone! I called VZW up and they had it unlocked for me within 5 minutes so when I go to Spain, I can pop my Spanish SIM card in. As long as you're a customer in good standing, it is a PIECE OF CAKE!
- Battery life seems slightly improved to me, YMMV

- Would love for it to have had 4G but understand the trade-offs and that Apple would not release a phone with 4-hour battery life
- I wish they would have gone from 3.5 to 4" screen
- Not jailbroken yet

They say that going from an iPhone 4 to 4S is not worth it but I disagree. That my SIM card works right now on a foreign network is killer.

Get this phone!

4S for Sprint A+++


Oct 27, 2011 by travveigel

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I have had the EVO 4G, EVO 4G shift, the Hero, and many other Android phone and let me tell you this phone is great. I waited to write a review so I could really try the phone and I love it!! I have not had to reset it like my droids, I don't have the lag on the phone like my droid, and don't have to take apps off my phone like my droid to correct problems.
Ok if the phone is slow on the Sprint 3G that is Sprint not the phone because when I am on wifi it is super fast. I used a phone first off to make calls and this thing does just that in every place I have been to with it.
Siri is not perfect but works great. We humans that have faults built it so give the program a break.

Great battery life, great screen, clear calls, super fast texting to other iphone, facetime is great.
The Sprint network is slow!

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